Why are brits such fucking pussies?
Why are brits such fucking pussies?
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Fix my plumbing pls
Because our news is controlled by the government and everyone here is cucked hard.
That sentence structure makes me feel uneasy.
>travel to foreign nation
>eat at chain restaurant
Flag test
>browsing reddit
there's your problem
>one person represents a nation of 65 million people
Wtf I hate armed security now
how can a "man" react like that lmao
British soldiers are some of the bravest out there
Let me take a picture of this stranger so everyone else knows what a pussy I am.
Half that island is faggy. There must be something in the water that makes men want to bugger each other.
It's because they're british
>this reddit user preps not the bull but the entire herd.
idk about him but i feel fucking safe af
the average brit would knock the fuck out of a yank in a fight, why all the best boxers are from here
have you ever even been in a fight in sunny fagland? you're the poofs mate
>implying there's such a thing as american cuisine
>whitehouse lit up rainbow colours to celebrate fags
it makes me feel safe
Gotta hit the BBQ fairs.
Stop making fun of us, this is no laughing matter
If an "asian" rape gang attacks you the only thing you are allowed to defend yourself with is a rape alarm
We need to change the attitudes people have to guns in this country, everyone is so sheltered
If we are such fucking passes why the fuck do you swarm into here like it's heaven?
>9'000'000 nm caliber
oy vey
>browsing reddit
haha what a fucking cuck. i mean seriously? do you also get uneasy when people cut their meat with knives?
The real answer is that all the good male genetic stock in Europe died in the war.
>this armed man is making me uneasy. Instead of leaving the area I'll take his picture and post it on Reddit
>As a *blank*
Surprising coming from the country that invented the Toast Sandwich.
this right here
I don't understand why some areas in britain have unarmed their police, some people said it's because the officers can avoid voilent and deadly confrontation. But you can't confuse this with a liberal gun controll argument.
>coming from the nation that pioneered the burger pizza crust and deep fried chocolate
fuck you
we wuz vikangz!!
>has never experienced true southern cooking
This just isn't true.
Bin that Bullet.
Coney dog.
>some areas in britain have unarmed their police
Everwhere except NI is 93% unarmed police, and has been for decades.
Nowhere is unarming police, if anything forces are boosting their AFO numbers as a response to terror threats.
>true southern cooking
Also known as nigs deep frying chicken in salt and paprika
>comes to America
>'wtf who knew Americans have guns'
And let me ask you. Did that crazy, gun toting maniac get his coffee, then turn around and kill everyone in the establishment? No? Then what the fuck does it matter?
that makes litearly no sence
As an user, this.
having to feel like you need a gun with you at all times is really weird. probably schizophrenic.
They had to import them from the Himalayas
>when you realize hes uneasy because the guy is a lefty and its not about the gun
>the average brit would knock the fuck out of a yank in a fight
I'm sure they would Nigel
He feels so uneasy when he sees it that he's thinking about the thread he will create on reddit about it, AND takes a picture of it.
What do you mean 93% are unarmed, or 93% are armed.
93% unarmed
>1 libcuck dope on social media
>= all brits
wait a minute
never mind, enjoy your EUSSR, your cowboy builders are coming home, no bennies for you
Reminds me of this delusional idiot.
Polish immigrants to the UK take the lower class trade jobs like plumbing.
British police have never been routinely armed, they "police by consent".
ok thanks for that information.
How is it working out for you, do incident like this accour often?
Can't punch them in the face without their teeth eviscerating your hand.
i just....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
Years of over the top public school security has desensitized me to people carrying guns. It's the people who might have a weapon that you need to worry about, anyway. Who tf would rob a place after showing everyone that they're armed?
He comes from a country where people go to jail for having a butter knife. He'd probably be considered """manly""" in the U.K. for only feeling uneasy near a gun instead of passing out.
I just want some britbong to try and grab it.
I just think all Brits who go live in the US are cucks, always whining about America after they get there
Even in my damn family, only one who lives in the US married a black man
looks like a cop, surely this shitstain has seen at least one cop in his life before?
You have opened my eyes, i feel sorry for you.
>he hasn't heard of Lord Jack
because they exported all their alphas to australia
why would we try to grab it you fuckin retard
Not gonna lie that's what goes through y head when I'm in countries with guns. Turkish policeman got really angry with me once for staring at his gun.
Saying that I saw cops with automatic rifles walking about my town Centre after all that Manchester mischief.
why dont you rise up and do something about it?
>I'm only partially weapons trained
Fix it yourself you pussy.
How will /k/ ever recover?
They're pretty free with the taser and CS spray
I don't fucking understand why so many people "feel unsafe" when they see people open-carrying in public... The real fucked up thing is that they feel uneasy when it's goddamn private citizens, too. And they feel alright when it's police officers, who aren't always even that skilled with handling guns.
And it doesn't even matter if you bring up the fact that open-carry scenarios generally don't even legally allow for the gun to be loaded (in the case of private civilians), they still feel irrationally uncomfortable.
because they have no guns.
damn that do look good
That's a level 2 retention holster. It's designed such that it's very difficult for anyone except the person carrying it to pull the gun out.
>ID is literally gun
Every time
Shit, the police will be round
wow, /k/ btfo!!!
It's kinda what brexit was about homeboy
the glock 16 fires a 6 shekelion caliber bullet that travels at 6 gorrilion feet per second and impacts with 6 million pounds of kinnetic energy.
it was the nazis favorite gun
>steal stuff because of feels
Pretty devilish desu, is this professor /ourguy/?
we aint used to guns,and that is a liberal faggot
id love a gun desu
DAE (non-ironically) would prefer seeing mandatory open carry rather than knowing people might be concealing carry?
a jew wants to get out of paying for stuff.
what are the odds?
her last name is "Goldstein" right?
So alpha that you've allowed your largest cities to become chink, poo and leb colonies. Your housing and mineral industries to be completely dominated by chinks. Not to mention the fact that you're actively importing tens of thousands of Sudanese niggers, for LITERALLY NO reason. You're less white than us. Look it up. That is, if you're not too "alpha" to use Google.
QUICK somebody notify the police
concealed carry has a purpose and open carry points a big target on your back
army got guns
old bill got guns
crooks got guns
patriots got fists
spot the odd one out pussios
when u need a gun, u don't wanna need a gun
howbeit, if memory serves, 3 million licenced gun owners in UK.
>Comes to America
>Surprised to see a gun
Unarmed police is the symptom of late stage, post-Enlightenment socialism in action.
When the Police is in fact not expected to actually protect the population via proper law and order, any pretense of a Social Contract can be done away with entirely.
The Brits demonstrate this time and time again, with Rotherham, responses to terror attacks, and simply extremely cucked bobbies in green vests trying to use de-escalation in life-and-death situations involving swarthy subsaharans.
The sooner your shitty island fades into oblivion, the better off we will all be.