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What is this about?

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none of your business

hi Giger

>nobody is sure why
Which means "this is old and European so we have to destroy it for our homosexual Muslim tranny midget disabled retarded population"


The Swiss aren't that kekd.

They will learn

I would assume it's Saturn eating his children

we already hate you hans

Switzerland was founded by the Tenplars with their treasure from the crusades and is one of the biggest homes to the Satanic elite. Just remember the satanic ritual they had when they opened the worlds biggest tunnel a couple years ago.

Looks jewish.

what kind of hat is the statue wearing? That will narrow down the suspects

Jewish hat.

Hansel and Gretel the original story the parents sell the children to the witch...so she could eat them.... whats wrong with you Europeans?

Strudelgate was the original Pizzagate

here we go

nothing to see here

Some of those old tales were pretty grimm


He has many babies and he's hungry. Happens all the time.

I dated a Swiss girl. She was a little gremlin.

This. It's one of the oldest stories known to men and inspired many artists


It's the dark brotherhood. Praise the night mother.

except the Templars were never Satanic. That is just what the 1% (who all owed them money) want you to believe.

foretelling communism


It's probably just Cronus.

Many such stories.




A circumcised dick helmet?

>tfw have 3 babies, ate one b/c hungry then realized that it was the untasty one
>now have to throw away rest of baby 1 and pull out tasty baby number 2 to eat
>only have one baby left now


the father who eats his children is an extremely ancient archetype

The Swiss Elite are Moloch worshipers.

I never said they were Satanic, just that the "elite" of Europe who many live in Switzerland are. But they were Hermeticists. Regardless they brought to Europe the fiat currency banking system that allows the rich to enslave the poor.

looks like /ourguy/

The statue is of Krampus

It also happens in nature. Male lions (also other cats) eat the male children to get rid of future competition. Father-son conflicts happen often. I remember regularly fighting with my dad before I moved out

That will never hold up in the courts. There must be illustrations with someone wearing that hat.

Many such cases. SAD!!

its probably from some folklore why do u care


Yeah, it's probably a Jew. Traditionally they were forced to wear various kinds of cone-shaped hat as a warning to others to beware of their jewish tricks. Obviously the eating of babies ties in with their well-known practice of kidnapping and murdering of Christian babies for matzo bread.

Forgot link

Although on reflection this is more likely, he doesn't look much like a jew otherwise

he's a 100% accurate depiction of a jewish pawnbroker


The Jews all agree it is probably just Kronos the titan.