Searching for Answers

Hello there, I am John Brehow from the BBC and I am looking to find answers for several questions in relevance to my upcoming segment on the 6 o'clock news on the topic of the rise in prominence of the board Sup Forums, and the alt-right, on a major political scake.

Question number 1:
According to Sup Forums, many men are "cucks". Would someone care to explain this term for me?

Question number 2:
How does Sup Forums view the mainstream broadcasting channels like the BBC, ABC and RT?

Question number 3:
Would a kind fellow please list as many terms that you may use that are not in the general vocabulary of the public?

Thank you very much for your participation, and I look forward to viewing your answers and displaying them on the BBC.

P.b. may you please tag your posts with your identity, so that I can link posts.

With great pleasure,
John Brehow

Other urls found in this thread:

we're just an green anonymous intelligence agency.

Interesting, please expand upon this my fine fellow!

provide proof mr bbc


nice digits tho have my cat

Picture of yourself with time stamp or go fuck yourself.

>Sweden posting about BBC


Fake news go away.

We're gonna need some proof pal, post a picuture of you holding up piece of paper with your name+date+time on it. Also write ''hi Sup Forums''

You do realize about 75% of this board consists of robots posting insults at each other, right?

I guarantee you Chris Cuomo, a skinny fag, has made a study of neuro-linguistic programming or some gibberish similar as part of his establishment grooming. His quick, rhythmic delivery and faggy seamless insertions are the hallmark of a iniciate-level NLP practitioner.
HOWEVER, we're better

>projecting this hard

Your larping will be more fun with some subtlety, faggot

Fuck off tea-nigger, this is a Taiwanese hentai origami board. Also, accept Christ.

"Cucks" are men that are submissive and have no backbone to help them stand up for themselves

Generally Sup Forums views MSM as controlled bias opinion spewing shitfest that is almost entirely left-wing and anti-conservative.

I can't be bothered about all that so here's a tidbit instead; not everybody who participates is a winner.

How about you suck my dick, corporate whore?

1. Owen Jones. Just everything about him.

'Sup, FAGGOTS! CTV mothafuckin' News IN DA HOUSE! We got some questions too. Gonna threadjack this BBC bro for a bit.

1. Tell us about this "Pepe Frog" - he's like, your guys's gay boyfriend or something? Are you "gay for Pepe"?

2. Are pretty much all of you guys here fags? As in, actual homos? Or is that just a meme? Cuz you all fuck trannies and traps, right? Is that NOT gay?

3. You guys make fun of Trudeau, but at least he's not a trap-fucking NEET wasting away in his mom's basement while posting on a Laotian homosex gay bathhouse forum - how do you respond to this fact?

CTV OUT, bitchezzzz!

we do things for lols here, this board is simultaneously satire and the harbinger of the end of days by an ancient Egyptian frog god.

>accept Christ
see, dear that's a cuck.
A cuck's who let himself to be decieved and/or replaced. Jesus is an alien.


>Swedes alleging projection about projecting about the BBC

My fucking sides. GTFO, Sven.

proof or gtfo

Proof that I exist and am not at all fictional

if you show this on tv, you gonna owe me money

Corbyn won. Brexit will be reversed. Britain will get on her knees to ask the EU for forgiveness.

fuck off
lurk more

The Holohoax is a fake religious meme and 150,000+ Jews served in the Germany army under the Haavara Agreement.

Cultural Marxism will soon begin pushing for pedophilia rights.

Islam is the sword of the Jew and a way to destroy the white race through race mixing, while giving excuse for you children to die in desert holy wars for the Jew.

Mossad and the CIA did 9/11 and EVERYONE fucking knows it. Only you traitorous cowards in the media/politics/celebrity say otherwise.

Jews ran the American slave trade and provide funding for the Confederate Army (see Treasurer).

Globalism is Communism 2.0 and has nothing to do with global unity. It's main goal to destroy Western Nations through invasion and psychological demoralization

WW2 wasn't fought over "racism" or a small country like Germany trying to take over the world. It was fought over "international finance" - Winston Churchill.

Jews run the banking cartels which enslave the world to usury (compound interest) and have been doing these kinds of rackets since the time of Cicero and Seneca.

Jews run the Alt-Right, and it was a meme by people like Richard Spencer who is hated by Sup Forums and openly calls for the destruction of the white race.

1) A "cuck" is a man who lacks proper in-group/ out-group boundaries. This is illustrated in the extreme by a man who would be willing to raise a child who was conceived while his wife cheated on him. It's also seen in European countries being unwilling to assert their cultural identities in the face of endless third-world migration. A cuck is reflective of society skewing from being K-selected to one that is more r-selected.




This is bait but I will take it
1) Cuck is named after the Cuckoo where the bird lays it's eggs in another birds nest for the other bird to feed, where the invader pushes the other eggs out of the nest for its own benefit. This refers to weak men that allow this sort of situation happen in their own lives i.e allowing barbaric muslims or blacks fuck their wives or take their land or simply, raising another mans children. This can also refer to a very feminine man or a male feminist.

2) Absolute garbage western mainstream media are all run by filthy kikes and all have their bias and want you to believe what they want you to believe. I got tired of having news where they edit the story to provide their narrative, so I just stopped watching and reading trash like BBC and instead try and find amateur footage of the event. RT while being largely Russian propaganda does do a good job of showing you news regarding the west that the establishment doesn't want you to see. RT is the best of the worst.

3) cuck, kike, merchant, brackets, mudslime, baizhou (pic related)

Final point: your organisation is absolute cancer.

Oh you. She's already dead.

oh dear

fucking piece of shit

fuck off commie

Fuck Conservatives.

Sup Forums hates those baby boomer faggots.




FFS you newfags are retarded.

fuck off you cuck

Welcome to Sweden, is so nice to have you visi-

>how many men are cucks. Would someone care to explain this term for me?


Futhermore, there's something they won't tell u..
Antartica doesn't exist and Russia was invented by the CIA

Nice digits

Good bait have a quote, this is where the Internet hate machine was born from

People pay lip service to saving the planet, but they don't – they fail to make the big leap that if you want to save the planet, kill your fucking self. The planet will be saved without you. And what a delightful place it'll be. Welcome. It's a new thing I'm working on, called "The Comedy of Hate". Join in.

Search cuckold on a porn site you'll understand the meaning

Jews and kgb weekly news


Faggot paki leave my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Your a cuck

They're fake news cucks.

Praise KEK!


>pictured far left as a young boy

I can't tell is he's remained far left or shifted to the far right.

This is an interesting post and the depiction of the towers may show the actual feelings of Sup Forums as sad and lonely.


1) Look at the mirror.

2) Literally who channels.

3) Dingle tingler, it means white supremacist.

With great pleasure,
Sam Hyde.

This is a cuck.

please cover this in the BBC news shoe


timestamp you fucking limey cuck!

>This is an interesting post and the depiction of the towers may show the actual feelings of Sup Forums as sad and lonely.

We're going to kill you someday, Johnny. We're going to fuck you to death with Excalibur for what you're doing.


stick one sharpie in your rectum and write the date and time next to it and post a photo of all this in thread, it's the only way we know you're scamming us

I asked lord kek what BBC stands for, he told me it stands for big black cocks.

Its a big club , and you aint in it .George Carlin.

t. assblasted faggot

Please may Sup Forums have the decency to slow down? It is hard to take notes at this speed!

just checked BBC out, its worse than big black cocks.


>may Sup Forums have the decency

why does bbc support white genocide?

calm your tits boi, i am microsoft admin

poopie in sharper, or gtfo

Fuck you traitor, you have no decency. Go suck your kike master's cock

or get the fuck out

Question number 1:
>According to Sup Forums, many men are "cucks". >Would someone care to explain this term for >me?
Its used to force a emotional reaction, like your mom is whore. It has lost ist meaning here, just a insult.

Question number 2:
>How does Sup Forums view the mainstream >broadcasting channels like the BBC, ABC and >RT?
All viable news outlets, you never depend on one side but have to listen to all of them to make up your own mind.
Question number 3:
>Would a kind fellow please list as many terms >that you may use that are not in the general >vocabulary of the public?

No, lurke more faggot.

You guys are worthless. You're just puppets for the council on foreign relations. They try to social engineer what people should think...slowly steering us to some sort of politically correct commy one world government. You cover for the crimes committed by the elite/ secret societies. Btw...remember when you broadcasted the fall of wtc 7 20 mins before it actually happened. Care to explain cuck?!

Fucking kill yourself

>All viable news outlets, you never depend on one side but have to listen to all of them to make up your own mind.
HAHA, Fuck you poser

>Its used to force a emotional reaction, like your mom is whore. It has lost ist meaning here, just a insult.

>All viable news outlets, you never depend on one side but have to listen to all of them to make up your own mind.

Kraut personified


>According to Sup Forums, many men are "cucks". Would someone care to explain this term for me?
Derived from cuckold. basically they're spineless and delusional.
>How does Sup Forums view the mainstream broadcasting channels like the BBC, ABC and RT?
As peddled bullshit, entertaining only in it's absurdity and bias.
>Would a kind fellow please list as many terms that you may use that are not in the general vocabulary of the public?
Lurk more faggot.

btfo the rise of the alt-right is because of shills and the 'genocide' of whites, that news outlets like yours support

There's nobody at the BBC with that name.

Lurk moar, since you leech money from the public you should have enough time to do it. Nigger.

fuck off lurk moar faggot

AS far as LARPing threads go this one is pretty fun


The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




It is the Coudenhove Kalergi plan.
It is no coincidence.
The game plan of the elite.
In his book "Praktischer Idealismus", Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with not clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.
This was written in 1925.
Let me break it down...
Create a fictional bad guy, a boogeyman, Al quaida, taliban, isis, to justify illegal wars not only for monetary control but to destabilise a continent.
Label the aftermath a "refugee" crisis.
Flood white countries with Asian/African immigrants.
Emasculate the native males.
Install multiculturalism, and political correctness to silence those who appose.
Hypersexualise and actively dumb down society through "pop" culture.
Subliminally encourage mixed race relations.
Give it a few generations and bang there you have it...
One world
One race
One religion
One government
Complete control.

lurk more

1. Look in a mirror and behold.
2. Their transmitters are the #1 cause of greenhouse gas.
3. See urban dictionary.

OBTW, the only interesting remaining production of the BBC is the nightly Shipping Forecast at 0048 GMT. No bullshit tendered.

You work for the BBC. You are a cuck. Figure that one out you cock gazer.

Complete trash bought and paid for by special interests to tow whatever the party line is that day/week/month. You are a dying "service" in the modern age and continually sink to new lows to justify your very existence. No one under the age of 50 gives a fuck about you nor takes you seriously. We'd like to see all of you dead and buried.

Lurk more you dried up stinky dick licker. NOT YOUR DICTIONARY.

1, The BBC is a cuck organisation, you do everything in your power to help non brits take over, like Tony Blair mkII aka Sadiq (manlet) kahn

2, Grow a pair stop pandering, stop getting hysterical over meaningless tweets etc. BBC is opinionated leftist, lets all shake hands, hire Bono to sing kumbaya and blood feuds will be forgotten pansy pish.
Report reality however inconvenient, iq differences between different peoples for one example. When you tell me a blatant dumbass is my equal because muh equality, i turn off

3, lurk more!!!

>According to Sup Forums, many men are "cucks". Would someone care to explain this term for me?
Beta males who let everyone walk all over them. Explicitly used to insult white men who advocate for social justice.
>How does Sup Forums view the mainstream broadcasting channels like the BBC, ABC and RT?
Biased fake news. Essentially just globalist propaganda.
>Would a kind fellow please list as many terms that you may use that are not in the general vocabulary of the public?

This is pretty good bait.

You're a terrible LARPer. The fact you don't timestamp is why you're getting bullshit responses. On the off chance this is real (which it's not), learn how this board works. You can't come on here an anonymously claim to be someone without proof.

Fuck answering your bloody questions until there's justice for John in Swansea, innit.

what word have i used here that won't let me post?
pic related

The BBC is bullshit anyway, if this was real, and this was taken seriously, that 6 o'clock segment would still be bullshit propaganda

he agrees with everythig i said

beta's, subhuman trash who do not deserve to live
Mainstream is Controlled by (((them))) getting your own information is more reliable
(((___))) means jews and Dingle tingler does means white supremacist

Faggot. You have to use an invisible key to post that word here. Dont be so homophobic next time.

>time stamp
Or pic related

shut up faggot i know its not faggot, faggot

It is because you have not lurked enough. Lurk more. Post less. The board will be better for it.