Well, Sup Forums? Are YOU European?
Well, Sup Forums? Are YOU European?
No I'm a Swede, not mixed with all Europeans.
What's up with Herzegovina?
They're nigger tier
this map is retarded
hungary white?!? :D
Is Varg on the spectrum or something?
lmao Varg is a larping faggot. I honestly wish he'd kill himself
Kek, when did he say Finns are mongoloids? Anyway, Varg is a blackpilled LARPer. Stop watching Varg.
I would literally throw a fat banger if Varg took the L and got clapped lmao
>not mongoloid
Thank god im not a snownigger. Proud of my ancestors creators of the actual civilization and conquistadores.
Didn't Varg said he'd let a blonde blue eyed persian or berber fuck his daughter in his lastest we wuz video?
He's a crypto-cuck
He's absolutely delusional and believes that the Roman Republic/Empire was created by Nords, basically, WE WUZ ROMA.
I don't understand the need to we wuz, just be proud of your own people for fucks sake.
Why is Sochi white and the surrounding area not?
Caucauses are white Anatolians. Russians are Mongoloids. So is Dagestan.
Kill yourself, Roach
Varg is an idiot.
Radioactive barren desert.
dunno it has been a long time since the middle east map looked that way
That's Europe, I think.
>according to Varg Vikernes
not really
Varg would take a blonde blue eyed Turk over a brown eyed dark hairded Swede
Baltics are not white, we are the niggest.
this, for god sake this, go back to your hut vikernes viking.
Can confirm. I was just in Austria and they all look like Moortugese people
Kavkaz people are not white at all
Even if your statement is true, according to that map only the Russian side is "white"
>believes that the Roman Republic/Empire was created by Nords, basically, WE WUZ ROMA.
sorry but you are a lying faggot
Varg said that Romans were mixed and that that's the reason the had to make a civilisation, like all the other ancient civilisations were mixed
>brown eyed dark hairded Swede
What the fuck is that? Some of those 'new Swedes'? Or do you mean the Sami? Having one, dark hair or dark eyes, is rare among Nordics.
The roach and the piefke, truly the greatest of allies.
Probably turks like yourself
That map is actually pretty accurate.
East Karelians are European, north karelians mongoloid?
You are probably more Turkish than me, Hırvat.
t. Nordic Caucausian
didn't know turks were blonde
>Normandy not being nordic
nice try roaches, go back to suicide bombing
he used an example in one of his videos (for a Swede or a Norwegian)
Varg said the original Swedes had all blonde hair and blue eyes but at this point it isn't the case anymore for some part and he doesn't give a fuck about nationality anymore
Yep. Family is from UK/Ireland and Northern France + Germany and the Low Countries.
Fuck off niggers and gooks.
hmm yes im quite european i was born in austria so calling it a negroid country is like telling me to nuke Istanbul
Hello my fellow negroid.
Fixed version
Cornish people are niggers?
>Finland is asiatic but not Hungary
>Slovenia is somehow, unlike the asiatic south slavs, negroid
>Switzerland and Austria negroid
>Muslim part of Bosnia is European
>Somehow northern Albania is too
>So is Cornwall
I've never watched Varg but if this is what he believes then that is peak autism
>That Finland
Does Varg hates you, finbros?
>Finland is asiatic but not Hungary
Finns have far more people that have looks that suggest asiatic ancestry
actually I don't even think I ever saw a Hungarian whose looks suggest asiatic ancestry
>slavic countries
>fucking white
>Muslim part of Bosnia is European
he probably meant the dinaric's that live there, have the most european genes in Europe and the only ones that are actually native Europeans. I still consider them subhuman though.
who the fuck cares about that retard Varg
It's also a valid point according to statistics.
The problem it's with changing demographics, in that case his complains are factual in the sense that's he's a man that has real consideration of what it is, living in north france with a bunch of blonde kids.
I never doubt the criteria of a man in that position, I have my reasons for it, but he knows what he's talking about, there, he's wrong in a shitload of other things.
Autism: The everyday struggle
Wow so many insecure people here
>candidly avoiding putting the shit on the Jewish and Muslim haven that is Russia
You foking wot m8?
>Croatia and the Croatian part of Bosnia
>One is deemed mogoloid while the ones with the nigger behaviour who were ruled over by Turks are demeed ''white''
My proto-european Dinarid blood is seething with anger...or not.
OP probably made this image up desu, Varg has said Finns are European. The things Varg hates are civilization and Christianity. He's the kind of faggot who would probably rather sacrifice his own people than accept either of those.
This is exactly what my map would be. Mostly because of "lighter traits" such as blonde hair and blue eyes being predominantly in the blue area.
I would include Spain and most of Italians, but they're not of the Nordic type. They're darker, but still white.
>Varg said that Romans were mixed and that that's the reason the had to make a civilisation
How is that a reason for anything buddy. Varg also said that jumping off a cliff makes you 100% European (w/ 0 evidence as usual), maybe you should test it out.
t. cigo
>creating a better society means you're a mongrel
Are all nordics this delusional?
Lel, found the herceg guis
you need to go back
tfw borderline evropa
this guy is from tuscany.
yes, they thank that their long houses and basic stick huts up north are superior to all roman achievement because "muh blonde hair is pretty :)"
I thought hercegovinians are just Croatians
Nice try cigo but I'm from rovinj
They are, but they act like fucking niggers
So you be sayin we wuz kikangz and shiiiiet?
>tfw I'm as pale as a fucking albino so your joke didn't work
More than you
go back white man
Varg hates civilization and is obsessed with blonde hair and blue eyes so he will pull any explanation out of his ass to support his views, which are quite clearly just a product of his antisocial personality.
>Romania - Mongoloid
>Hungary - Nordic
Varg pls
With exception to the Greek in me, I'm White - albeit a mix: Polish, German, Irish. My Greeks ancestors are from western Greece, so likely unaffected by Turkish occupation. So, it's safe to say that I'm European.
Good map
One day I will return. I am a cigo, you are a cigo, together we can become cigane
whiteshits are on verge of genocide. they will experience similar fate that jews experienced. half of their population will be exterminated. their women will be part of our harem again. their mothers sisters and daughters will get raped right in front of them.
Just lol
Stop the divide and conquer
There's truth to the meme. But that's what Americans are: Euro-mutts. Which is far better than Sami. I'd rather be a mix of European peoples than Asiatic.
You people who hate on the Irish need to fuck off. They didn't fight the last big Jew war like most of us did. If the Jews end up winning this whole shitfest, the Irish will be the last remaining 90%+ white country all alone on their little island.
How are you gonna call south Italians, Greeks and Bulgarians white and not eastern Turks?
>not mongol
shitty map
>South Wales
I'd say he had something against celts but Scotland and Ireland are still 'european', so I don't know what the fuck is going on.
survives water and extreme cold temperatures, which is what they are supposed to stand
are Italian buildings able to survive earthquakes?...
Literally elected a shitskin, faggot president
>Thank god im not a snownigger. Proud of my ancestors creators of the actual civilization and conquistadores.
stfu nigger
How do you do fellow blacks.
wew so many swedish cuckposters
>90% White
>Indian, faggot President
What a fucking embarrassment to the people who came from Ireland to America. Wow.
Estonia is not even homogenous
Swedes are literally shit-tier. I fully support Danish master race, though.
Well, I guess that's their first big mistake. It's not like the rest of Europe is doing any better.