Elliot Rodgers is alive

My homie caught dis nigga at his party

false flag confirmed? are HAPAs actually based???


sheit cuh, waz da play? we finna rob his cracka ass o jus slap'm out?

wait what the fuck

Neet Photoshop there op


Meet Georgia Rodger, Elliot Rodger's sister

Imagine a zombie Elliot Rodgers, risen from the grave, all autistic rotten supreme gentleman flesh, gate crashing parties, awkwardly trying to chat up hot blond chicks, as they run away screaming & vomiting, but also laughing a bit too at what a retarded beta hapa zombie manlet he is.

Have you read his manifesto?

Goldmine of keks

Sexier than a mug

He would have been right at home on pol.

Photoshop. That's an old photo of him spliced in with some nig mac.

that picture so old

we could have saved him and his victims
board of peace

If this were true he'd have gotten unbelievable amounts of pussy by this point from all the chicks that love killers. He'll have lost his gentlemanly edge, unfortunately.

He was the perfect gentleman. If he only lowered his standards...

so fake it hurts

such an old image taken at the same time as a few other old images.

Go brush your teeth OP, your breath stinks of semen

I hope he doesn't spill his juice on the giant pillow next to him.

Post the MTW passage.


I'm already in here. I can't get in here any further.
