Covfefe is love Cofefe is life

I love this man

Drumpf is literally worse than Hitler. He's going to greenhouse gas seven billion people.

you dont become #1 by following like a sheep

I figured it out. Trump gets on pol all the time. It was late and he was sleepy and meant to post something on Twitter about media coverage and also something about Pepe on pol at the same time. Hence covfefe

your fake tweet is over 144 characters

Wait this can't be real, Trump never makes fun of himself.

isn't there something in Revelation about 3 countries being kicked out of some world coalition group? Perhaps the more knowledgeable autists here can research this and post their findings...

That's because it's a facebook post.

It's still fake faggot.

>because when you think about X, you think about Y and Y
Is straight out of the Reddit smuggle handbook

Redditors are cancer


They weren't kicked out.
Syria and Nicaragua never signed. Syria because they are in the middle of a civil war and Nicaragua because they felt the accords didn't go far enough.

It's called a good old fashion burn, just like the ones that you're on the constant receiving end of in your personal life, faggot.

Lol ok back to ledddit nigger


Can't believe people voted for this moron.

Jesus dude, just had to step in here and let you know how fucking painfully obvious of a ledditor you are, i don't usually mind newfags but you should just kys.

But I thought syria was full of engineers, and surgeons

Syria is taking the problem extremely seriously. they reduced energy consumption to extremely low levels, and in order the remove CO2 they go as far as stop breathing and move to other countries so their land is pristine and immaculate.

So... if I go out and riot... beat people, rape women, steal stuff can I not get in trouble by placating the left and saying I thought it was the end of the world as Trump is going to kill us all with greenhouse gas and heat?

Goddammit australia

Don't you have a peasant to rape and a cop to bribe, Juan?


Pick one and only one.

trump is in power now, us whites can do whatever we want. we no longer live under nigger tyranny like the dark (a.k.a "black") days of king nigger

But seriously, we can't let him have the codes.

Shut up you! They're filthy sandniggers because they won't back greener future! Behead the infidels!

>who wants to join an agreement where the US pays everyone else $100 billion dollars a year?
>*everyone raises their hands except the US*

I wonder how much money turnbull is giving to the third world because of this deal.

Praise #CovFefe

underrated post



Me rn *watching your reply*


>that filename
>that comment

Syria was in a civil war and its government unwelcome.
Nicaragua wanted a way more substantial agreement, that is the opposite of Trump.

America is alone with this, and the majority of americans doesn't even agree with their president.

99% of the countries that did sign it are doing nothing whatsoever about their emissions.

Move to any other western nation. Let us have at least one place in the world that follows modern economics, history, and logic/reasoning.


Hey, Germany alone is 28 countries (via E.U.) and we are doing a lot about our emissions. Just look at VW. The trick is, sign a treaty, ignore it, blame someone else, ?, Profit!

it's amazing how quickly liberals will suddenly become chauvinistic when their dogma is threatened. pointing out that nicaragua and syria are non-signatories makes them seem like racists by their own standards. is there something innately backwards about the people in those countries?

You got a source for that map bic boi?