Its time to change the world user. Its time to be for once a Man or Women and not just a troll. Shitposters unite, lets make this happen. Lets change the world, for the good of everybody. PUSH

Turn on your bots, put up your flags and in the name of user make the world a better place!!



LFTR, the future for cheap clean energy. No businessplan for big business but energy, and by that prosperity for ALL the world.



Other urls found in this thread:


Push FCK push,

How will that cause lulz?

What is lulz?

Google lemon party or blue waffle and you'll understand.

I want to see his response

>Its time to be for once a Man or Women
>Man or Women
it used to be on default neckbeard men
since when do we have women here?
I may be overthinking but you look like a shill OP and its not the first time I am reading this phrase today


This is bullshit but I believe it.

Watch the videos, read up on Alvin Weinberg. LOL, that you cant identify weman doesnt make me wonder. You wouldnt get laid as the prince of Kekistan, thats obvious, but you dont have to fail at everything! Push

Still dont get it

For Keks sake. Read up on it, you dont have to believe, its a fact!

man you are a strange fella
>Turn on your bots
is he pretending to be retarded? man what a weak shill

Dude, wtf are you doing here?

Do you think this is a place where you post your lame request and a Sup Forums army will mobilize to make it happen?

This is neither for the lulz nor securing a future for white children. 0/10 sage.

Just check the facts normie. Its never been so easy.

the question is, how much does it cost to build a thorium reactor? Because if we make the switch we're going to have to build them everywhere and train hundreds of thousands of people on how to operate them.

Do we have an expert on nuclear energy present who can call out if this is bullshit or not?

>Turn on your bots
Trying too hard.

Do your even have a Sup Forums pass bro?

Its Africa and Asia that would benefit the most from cheap, clean energy. Not that the western working class wouldnt have their living standard impacted by whats all planed to harnes the ghost of CO2.

Its mostly self regulating and basicly just a pot. Its save, its clean (controllable), its cheap and abundant. You want to pay, pay, pay or "just" solve the CO2 problem without losing your standard of living? Easyyy

Check the facts. Just check the facts. If you dont like it, thats fine with me. But, hey thanks for the bump, keep posting, for the people with cognitive potential.

Would be nice, but read up yourself. Look up Alvin Weinberg, its so easy.

Sorry, I thought this was some global warming anti Trump shit.

What is keeping it back though? Why doesn't anyone build these amazing reactors?

> Sage
> Thanks for the bump

Maybe you thing this is more serious reporting:


There is no big money in this. No expensive, rare nuclear fuel. Its everywhere, its easy, its save, and you cant even practicly build a A-bomb. The waste is little an easy to handle, we could even burn up the nuclear waste allready stored. Yes, I understand that at first glance it looks to good to be true, but today with all the buzz about climatechange (allegedly CO2 related) and "we dont want to pay for nonsolutions", its the time.

Alvin Weinberg, the "inventor" of this LFTR is the guy that is called the patent holder of the Lightwater Reactor, Fukushima and such. But he knew in the 60s that the "nuclear waste generating reactor, coupled to a steamturbine using just wasteheat" is a dangerous and ineffective way of nuclear power. Actually, the worst. We been trolled, nicley said.

I'll buy in to this explanation only if it involves the Jews somehow.

Alvin Martin Weinberg [American Jew]

What is your problem, user? Do you think you can bamboozle us this easily?

The jews? Well, maybe Alvin Weinberg himself was jewish, if you are racist enough you could easily make it "the jews". Just keep on reaching for the rainbow. Ups, sorry was it a high voltage wire, I realy didnt ment to... ;)

1488 1776

baby don't hurt me

>change the world
>with a hashtag
HAHAHAHAHA what a fucking faggot.

echoes are for (((jews))), blackets are for [[[black people]]]
get it right

Uuuhhh. Yes lets kill the wests life standards because its a single jews idea, already dead, that saves your kids asses. Not to wise realy.

>if you are racist enough you could easily make it "the jews"
>What is lulz
Is this literally your first day here?


Chill, I was copying from (((Google))) and didn't bother to change it.



please can you post this here too? People need to hear this message.


OMG, why wasn't this posted earlier!?

Brothers, we need to push thorium reactors
> for the sake of Africa

LFTR isn't a meme. If I had my own private island, it's what I'd use to power it.
I'm not sure why it hasn't caught on mainstream, maybe if OP wasn't such a faggot he could look into this and then might have something Sup Forums would be interested in.
Sticking it to (((them))) is way more entertaining and meaningful than merely saving the world.

Yes, I think he would have more success with "do it for Africa" if he tweeted [[[Elon Musk]]]