What's wrong with communism again?
Do tell me pol
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Who gets the better houses? Who gets water first?
To each according to their need.
Pretty easy thing for intellectuals to understand
>btw we're going to tax 98% of your income to achieve this
Bring the helicopter
Then people that actually pay for it would get resentful. It's a pipe dream.
Come live in Venezuela if you like communism so much, you red rat.
How many times are you going to post this thread, retard?
>disabled people deserve to exist
Who decides who's needs?
Are bread lines intellectual or very intellectual?
Intellectuals, aka the smartest people in the society.
Pretty simple you un-nuanced retard
Better than poor people starving on the street like you want
And how are they better places to decide someone else's needs than that person?
Nothing. Capitalism is the bluepill. On the surface you have these idealistic values like individualism, being a hard worker, being an innovator... but under the surface...
Well, you need to take the redpill to find out. The real RED pill.
>To each according to their need.
How do you determine needs without a free market?
>Pretty easy thing for intellectuals to understand
Go on then smart arse
Because they are smarter and can more accurately interpret data to decide who needs what.
Once again pretty simple stuff really.
I have a 158 IQ and I've decided I NEED you, and everyone on my list, to die. And I NEED a billion dollars.
Make it so.
Gulags were the only good thing to come out of communism
Show me a working example of communism.
You don't NEED the computer you're currently using to post this, do you? Yet you're using it.
Something something not real communism
Who determines who the smartest people are? Are you the smartest? Are Billy Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson the smartest?
Please gas yourself commie or pick up a fucking history book.
From the Paris Commune, to War Communism to the USSR and all of their puppet states, communism has been a cancer upon humanity.
How will you manage the 99% of people who aren't intellectuals?
What if they don't want to share?
It provides an inferior exploration of the probability space of ideas, defaults all too readily to anarchy and then despotism and doesn't account for the fact that are jobs no-one wants to do that nether the less need to be done
You mean like kings? Is that not oligarchy?
>Pay for it
>Pay for it
>Socialism works until it fail
Das it mane
> all those things are done at gunpoint
This is why teenagers are always liberal and adults are always conservative . Cause you don't know shit
I guarantee you haven't been to university, so you are totally ignorant to how smart and more competent professors are than the general public
There's no moral or economic justification for these view except that it "feels" right.
It directly killed 40 million people last century.
I can do that too
>free houses for homeless people
then why would i buy a home
So those people get to choose how citizens live their lives or just what they have access to? Also if it's pretty simple could you expand on it rather than just say smart people will do it.
So once I'm provided food, water and shelter for free. Why should I work?
Says the ignorant reactionary who hasn't studied history and political science in a academic atmosphere
The fact that you'll use guns and cages to force people to abide by your system of paying for others. See: Stalin, Mao, the Kims.
>just 40 million
I think that's the wrong number for just the USSR, let alone China and everything else.
>How will you manage the 99% of people who aren't intellectuals?
Why is Sup Forums some easily baited. A stop giving retards you's and bumping shit threads. I fucking hate all you retards
Excuse me, we're talking politics here.
You can take your b grade celebrity circlejerk to Sup Forums, /bant/, /trash/ or /s4s/.
Thank you.
Sage a thread about politics on the political board because you are being enlightened.
Kek how ignorant can you be?
Sounds kinda like having to pay taxes here too
it doesn't work. everyone is poor. dissenters are shot.
>Disabled people deserve to exist
>Communists literally murder disabled people because they can't work
Clearly an expert I see.
My history teacher wrote more books then you will ever actually bother to read, but that's besides the point cause even he agreed with me that all one requires to study history is the ability to read and the willingness to do so.
>implying thats where it starts and ends
>implying magic money tree
>why do anything
Communism will provide!!
>Says the ignorant reactionary who hasn't studied history and political science in a academic atmosphere
>the pseudo intellectual faggot said to the country that violently overthrew their communist overlords in the 90s.
I've been to university and have decided that you and your children need raped and tortured to death.
It's a difference of degree, like how hitting is bad as killing but one's worse. Ancap is the only moral system.
faggot commie
I agree
Your studies are nothing more than propaganda and indoctrination. The academic atmosphere you studied in is an illusion. You are a pseudointellectual.
Yeah they're a hallmark sign of a bustling society, upwardly mobile.
It is 100% incompatible with human nature and those who believe in it are completely divorced from reality, and most often mentally ill.
150 million people dead in less than 100 years.
It leads to the destruction of the caucasian race by its dogmatically globalist nature, thus halting technological progress for long time to come, possibly forever.
It cant achieve its goals but it will fuck our world up in attempting to do so.
This dude is 100% baiting.
>so you are totally ignorant to how smart and more competent professors are than the general public
What's your education background faggot. I have a MASc, BASc, and AASc in law, public affairs, and public policies. All of my education has only showed that professors can either be competent or complete retards. None of them exibit what ever fantasy bullshit boner you have for them.
> what's wrong with communism
Well, you would know if you weren't 12 years old and clearly remembered how fucked the peons in the USSR were before it fell due to communism.
It's amazing how so many of these libtard kiddies who claimed they're so educated, have absolutely no clue what the fuck they're talking about.
>disabled people deserve to exist
>mothers should be able to abort children that will end up disabled
really activates your almonds
Not an argument
Tell me why the smartest people in the world with the nicest computer in the world won't be more efficient than a bunch of hicks using the "free market"
But the Communists murdered intellectuals. Is this whole thread a meme? Are you genuinely retarded or what? Why do you think Russia hasn't been relevant since before the (((Revolution)))? I'll give you a clue, it involves killing off people who aren't retarded and having them replaced with no one of any intellect.
This has to be b8.
Slide threads about bullshit communist ideas that just made not just the poor suffer but everyone else too.
Are the mods even awake?
Why are you so triggered by the truth?
average communist.
pic related
>keep spare tire under car
>not being used
>can i have it
As if anyone held any doubt senpai
Its still fun to fuck with him
>everyone should have clean water and food
and thats why you shouldnt choose communism
>why not use all the empty homes to house folks without shelter
why would anyone ever buy a home then?
>disabled people deseve to exist
lel @ this strawman that disabled people face hatred, of all the bigoted shit you read on Sup Forums no one takes a break from ranting about niggers to say oh and fuck people in wheelchairs too
Says the pseudointellectual who hasn't studied political theories
>Tell me why the smartest people in the world with the nicest computer in the world won't be more efficient than a bunch of hicks using the "free market"
Because as seen with the Soviet Union all the smart people left, got shot or were put in prison camp leading to a nation with some of the smartest and brightest engineers and scientists at the time having a backwards army for nearly the entirety of WW2, and that's just the technological front.
Give me your clothes.
no shit sherlock
>Disabled people deserve to exist
So if there were currently no disabled people then we would be forced to drink alcohol during pregnancy, mutilate our children and import sperm from disabled people to artificially impregnate women since there HAVE to be disabled people because they DESERVE to exist? Thanks communism.
Is that a joke? Now you're moving from "intelligent" to "educated?" Jordan Peterson is a professor, how come he's an outspoken critic of communism?
These brainiacs that you want to give absolute power to, what guarantee is there that they are immune from abusing that power and, say, genociding tens of millions of people? They're too smart to do that?
My mate was offered a position as a professor of 3D computer graphics at a university. I've known him 15+ years and I can tell you, he's a nice guy but you wouldn't put him at the head of a totalitarian regime.
>disabled people deserve to exist
This is absolutely not a communist trait, It's a liberal trait, which stands opposed to communism.
Communist systems sometimes initially start out with this belief, but due to the concept of scarcity and forced equality, those that can not work become dead weight which becomes too much to deal with, leading to their execution or imprisonment in labour camps.
>blindly repeating the words of a 200 year old german jew makes me intellectual
A parrot is not of human intelligence because it can parrot human language.
>second most advanced country in the world with the biggest nuclear arsenal
>not relevant
Pick one
Should =/= will
I prefer ideologies that work, so I'm gonna pass on communism.
no, the comrades at the committee of spare tires, which are enlightened people with great mechanic skills, and not the ones who have sucked more commie dick, have decided there's another fella with a greater need for a spare tire
>well, yes, that fella happens to be a member of the committee, but that's just a coincidence
>first country into space
>technologically backward
Pick one
What incentive is there to get work when all your needs are met.
Almost all human impetus can be boiled down to resource acquisition and propagation . Communism is in direct conflict with biological programming which is why it will never work.
>ableist oppression
Capitalist America literally led the world in accommodating the disabled in all areas of public life. Try going to China, see how many Down's syndrome or wheelchair people there are in public (none they literally leave them in the forest for the wolves)
Fortunately, those are the first people who get killed off under communism.
>first country into space
The first man made object sent into spess was the projectiles fired from the Paris Gun during WW1.
Not to mention sending a dog into spess won't change the fact that the Soviet Union had giant technological problems where it mattered for most of it's history, and all it's achievements happened despite communism not because of it.
There's nothing wrong with any of those ideas, at least not intrinsically. A problem only arises when we steal from people and distribute that wealth to others.
>What's wrong with communism again?
(1) It doesn't exist
(2) Kids like to say they're commies to scare their parents
(3) It doesn't exist.
>all collapsed shitholes
Makes you think. Only leftists can be this dumb as fuck.
>But the Communists murdered intellectuals
No, Stalin targeted the left-wing liberals and Trotskyites who were primarily educated Jews to keep them from reforming the Soviet Union.
The tendency for it to descend into chaos and genocide no matter how you seek to install it. That tendency for it to go against basic human nature and eventually fucking it all up.
Yeah, that.
>The tendency for it to descend into chaos and genocide
Communism is a economic system. It has nothing to do with chaos and genocide.