So I've had a huge debate with my lefty friend after he announced Trump should be assassinated. I dropped a fucking ton of redpills.
In the end he said it sounds like I hate everyone.
Is this what too many red pills do?
So I've had a huge debate with my lefty friend after he announced Trump should be assassinated. I dropped a fucking ton of redpills.
In the end he said it sounds like I hate everyone.
Is this what too many red pills do?
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Lefties always interpret world views that don't align with their own as hatred for some marginalized group or another. Don't sweat it.
>I dropped a fucking ton of redpills.
Sounds like you're a weak-willed retard who should stop letting Sup Forums brainwash you.
We all hate. Redpill reveals the truth of your hate. Without truth there is no strength.
Yeah I pretty much hate everyone.
>In the end he said it sounds like I hate everyone.
no idea what you were talking about but this is true for the average Sup Forums poster
Says the guy that advocates first grade murder.
Move on, he's an idiot.
Hate is the natural outcome of a journey down the rabbit hole.
At least you don't hate Trump
>stop letting Sup Forums brainwash you
stop letting people who don't have your best interest in mind brainwash you, friend. Like CNN, and the companies that own CNN, and the companies that own the companies that own CNN and the banks that own the companies that own the companies that own CNN and the jews that own the banks that own the companies that own the companies that own CNN.
Sup Forums doesn't brainwash anyone, because only facts have any weight here. Sup Forums's only agenda is truth.
yea because hating everyone and hating a single person is the same thing
"You're incredibly hateful" says the faggot advocating assassination of a president.
Hating everyone is the healthiest path you can take in life. Jesus hated everyone but trolled them to say he loved them and did it knowing they'd kill him because he wanted out of this life surrounded by people he hated.
I don't hate everyone, I hate communists scums and muslims.
It just so happens to be a whole lot of people.
It's because you took it and stopped half way.
Left, Right.. The divide and conquer game all that.
You got to go beyond that. Too use your imagination to see what the world could be without the chains.
The redpill is not sucking the right instead of the left.
It's waking up from a dual-formating society that brainwash you into pre-made idea and brainless consumerism.
You suppose to wake up from this nightmare, not fall on the other side of it.
You suppose to wake up like Neo.
He called me an anti semite after I said at least his leader Corbyn doesn't kneel to the Jew. I then told him about banks, the media and Hollywood and how it is overwhelmingly Jewish. I told him how I hate that white people and white men are demonised and he flat said he's never seen that suggested. I told him multicukturism doesn't work because there is no melting pot in cities. Just lots of segregated groups. I said Israel and Saudi Arabia are total shit. I said communism killed more people than anything else. I said Sharia Law is completely incompatible with the West. I said gays women and blacks have a better life in the West than anywhere else on the planet but it's still not quite good enough. I told him that other blacks sold other blacks to slave ships 300 hundred years ago. I pointed out that slavery is alive and well in Africa still. I feel quite drained having to say all that. How the fuck can more people not see any of this?
I do hate everyone
It's all correct.
Don't reveal your power level all in one go, lad.
welcome to the world of misanthropy
now, kys for being human
Do you love him like your own brother? That is the question
Because that is how I feel for my country. Every single person is important to the continuation of this nation, however misguided they may be. We are *attempting* to lead our flock to the promised land but people are people. That is the problem OP, you cannot give up but don't try to be too assertive with your talking points because he's still your brother.
yeah pretty much m8
I don't hate everyone.
I suppose for me the side effect of taking redpills was a deep sense of disappointment in others.
I mean, I'm just a nobody with a degree from a nice, but no-name college. Nothing big. But to watch these ivy-leaguers run things like a bunch of sociopathic chimps, and to be powerless in the face of it all, is just...ugh.
>I dropped a fucking ton of redpills.
No, you screamed about the jews like an autistic retard.
The truth is far, far too intertwined and complex to simply "drop" on anyone. It must be learned, slowly, as every last thread must be tugged on and unraveled individually.
Your friend is a faggot, and you are a spaz.
Why are you friends with communists? Cut his throat.
So a guy who wants to see the president assassinated accused you of being hateful?
>I then told him about banks, the media and Hollywood and how it is overwhelmingly Jewish.
not sure what your point here was, I just hope you aren't another tinfoil head with muh conspiracy
>I told him multicukturism doesn't work because there is no melting pot in cities. Just lots of segregated groups.
even many centrist politicians wouldn't argue against this
>I hate that white people and white men are demonised and he flat said he's never seen that suggested
I admit that this is partly a thing in america, but in europe it really isn't
>I said Israel and Saudi Arabia are total shit.
>I said Sharia Law is completely incompatible with the West.
barely anyone argues against this
>I said gays women and blacks have a better life in the West than anywhere else on the planet but it's still not quite good enough.
less shitty than elsewhere != equality, so I see nothing wrong with this
>I told him that other blacks sold other blacks to slave ships 300 hundred years ago.
that's just a historic fact
>I pointed out that slavery is alive and well in Africa still.
in some parts I guess, not sure what the argument here is
We were really close friends years ago and then people grow apart and get on with their lives. He's become really left wing and I'm right of center. He lives in Framlingham now, a very rural very nice white community. I live in rural Sussex now but grew up in the shithole that was Croydon.
Maybe some of what I've said will sink in. He probably thinks I'm a nazi or something now
Yeah, that's the trick.
I'm trying to red pill my brother right now.
I'm doing it slowly.
When a controversial subject arises, I play the role of a confused person.
I don't say 'this stat proves this'.
i say, 'but I think I saw something about ...'
Leaving him the opportunity to check it out later.
We all know it's a long road of denial before finally accepting the truth.
If you just blurt it out, you just sound crazy to normies.
Never let your friends drift away.
>Get redpilled about people.
>Realize everything is my own battle in life and people are only willing to cooperate if there is financial interest or threat of violence.
>Finally get to the point where people are just disposable goyim made to be exploited.
I feel truly sorry for naive people that know nothing about human nature.
The problem is people like us have to hide it because you would be ostracised if you red pilled everyone all the time. It's when it's bottled up for too long that people go full autismo. I can talk about this shit with my Dad and my fiance freely but that's about it
He's projecting his own hatred of everyone.
You don't force a ton of redpilled on someone all at once or it sounds like you're buying into a giant conspiracy.
You need to step-by-step lead people through some redpills. They need to see the light by their own logic, by connecting the dots on each issue.
If you just drop the bombs and tell them to research it, no one puts in the effort and they just think you're crazy.
There are two types of hate: destructive hate and constructive hate. Destructive hate has no clear Goal or reason and only destroys, it is very irrational. Constructive hate is good, because it has a plan, it's pragmatic and can change things. If you constructively hate anybody you want to solve the problem, independently from the grade of aggresion it contains. It is positive because it helps going Forward because it is not tolerant of mistakes and flaws, so if an artist hates his art and throws it into the bin without trying to do anything about using his hate as a source for improvement he is hating destructive, yet if he never feels satisfied with his paintings and increases efforts, he will reach the Point were he maximised everything he was able to, then he has done everything he could and achieved full Quality. I personally hate about everything, for a good reason and this is good as Long as I don't burden myself to much with Feelings and always keep my goals, so hat our fully cucked society one day can become normalised to the limit I can reach through my efforts and hate that I had on this issue. Hitler failed because he turned from good constructive hate to destructive hate. He went from making Germany very powerful and rich to destroying other peoples life and in that process his own achievements. Dropping redpills is what younger hitler did until 1938. Be younger Hitler. If you like your friend redpilling is no Problem, just like me and this meme, I wanted to trigger you, so you would hate your own opinion and get a better one and it is good because your current questioning is destructive and Needs to be replaced, not destroyed but replaced. Your lefty-friends reaction was pure cringe typical for leftists. Constructive hate is neededd for every constructive debate in some way. I hope I could help you there ;)
You've just gotta give him space and invite him over for beers or whatever in a non-threatening and genuine kind of way. Then apologize if you upset him.
Look, friends come before politics my man. It's very hard, when you get older, to make really good friends that matter. I only have kept in contact with 5 people from my HS days and only 3 from college.
Let him be and he will come around when he sees the truth with his own eyes.
You cannot tell me you don't think banks, media, entertainment and even porn does not have a overwhelmingly Jewish influence.
All those other points were things I brought up as the debate unravelled.
I genuinely wish everyone could get along but they don't and that's a fact of life. I even said that and got a "lol" for my efforts.
To answer your question, I definitely feel more hatred now. But, I still feel compassion for the people whose stubborn refusal to ask, research, and contemplate infuriates me. I want so badly for them to know the truth but the ones I try too hard to convince just think I'm crazy. Others think I have some weird views but they don't know the full extent and I don't want to lose their friendship so I don't freak out at them, I just quietly judge them.
Fucking this. The leftists are so self-centered that they call anyone who disagrees with them as "hateful bigots" who are intolerant and will violently oppose any "Nazi" dissenters, not realizing their own bigotry. It is a "it's ok if we do it!" mentality.
I hate:
>anything that identifies itself as LGBT
>anything that claims it isn't male nor female
>marxists and other lefties
>fedora fags
Its not you. Social media has given the dregs from all walks of society an infitely powerful megaphone to preach their vitrol. Its blurred the lines between real and fake, faith and reason.
Take this guy for example
Death cults like ISIS recruit people by preaching that they are the sole source of truth in the world. And people like this
Are kept in check by person to person social interactions.
Take a step back from the internet for a few days. Relax. Enjoy yourself for once.
>>anything that identifies itself as LGBT
to be clear, are you distinguishing between people who happen to be gay but otherwise live their lives normally and loud and proud fags who identify with the LGBT community?
Don't Forget the overweight People (Who never will or have attempted to lose weight and have no morality or niveau) and Criminals+Gangsters. Also, Satanists,Free Masons/Illuminates, Muslims and sub"cultures"+Outsiders having split of too much from the norm. They all suck.
Humans ain´t good, that´s the long and short of it. Not trying to be a moral relativist modernist marxist philosopher here, but we are really not "good" and the whole concept is flawed. You feel anger and hate only because you judge based on some misguided moral sense and with values based in how you might feel towards family or your tribe. We are animals, warring since we learned how to, killing since we tasted sweet red blood our first time, lying each and every single day, if only for ourselves. It´s how we roll.
>You cannot tell me you don't think banks, media, entertainment and even porn does not have a overwhelmingly Jewish influence.
no but what's your point? these things get run by wealthy people and jews are more wealthy than the average, ok
hollywood does have an agenda, yes, but it's mostly liberal, nothing more nothing less
Yes. You hate those who perpetuate degeneracy, but you also hate those who support/submit to it.
>in europe it really isn´t
t. Common Germoney Multiculti Shill
Normies simply have not read or watched ANYTHING outside of the MSM, regular movies, common documentaries etc. They literally know too little about most things to grasp or comprehend redpills if administered straight up. You are correct, slow and steady is the way. But idk if it will win us this race, considering how far they´ve come.
ah yes, because you ever came across this mentality somewhere other than some cherrypicked social media screenshot
Hate is the path through which humanity creates hell on earth. Through honesty, humility, and industriousness we strive toward heaven. Base animal instincts confounds us eternally. Hate is one of these instincts.
It is in our nature to resist information that is inconsistent with belief structure. This is true for you as well OP. You know nothing. Rather than open debate - act coy, play dumb, and confuse those who know. Those seeds will bear fruit. Western civilization rests on the idea of divinity of truth - truth that when buried, is resurrected, has eternal life, and saves humanity.
Do not give in to the base instict of hatred. Accept that for whatever reason God put you in this timeline and you need to make the most of it. What is a bad person if not a good person's job?
In the East what seems to be shocking or red pill is usually quite common sense for everyone. The pragmatic, soulless like mentality keeps east Asian rather heartless towards outsiders though.
I don't hate anyone. I let people do what they want unless they activaley try to break m balls. In that case, I do everything I can to destroy them
It might look like it but it is not true.
Just an example. I absolutely hate the garbage that comes from Hollywood. I can't relate with any of the characters or the stories. Then, I found that autistic people tend to not like fiction (books or screen) precisely because they never relate with it. However, afterwards I also found that whenever you have healthy families being portrayed or wholesome people, I'm usually interested. A recent example are the clips about Smith's family in The Man in the High Castle.
So, user, your true issue is not that you hate everyone. Instead, your values and wishes are incompatible with the present state of the world.
I don't buy this. LGBT dislike traditional societies because they implicitly or explicitly don't value them. In them, their condition is an handicap, no matter how confrontational or open they are as LGBT. Thus, they would live in a society that reject the core part of their identity. There is no way they won't subvert it, even if not willingly.
>In that case, I do everything I can to destroy them
*teleports behind you* nothing personal kid
I find comfort in the fact that I was one of them before.
I though Yurope and muh globalism was the way to go.
Racism was bad and literally retarded as we're all humans with same capabilities.
Welfare was a good thing to help those in need because the world is tough, it's totally not because they made bad decisions.
I could go on and on on different subjects, but those are the main ones.
ty terrorism for making me ask myself about it.
Liberals would tell you they will have to drag you to the 21th century while you kicking and screaming. Your values is in 1960s pre Vietnam war's world.
Crawl back to your mother's underwear draw,fucking leaf
I know an older lesbian woman and older gay man, both +60 years old, they hate todays lgbt culture and just want to live their private life in peace, I can't see anything harmful in them
The lefty's "everyone" consists of shit because left's gonna left
he probably saw this on TV
What you said is completely unrelated, as it does not imply whatsoever that they won't subvert society, even if unwillingly. There are plenty of reasons to hate LGBT culture.
>as it does not imply whatsoever that they won't subvert society, even if unwillingly
and how exactly are they "subverting" society? you're acting like homosexuals didn't exist since the beginning as if they weren't a tiny minority anyway
they don't have the power to do anything but be at the mercy of people how may or may not accept them as equal
the leftists want to kill us all because we're free thinking peope whose views aren't influenced by the media. When they express their willingness to "assassinate" Trump they're signalling that they really want to exterminate his supporters or anyone that doesn't agree with them.
The ultimate red pill is not to hate, but to love. Now, most liberals say that they "love everyone". Now, firstly this is clearly not the case, as they are some of the most vitriolic people you will ever meet, secondly, they don't really know what love is. To know what love is you must know what suffering is, and this is where liberals fall short because they have never truly suffered in their life. Now, if you start to browse Sup Forums you may in fact begin to hate everyone, but as I said this is only a preliminary step. We start to "hate everyone" because we begin to know suffering in a deeper sense than most people. We are less and less comforted by the fleeting pleasures of a cosmopolitan society, and we look at the bigger picture and see the ugly side of things that others refuse to look at. But it is necessary to suffer and to see this ugly side in order to be able to differentiate between the things that will ultimately lead to our demise versus the things that are ultimately good and beautiful. BUT once you do know the cause of your own suffering, and you can begin to see that others are suffering as well, even the people you "hate" are only lost in confusion. You discover this, and you realize that goodness begets goodness, and suffering begets suffering. Therefore, you must come to the conclusion that to perpetuate your own suffering or the suffering of others is counter-productive. Now, there is a difference between "showing someone the light" which is not a hateful or hostile act (though it may be perceived as one) and continuing to hate and wish violence upon your enemy (which many Sup Forumssters who have not completed their awakening are guilty of). But now that we have discovered what is truly suffering, we are capable of actually loving people, because we reach a point in our own journey where we begin to only seek the light, and when we are made full and happy by that light we have only light to give to others, because there is no darkness left in us.
well it certainly is leftist propaganda but it doesn't demonize white men
Oh yeah I know a gay person too.
That fucker fucking got a friend drunk to oblivion, only to fuck his ass when he was out.
Told myself it was all bulshit.
FFW a few years, go hang out at his place. Watch movies while drinking.
Starts rubbing my belly and shit.
I was fucking high, but I was having noone of it.
Shit ensued. Apparently I was at fault for making him believe I was fucking gay (lol wat?), and me coming over was an invitation.
Let's just say we've basically never talked again.
Their core identity is being LGBT. As any person would, they will strive to be accepted, so they will unwillingly or not behave, create worldviews and rationalizations to convince others to accept LGBT people. There is no big action of subversion that can be easily pinpointed: it's tiny everyday things.
We also do the same thing in our daily lives. In our daily conversations, our worldviews infect what we say, even if we try to control it to avoid negative social consequences. This ends up shifting people towards our views.
Yes it comes with the redpill. You need to take the Christpill to balance it out. Your eyes have been opened to the evils of the world and it fills you with hatred. Jesus makes you more understanding that it's not really the fault of the people you hate, but the fault of Satan and the false jews that control this world. He also gives you hope that he is returning soon and the new earth will be made with no more pain and suffering. Take the Christpill, my friend
Tldr: find Jesus and accept him into your heart
This sort of message gets drowned out more often than I'd like. So I'm taking time to tell you I like your post.
>noticing that a single small group controls all the messaging and all the money is "mug conspiracy"
Embrace hate user
Embrace hate've turned to the dark's not too late to turn around.
>Their core identity is being LGBT.
except it isn't, or better, we could stop making it be a core identity
why not just treat it as a fetish instead of trying to construct a different group of people that in theory have nothing in common except their sexual orientation
I say in theory because some similarities are the products of having them isolated in the first place or what you said with striving for acceptance
>create worldviews and rationalizations to convince others to accept LGBT people. There is no big action of subversion that can be easily pinpointed:
homosexuality exists within animals and humans, maybe it has some actual biological purpose
I don't know how accepting biology is "subverting" in a negative aspect
>my lefty friend
fuck off nigger lover
most people are shit, but your type is the worst.
Your post is very reminiscent of some Buddhist teachings. Are you a practicing Buddhist, by chance?
Normies are deathly afraid of extreme emotions. Hate is foreign to them. They can't see a reason for it.
A new dark ages is upon us. Society is now driven by cruelty and hubris. It's something that needs to be bred out of us.
hate is good. Hate injustice. Hate ignorance. Hate hypocrisy.
Hate is the voice inside of you that says "this is not right, and I have to do something about it."
Listen to the voice user.
Your friend is obviously retarded Cough kill him Cough
Hans, I don't know whether you are poo in loo or not behind that flag.
Know that you just saved me from suiciding.
that guy is a rapist and you need to confront him about it before he does it to someone else.
This is what happens in places where Jews aren't doing the brainwashing. Your leaders have different agendas and things you're probably brainwashed about but it's not the bizarre stuff in the west like flamboyant faggots and not believing that races exist.
>except it isn't, or better, we could stop making it be a core identity
It is because it is and will always be fringe. No society that is not headed towards collapse will ever accept being gay as a good, acceptable or normal thing.
>homosexuality exists within animals and humans, maybe it has some actual biological purpose
There also exist animals and humans born without legs, arms or fingers. Does that have a biological purpose too? Evolution operates through introducing variety in new descendants. Sometimes those mutations go wrong. One leading hypothesis explaining why gays exist is related to the fact their sisters have more kids. The explanation hinges on the point that these females are more attracted than average to males. And you do find that the sisters of gay men have more kids.
Being gay is like having Asperger's.
daily reminder commies are not human
I've heard he's happily gay-married now.
Couldn't care less desu, at the time this happened, I was but the only contact he had with my group of friends.
I'm actually half Serb half German. Hvala brate.
>It is because it is
great argument
>No society that is not headed towards collapse will ever accept being gay as a good, acceptable or normal thing.
sure thing
>Being gay is like having Asperger's.
maybe, but they aren't mentally retarded and don't do anything harmful so why not just leave them be like anyone else
you just want to hate them for whatever reason
that's good actually, now they can take out a mortgage on a home, combine their income and start a business, in 4 years they'll be voting conservative if they make it that long without getting beheaded by muslims.
You are obtuse as fuck about Jews and their worldview.
You should never do that. It is not worth taking all your potential away and it is a sin too. Drink a bit Rakija and do what makes most fun to you. I could kill myself to, but with those who oppose me would have won and I would've just been a temporary parasite giving nothing back to my Family, my Fatherland, my Motherland and my God. You should always remember that. What caused your problem?
Where were you when Sup Forums helped you reach enlightenment?
>great argument
Read what I wrote. I said it is fringe.
>they aren't mentally retarded and don't do anything harmful
People who have Asperger's are not mentally retarded either nor do they harm anyone in the narrow sense you're using. And still nobody looks at it as a plus.
>you just want to hate them for whatever reason
You seriously don't get it, do you? Do you think I treat gay people poorly or something? Do you think I would even if there weren't negative social consequences for doing so? No, I don't. I treat them with respect, just like I do any other stranger. This does not imply that I desire to have more gays in my country, that I respect what they do or that I want to be their friend. If you were gay and you met me, you would never be able to tell my views. I'll probably never be more than your acquaintance but you would think we just don't get along (which is true anyway due to the blatant degeneracy most gay people are into). Still, if I would have to vote or express my opinion on this topic, I would, and in the end you'd probably be surprised. It's not about hate but about what we desire for our society.
This is such a cop out. It is a way out of an argument. Your friend conceded that he can not stand up to your debate.
I live and work I'm Newark, and my left wing friend for years lives/works in a cushy area to the far north with a lot of white people. I'm fortunate to work around a lot of people of various ethnicities, races, and religions. And the economic climate here is problematic as hell. And nobody virtue signles or pulls any Marxist/SJWs crap or starts shit with others (unless prevoked). Generally even center-Left people here are more than aware (and bitter) of the failings of the Democratic Establishment.
Anyways I saw this because when I pointed out that the Democrats (Clinton, Perez, Bernie at times) don't seem to care about natives/rural demographic and spend too much time virtue signaling my friend from the far north instantly accused me of "defending the far right" and "supporting the KKK". And this was out of nowhere. This fucking cracker lives in a fucking walled garden, surrounded by naive leftists, and he calls anyone an extremist the second they diverge from his narrative.
These people accuse others of hate speech yet (seem to) have far more hate in their heart than most.
>Is this what too many red pills do?
Yup. Reality is a cold, dark, evil bitch.