The 28th Amendment

Congratulations! You have won the next United States Presidential Election, and you have the needed Congressional and Senatorial support to ratify a new amendment to the Constitution.

The last Constitutional Amendment was ratified in 1992 because some autistic grad student found the original draft in 1789 that was never ratified. This time however, you can pass anything you want. What would you propose?

Non-American answers are welcome, but do be prepared to be laughed at or dismissed.

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Make the election an american gladiators episode.

Only taxpayers allowed vote

Make the election a bukkake contest, winner takes all.

This Union is hereby dissolved

You must show a legal identification card to vote. No exceptions or excuses.

Age of consent/voting/drinking raised to 25 and mandatory literacy tests before voting


That would probably result in a loophole where anybody can vote in states with sales taxes

No Jews

All US citizens shall pay a colony tax of 2.5% to Israel

Federal government is Satanic

No politicians in Congress are allowed to receive corporate campaign donations.

Voting is mandatory and the ballot is mailed to your address.

Also all district lines are redrawn based on the recommendations of a neutral board of scientists. Politicians are banned from drawing district themselves.

You're joking right?

Should be property holders and their spouses

user you really don't want mandatory voting here. You know how many fucking mouth breathing retards there are here that don't vote? I'd really like to keep it that way

>jus sanguinis citizenship
>Gallegly amendment
>remove citizenship from anchor babies born after the Reagan amnesty

Every US citizen is guaranteed at least one whopper a day.

So people in apartments can't vote?

Non-whites, LGBT, and women cannot vote.


>AoC raised to 25
Are you asking for the death of the white race?

Minimum of 5 years of work full time or 2 years of active military service needed to vote.
Morbid obesity is illegal.
Food stamps and aid for low paid workers only, no freeloading.

Every US citizen must convert to Islam or be placed in death camps

Please explain why you think this

undo all amendments except 1-6

I suggest you move to another country then. Too easy to make it a pain for minorities to vote. Get everyone involved and the country will accurately represent the will of the people as opposed to the ones who voted/jump through bullshit.

You have to own land in order to have a vote. A home mortgage in good standing will suffice.

You would have to abolish the first amendment to do so, Ahmed.

deep state

>Only taxpayers allowed vote
good one. That's what I'd have said
>Make the election a bukkake contest, winner takes all.
You aussies and your wanderlüst, How do you like Germanistan?
>This Union is hereby dissolved
More info needed! Commifornia fan? AnCap? Whats the goal?>You must show a legal identification card to vote. No exceptions or excuses.
You really shouldn't need an amendment. Don't you card people before they can buy beer, by law! I traveled with a group containing a few graybeards. And they got carded when going into a bar, and yet you think you need it in the constitution to ensure that only legals vote, and only once at that!?

All bills should be no longer than 3 pages and written in plain English. Any bill longer than 3 pages must be divided into 3-page segments that must each be individually ratified before becoming law.

No, do this as a policy of your presidency instead to boost your popularity

All persons of African heritage found within the borders of the United States shall be evacuated to Africa where they can live unmolested by white racism and oppression.

Make USA an ethnostate. Kick out the Jews. Give a whole state to native Americans. Send all minorities to California as this amendment would cause them to secede.

>Also all district lines are redrawn based on the recommendations of a neutral board of scientists.
Iowa has a pretty good method for redistricting

>More info needed!
We would become 50 independent countries

Need more than ID card, illegals can get driver's licenses - etc.

Need to give free photo identification / proof of citizenship to all citizens. No card, no vote.

Must be a landowner to vote

this one sounds intriguing. Democracy version 2.0. Some of the basic bugs have been fixed, but no voting right to people who really shouldn't be making big decisions and similar.

Yes, this is what I really meant. It needs to happen.

More people voting makes my vote worth less
How is this a good thing?

I'd make it illegal to amend, append, override or change the bill of rights under any circumstances and that it covers all states of the United States.

The parties would just but some property and give away the smallest possible slivers to everyone.

You have to hold a convention of states to amend the Constitution you idiot.

This sounds nice

The president doesn't write bills, only congress. It would be impossible for the president alone to guarantee that congress would follow this procedure. Not to mention future congresses. I think an Amendment is necessary.

There's nothing stopping multiple amendments being made, so this doesn't have to be the only one, and it would be a popular measure anyways if the president supports it.

No, familam.

I would cream my fucking pants

That's a nice thought, but the Constitution has baked into it that any amendment can be nullified by another amendment. So it would go like this:

28th: Amendments 1-6 cannot be nullified
29th: Amendment 28 is now repealed

Make that a white landowner, and we've got a deal.

It has to pass congress and the senate first, then it has to be ratified by 3/4 of the states.

New map

Should just assign immigrants until 3rd generation into a class non-citizen class unless they've immigrated from a stable country and have proven to be productive members of their society. Then only those off of welfare for over 2 years, have identification, and do not have any crimes relating to voting fraud.

Remove birthright citizenship. One of the parents must be a US citizen and their spouse must be a proper citizen in their native country. All immigratins coming into the US must prove to have stable work histories and be productive members of their nation. After approval they will be made into a special class where they do not have voting rights but have every other right. After 8 years of maintaining a stable work history and no felonies or slew of petty crime they gain the right to vote. This extends to their children except only for 4 years. Education is excluded. The grand-children do not have these restrictions.

nope, amendments can completely disagree with previous ones. Latter amendments take precedence in the case of a conflict

the right of the people to vote shall not be infringed

>So people in apartments can't vote?
Sounds good to me. Big city ant-hill people are mostly 'progressive' degenerates

Only whites can be citizens of the US
and white means no jews

Give all of glorious Appalachia to WV

How would be shown to be a productive member of a society? Is having a job the only qualification in that regard?

Legalize Cheese pizza

No representation without taxation? Nice.

>Only property owners can vote

>Not recognized as an adult until high school is completed

>If you're a NEET by 21 you're forced into compulsory service

Round up taxes

I'd rather pay 5.50 for something that costs 4.99 and pay 5.40

Ignore the math, I'm just willing to pay a little more so the total price would be a cleaner number.

The 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, and 19th amendments to this Constitution shall be stricken. Citizenship of individuals not citizens of the United States as of this date shall be restricted to persons able to display 3 generations of lineage - both paternal and maternal - of Europeans or European-descended persons.

Any individual who provides aid to an alien inhabiting this country in a manner other than prescribed by the sovereign law of this country is guilty of treason. Defense of this country against traitors shall be considered an affirmative defense against any criminal or civil violation.

Term limits and accountability.
Senators: 2 terms
Congressman: 4 terms
SCOTUS: 1 term of 20 years, after which they may not hold any public office (essentially, mandatory retirement to retain the notion of being above politics).
Provisions for the recall and removal of judges at all levels of office, up to and including SCOTUS


>too many retards
Forcing them to vote will quickly make mental healthcare a very urgent congressional priority then. Problem solved.

Well, that's one way to kick off the next civil war and ensure it rolls into a new crusade. Yeah, go for it. We'll make Istanbul Constantinople again.

The problem with term limits is you have to get rid of lobbying too, or else serving a Congressional or Senate term is going to become even more of a revolving door than it already is. Congressmen and senators will just be bought industry positions

I have the same answer every single time this comes up. A Sunset Ammendment.
>All new laws passed by Congress shall include an expiry date of not longer than six years.
>All existent laws passed by Congress shall be nullified in full in four years from the ratification of this amendment.

Those two lines would strike down 250 years of legal bloating and prevent it from coming back. Congress would be forced to deal with the laws that actually matter.

People who only vote because the law says they must will either pick at random or vote for whoever the talking heads on TV say to. Is that really what you want?

That would be a clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions and a thoroughly terrible idea

It's a good start at least.

No way. Hunger games. Winner is President.

Ok here are my ideas since I've been responding to a lot of others:

Pork Amendment
>All bills must only contain text related to the original intent and subject of the bill, and may not have any unrelated text

Lobbying Amendment
>Immediately cease any and all lobbying for any reason. It is unlawful to be a lobbyist

Gerrymandering Amendment
>All Congressional districts will be henceforth drawn by a neutral third party, to be established by this law.

Receiving gifts, donations, or payments from corporations or persons shall be considered treason(putting the will of the corp before the needs of the nation).

>implying that doesnt already happen
According to pol sci experts apathetic voters will simply pick the top name on the list (usually the one whose First Name starts with an A or the incumbent)

Ratify an Amendment that Repeals Women's Voting rights, Distribute voting rights amongst White Male Land owners only.

That's not how it works, theres no abrogation in constitutional law. Only fucked up sharia works like that. The earlier amendments would need to be explicitly removed, or the Supreme Court would find the new amendment in violation of the 1st amendment and would overturn the new amendment.

>All Congressional districts will be henceforth drawn by a neutral third party, to be established by this law
California did that and the Democratic over-representation got even greater

> The 28th Amendment Act:
> Establishing American Identity and Protecting Our Democracy (EAI-POD) ("eye-pod")

> Background:
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was delivered to the American citizen under the pretense that the demographic nature of the United States would remain unchanged. This non-negotiable requirement of the People has been violated; and as the primary driving force behind our Republic, the People must take corrective action to protect the steering wheel of our democracy. It is unquestionable that the change in demographic topology has serious consequences for the governed, and at the present rate, the American identity will be diluted to nonexistence in favor of the quickly growing immigrant and immigrant-descended majority. This solution rests on the following assumptions:

1. There are principles, and a cultural heritage which is uniquely American, and these are worth preserving.

2. Those aforementioned features only tangibly exist in the hearts and minds of living Americans in the present day, and therefore the American virtue and the nature of our Government is dependent on the continued existence of these individuals and their ability to affect their representation in the Republic.

> Proposed Amendment

1. Establish English as the official language of the United States. Federal, state, and local government materials for public assistance (welfare), voting, identification and driving licenses, obtaining documents (registration, insurance) are not to be provided in any language other than English.

2. Instate a new Test of Citizenship which requires fluent English, a knowledge of elementary Constitutional principles, literacy & comprehension, basic arithmetic, and proof of American heritage. Individuals without documentation which demonstrates American or European heritage, or are immigrants or descendants of immigrants after 1965 will be considered permanent resident non-citizens.

Is that how Merkel got elected?

Oh man I forgot the biggest one:

Presidential Direct Election
>The electoral college is abolished, the president shall be directly elected by a majority of votes

Source? I'd like to read about that one

>Lobbying Amendment
you'd need to remove the right to petition from the first amendment

Reversal of the 16th amendment

If people don't want to vote that is the will of the people.

Good call, it would have to at least clear that up or dismantle parts of it

My amendment to the Constitution, I would mandate that all federal currency must be issued by the federal government, not a private institution (i.e. the Federal Reserve)

What about Prohibition?

The union can only rule about foreign affairs. Disputes regarding states shall be solved by mediation of a third state at president's discritionary choice.
The secession of the union depends of a plebscitum in the way the state's constitution defines.

thanks for playing along

>representation got greater under a neutral party
just simply goes to show how under represented the dems were to begin with

The federal reserve isn't a private institution

make the voting system the alternative vote

How about just clarifying that you can't do it professionally?

No more nigger presidents

> The 28th Amendment Act:
> Establishing American Identity and Protecting Our Democracy (EAI-POD) ("eye-pod")

3. This new Test of Citizenship will be recorded by Congress using modern decentralized, publicly available (blockchain) transactional data. Any individual or employer will be able to use their API key or federated login to determine the validity of a "civic hash", a unique GUID representing the results of an individual's citizenship status. The Internal Revenue Service will be tasked by Congress to levy and collect fines on individuals who have not taken the Test of Citizenship, regardless of their results.

4. Establish a digital convention for the Electoral College which uses validated citizenship, as well as exposing APIs for State and local governments to use the registry to federate citizenship for their own elections, if they so choose.

5. Through this process, individuals who are determined not only to be non-citizens by this new definition, but illegally residing within the United States will be identified. These individuals, and any employers who are found to be assisting them in their unlawful occupation, will have heavy fines assessed by the IRS and treated like any other person who does not comply with tax law.

But then they'd """"volunteer"""" while accepting stock options under the table or some shit

The amendment that created prohibition was explicitly repealed by a later amendment. It may seem like splitting hairs, but saying the 18th amendment is hearby repealed is different from just saying alcohol is legal.