Men Going Their Own Way - MGTOW

By denying that MGTOW is a political subject, white nationalist mods here on Sup Forums are censoring a political position they don't agree with.

Men Going Their Own Way is a political subject. Pretending it isn't solely to justify censoring it is the behavior of social justice warriors.

If you ban me for posting this, you are literally a SJW.

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more like real men fap a lot.

>helping the loxists with their Kalergi plan
>gets banned

Mods = Gods

MGTOW is great, once chicks hear a dude is MGTOW they laugh and they laugh and walk to the nearest real man…
it leaves more women for men who actually know how to deal with women…

Do you consider your position so weak that it cannot withstand debate?


I'm a MGTOW. The mods need to fuck off.

> leaf
MGTOW is literally saying "do your own thing"
kill shit, drink beer, make shit

mgtow is embarrassing shit for bitter virgins that no one was going to be with anyways

>white nationalist mods here on Sup Forums
how fucking new are you?

I´m actually MGTOW myself. But Sup Forums is correct, it´s doing the globalists work for them. Having learned to much about women, relationships and the law I simply had to though. Oh and I´m fat.

You might consider that you got banned not for lack of political content. But for lack of content entirely. The rules are flexible here, but the very first example of against the rules
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
So you might want to put some meat on your "new topic" posts.

Not precisely, it promotes a better lifestyle (some branches or speakers at least) as well. Some even date they simply stay away from (((modern marriage))) and aim to become less beta and cucked. No More Mr. Nice Guy is a great book for any man, mgtow or avgjoe.

The problem isn't MGTOW. The problem here is that the opponents of MGTOW (stormfront, jezebel) have shilled so fucking hard against MGTOW here that you all have internalized their strawman misrepresentation of it. You believe that MGTOW = abstaining from sex. That isn't what it means. Here, I'm going to repeat that last part in all caps for emphasis.


Pic related is an accurate depiction of a typical MGTOW

Do you believe that bachelors abstain from sex? Of course not. The only difference between MGTOW and bachelorhood is that society expects a bachelor to eventually "settle down" and start a family after he has finished sowing his oats. MGTOW are just bachelors who have the audacity to say, "my bachelorhood isn't a phase".

MGTOW isn't anything more than this. What makes it political is that white nationalists see the rise of MGTOW as a threat to white birth rates.
>you may now proceed to strawman what we are because you're intellectually incapable of formulating a logical argument against our actual position.

I highly doubt people in real life say they are MGTOW, Canada. Too much risk.

White nationalists are corporate shills anyway.
I agree with MGTOW.
I laugh at your liberal moral assertions that it's a political topic.

>What makes it political is that white nationalists see the rise of MGTOW as a threat to white birth rates.


never forget to sage

Tradcucks are fucking retards. The only thing they can ever say is "just find the right one user" without ever aaddressing any of the divorce rape and women friendly pregnancy laws.

That's not how the majority of men who identify as MGTOW define themselves. Most MGTOW abstain from all unnecessary contact with women. My evidence for this is boards like /r9k/, forums like puahate, plebbits like theredpill and a slew of "MGTOW YouTubers."

The problem with MGTOW isn't just that it contributes to declining white birth rates but that it's entirely pointless as a movement. One of the justifications given for avoiding relationships with women is that it will force them to behave if they want male attention. Total bullshit. That just mean's "Chad" will get even more bitches. AI GF? More bitches for Chad.

The homoerotic tinge to the MGTOW community can't be overlooked either. Even if you ignore the countless supposed men going their own way who advocate fucking traps, there seems to be this homosexual brotherhood among men who identify as MGTOW--they delight in the mistreatment of women and eachother's physicalities. Almost as if they prefer a man's anus to a woman's cunt.

Marriage and family is the only guaranteed path to achieving true, lasting happiness. Taking that away so you can pretend to be Roosh V or whoever else you idolise won't make you happy. Don't believe the memes, you stupid cunt!

fuck off cuck scum
your opinion should be allowed but it does not change the fact that you will die a virgin

Strawman, the post.

Nobody is saying mgtow is abstaining from sex, you retard. We are saying 99% of you join your faggy internet club because you can't get pussy or a girlfriend even if you wanted to.
Fuck off to r9k.

>yeeees goyim, stacy needs you to be a father to her two niglets

I understand MGTOW point, but being "a group" on that is litteraly the worst thing

And I'm saying you're wrong. I'm also saying the only reason you're saying that is you hope saying it will dissuade other anons who don't know about MGTOW from looking in to it in the hope that your dissuasion protects white birthrates.

It's a strawman. You're intentionally misrepresenting MGTOW and then arguing against that misrepresentation.

Have a look at the Reddit MGTOW, it's full of men complaining that women won't date then because they're to short/fat/ugly. MGTOW is just a group of bitter losers.

70% of American men under the age of 35 are MGTOW. Most of them don't even realize it.

How can someone be MGTOW and not even realize it? Because MGTOW is a lifestyle, not a movement. You don't have to join anything.

Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. In female parlance, the word commitment has come to mean "up until I'm no longer 100% satisfied with my partner", at which point a woman can generally end a marriage to her husband's detriment with very little negative consequence to herself and usually with some form of financial gain and increased agency.

It isn't that we are afraid of commitment, it's that the institution of marriage has become commitment incompatible.

>yeeees goyim, all womyn are evil, avoid them instead of finding a perfect one

muh magic unicorn

mgtow are faggots, nobody cares for your dumb cucked ideology. Some of us are trying stop the beautiful white race from being extinguished, and here you cunts are being selfish retards.

Kill yourselves

also if youre not white actually yea be a mgtow, or kill yourself