Niggers gonna chimp
Niggers gonna chimp
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Niggers gonna nig.
I guess that in America anyone can be a professor...
Why do they always have terrible hair?
That isn't true, you stupid fucking europoor. Only sassy afro-latinx feminists with tattoos can be professors here.
To the surprise of fucking no one.
What the fuck, is that a Black Sun on her chest?
Why do they hire these people?
>Give niggers freedom and political power
>This happens
not even human
That's about what I expected.
So long as you're not white.
If not for those gigantic tiddies I'd swear it was a man.
Anyone have a guess as to her bra size? They must swing to her knees like a pendulum.
Is that Smough unmasked?
That's fucking disgusting.
That's not even human.
the principle is a cuck
ivy league schools are going to be just as bad as our k-12 schools if we don't stop this madness.
Your spelling sucks, but the sentence still makes sense.
principle is spelled right, it's just the wrong word.
What in the fuck is this human-shaped object, OP?
>black sun on chest
is she our gal?
>that haircut
educated guess at around 44DD, but hard to tell without knowing her height.
>femanon who worked at Victoria's Secret for 2 years
Goddamn, the fuck is that thing
Banana republic velvet discrete
Spelled correctly but "just wrong word"s
makes no sence rite.. spelling and correct words are important
>That stupid dunce look
From cleaning the toilet with it.
What if we just scream nigger at her while she speaks. Can we shoot anybody who assaults us or will Secret service taze us for asking about skull and bones?
>implying there are girls on the Internet
Get out, leaf.
I would motorboat the hell out of those titties though
what the...
A Dyke Lee joint...
Mutherfucker - and she has makeup on - just think what it looks without makeup!!!!!
motorboat that thing away m8te.
Post feet.
Can someone explain to me in which credible academic society this thing is a bsc student, let alone a professor?
I wouldnt hire that woman at burger king,who the fuck seen her at the job interview and eecided to hire her.
In 2017 American universities this is what you're expected to spend thousands of dollars to learn from. Don't know how universities in Israel are but in the U.S. they are as bad as they look
The one you ushered in America, oven dodger
It probably demanded all sorts of outlandish shit and threatened to sue the school if she wasn't hired. Pure cancer.
No way in hell I would be able to see her face with my face buried in all them titties.
You're too picky.
Oh my God, dem big ole' titties.
Look, my favorite
This is REAL... this a sample of the WINNING debate team
jeeezuuuuss CHRISSTT
She is a radical because shes ugly and hates herself
Cannot unsee!
Aint that an OG Swastika she got tatted on her chest?
Harambe is a supermodel next to that elephantitus afflicted baboon.
don't confuse your commie traitor jews with me
Good thing I was already shitting when I looked at that.
This, it looks like a fucking Key and Peele character
bullshit. It wasn't a single professor.
Furthermore the faggot being targeted (((Weistein))) validated every single aspect of their rebellious bullshit except the part of kicking white people out.
He is as guilty for the state of their university as much as she is.
Thats a nice moustache.
I imagine they tickle my balls when she deepthroats my dick.
Needs to be blacked
Those are g-gg
>a REAL "femanon" here in women's retail
Omg she looks unstable and brainwashed.
Do we have a name for this fully accredited, published and learned scholar?
Did you just assume xirs gender???!!
Well fuck me as I sit here and shitpost!!!!!!!
Just needed to be in a wheelchair to get a full flush. Damn.
Oh shit. Lol, FemiNazi taken to the Extreme
Those are FF or GG if anything.
I honestly dont think we have any other option at this point. Academia is so compromised that it is beyond saving. Right Wing Death Squads are the only answer.
Also trips.
Jesus Christ they are a retarded
She literally looks like a genetic hybrid between a Monkey and Potato
Don't associate Harambe with niggers. Harambe got killed because of a niglet, he would hate being associated with them
hey aunt jenaima why don't you shut up and fix me some pancakes
if you allow yourself to be radicalized by such an individual then you deserve to be shot. she looks like a fucking pixar character.
>hey aunt jenaima why don't you shut up and fix me some pancakes
Dude your German... Second c.u.c.k.iest people in Europe
You would be sucking her long curled unwashed toes and apologizing for being a white German
Naima Lowe Evergreen State College Faculty
B.A. Africana Studies, Brown University, 2002; M.F.A., Film and Media, Temple University, 2008.
Expertise: media arts, media and film, experimental media
Related Subject Areas
Cultural Studies Media and Film Media Arts
exactly, who could sit in class with this obvious moron up front whining about muh privelage and muh gibs and muh rayysissmmm... are these students fucking retarded, fucking dumb whitey... dumb fucking whitey everytime
bullshit degrees of no use except in academia where they can conduct dumb whitey indoctrination classes
Why do they even have professors of african studies, sociology, womens studies, etc
I look forward to the day when republicans GUT all social "science" funding not related to defense.
Confirmed: Not Human
Honestly Im starting to think that we are not all the same species.
Tits or gtfo
based sonnenrad tattoo right out there. i'll be sending my son to evergreen now.
Couldn't stand 5 seconds being in the same room as that thing
Temple? Fuck. I'm glad I was out of there when she went. It was the middle of the jungle in North Philly then.
i looked at that image for too long, now i see a sunwheel when i close my eyes
And people go into massive debt for it and come out dumber and less prepared for the real world than before they went in.
incredibly underrated
stop triggering me to masturbate, man
West Coast blinging
Come out swinging
Dicks out for Harambe
Kill it with fire before it brainwashes anymore of our youth.
No wonder leafposts are so terrible
affirmative action, schlomo.
Who is this semen demon?
My "friend" want to know.
all faggots
but their faggotry is culling some from the herd
but I say we gas them all
ur nan, rekt kiddo.