First, your trash will build up because they will keep fucking with you. Then you'll drive it somewhere. During this drive, they will change your locks and squat in your house. The police won't even care, they wont even turn up unless someone draws blood and even if they do they wont arrest the squatters.
You need to set traps, buy a dye-bomb packet and leave it in a box next to your new bin. Other traps, for doors and windows...
Where else will the gypsy live? Fucking bigot.
As a Romanian I stand by the decisions of my gypsy brother and sisters.
haha this is a classic tactic, just wait and see what happens next.
my bet those were polaks... or Irish pikeys
I respect your expertise in this Sven. Please elaborate, what happens next?
Begging is illegal in Denmark, so we mostly only get zigeuners passing through to Sweden (mostly! we have a few permanent who figured out how to leech on our welfare system). But bin-stealing ones is news to me.
Try using BAT, COM or EXE next.
You need to dig a pitfall trap in front of the new bin. You can catch and collect many gypsies this way
>You need to dig a pitfall trap in front of the new bin. You can catch and collect many gypsies this way
And then, for bonus points, you make an underground tunnel with a conveyor belt feeding them to a wood chipper behind your house. Great for fertilizing, your improved crop of potato will pay for the new bin, tunnel AND wood chipper
tie some old cables somewhere up high
make sure the see the gleam of the copper
they will climb up high
take one guy at the bottom
then the other
don't plug in the cable or some other memetic shit that might get you sent to prison
gipsyes stole a christmas tree in my commieblock
they steal to steal, but maybe they re trying to resale your bin,notify the police
In Romania, many gypsies scavenge/steal metal parts so they can give it up to melting. It's like a traditional gypsy income besides gibsmedat.
People expose wires and then plug them in, so that gypsies will shock themselves to death? Thats brilliant.
dont call them romanians you fucking ape, theyre gypsys, theyre brown and speak a different language. Theyre not romanian.
There is no metal, it was 100 percent fucking plastic
buy a better looking bin and put gps inside of it
Australia speaks the truth. I say that as a man living in Spain, the country high the highest percentage of gypsy and Romanian immigrants.
Squatters are worse than jews.
with, not high*
We did this by accident whilst building a new railway, the power was supposed to be out but the electeic team had to conduct a test. The area was ofcourse sealed off and we drove along the railway to check if it was clear. Once we got back and gave the signal they fired up the power, 30 minutes later we get a call that something disrupted the power, turns out a gypsie mother and two young kids got fried to bits as they tried to steal the wires. This was never mentioned in the press whatsoever, not even local, it was just 'forgotten' about.
Why haven't these "people" been removed from the continent? What menaces.
Var nånstans?
Based Adolf tried.
probably gonna use it to build an addition on their house
>We did this by accident
Sure you did you fucking murderer.
Jesus Christ guys. Can't you hit them with a bat and throw them out?
In (most parts of) America you could legally kill a pack of Romanians for going into your house.
You have done what most men can only dream of. Thanks Sven