how can we save the church from the current crypto jew pope? it really pains me to watch christianity die out like this. and see this cuck lefty liberal (((pope))) welcome islam into catholic territory
Can the church be saved Sup Forums? if so, how? we dont have a voice in the vatican. everything is closed door politics over there. how do we even know someone is actually fighting for christianity? will the vatican ever be truly christian again?
Serious question: can the church be saved?
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To be clear, the rot set in way before now. It's just a matter of it bubbling to the surface.
Promote christian terrorism in order to get liberal support. It worked for muslims.
im serious lads
how can we uncuck/unjew the church so that it works for us again?
poverty, lack of education and minority status - three boons for any organized religion.
as long as westerner christians are wealthier, more educated and in majority, the local religious community will suffer. that's why christianity is still alive in hostile areas such as middle east while it's dying in civilized western countries.
italias are all mainly middle class, highly studied populace and they are still very religious
But OP's idea was to find a way to reform the Church ( changing the pope would be a great start) , Christian Europe could be anti islam if only the Pope wasn't a lefty cuck , read argentinian sources from the time before his nomination
Christianity is a religion created by slaves for slaves. It should die and be replaced by an religion based on Master Morality instead of Slave Morality. We need Kings and Heroes, not humble servants. Why worship a dead Jew nailed to a stick when you can woship the mighty Warrior Gods of your ancestors like Odin?
Catholicism has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity.
How you going to uncuck a religion based on a book written about Jews by Jews that says Jews are the center of the Universe, God is a Jew, and the only way to be saved is asking forgiveness from a Jew? If the Jewish God was real, their God wouldn't have let Pagans burn their temple, enslave their people, and nail their savior to a wooden stick.
Probably need to tackle specific problems individually.
>Welcome Islam
I would ramp up tensiions by introducing more Christians to the blasphemous Muslim version of Jesus & the Qurans heretical quotes about the Trinity.
The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light.
>Odin stare
Meme answer? Wait until Francis dies, the next Pope will be a """""Conservative""""". Francis was chosen as an attempt at an olive branch with Liberals/Atheists to get church attendance numbers up; it didn't work and in fact lowered them, significantly.
Actual answer? You can't. Catholicism was given a choice between embracing rational materialism (and Protestantism) or rejecting it and continuing with an acceptance of local folk practices. They chose Protestantism, and are suffering from it. A religion cannot beat rational materialism at its own game.
Starting by admitting Vatican 2 was the great apostasy and that all popes from john 23 were antipopes
No. It's dead. When the Catholic church didn't react beyond giving a shitty apology for the whole raping little boys stuff, they lost all moral standing. No joke, that was the tipping point for Christianity's decline over the last decade or so. They lost the moral high ground when they fought to preserve their power over preserving their morality. That's why this "current year" pope can basically do whatever he likes with the dogma, there is nothing left for them to defend.
Stick to Orthodoxy.
The church is the whore of Babylon. Not a Christian institution. It's still the pagan Roman pantheon it's always been.
Do you happen to be the Brit from the Pagan General Thread, that ive discussed Orthodox/Catholic Church and the Situation of the Pope with?
Catholic Church doesn't really proselytize much. Churches that don't go soul winning will not grow. Watch some Steven Anderson.
We have to go back. Look at how we fucked up at the Schism. The Orthodoxy was more in the right desu. The only way is to get into our parishes and start getting people to take the bible more seriously rather than this interpretation bullshit. None of this, Paul was a product of his time, hence why he hated gays bullshit. The Catholic Church has really diverted from it's origins, we need to go back to that and start living as real Christians, not this bullshit we have today. There is a reason why people slag Catholicism for not being real Christianity.
Ah well, could have been.
Anyways. Lets just hope the Islamic State is retarded enough to blow him to bits.
There are currently people who would apply for the position of the Pope, who have some a little bit more aggressive Stances towards Islam.
Misé? I was the Catholic guy that the Italian didn't like very much.
*Don't know if it's me you were on about. I made the stuff about Hyperbole and the reference to Render under Caesar.
Protestantism is growing globally, much faster than the Catholic Church, despite accepting rational materialism (whatever you mean by that).
>people on Sup Forums unironically believe in a desert fairy tale cult
The various churches have been infiltrated by freemasons. Hence the homosexuality and pedophilia. To answer your question though yes the churches can and will be saved.
Catholicism is failing because they are protestants. Sure bud.
I don't use kikebook very often, but recently been noticing ((("christian"))) leaders that were involved in my college campus heavily that are all coming out as homosexuals, wearing rainbow flags, and going on marches.
Fucking hell.
>I love dicks in my ass and chasing carnal pleasures
>oh and I totally love Jesus too because he is probably an american liberal like me
>Catholicism has nothing to do with Christianity.
Protestantism = jewlarp. Isn't it time for you to keep shabbos?
Checked it and might be. Havin trouble keepin you brits apart.
If thats you then yes.
I suggested that currently Orthodox Churches are probably a better bet then the Catholic Church, mainly because the Catholics do not seem very intend on upholding christian values or defending it.
>Center of the Universe
Which is why the book heavily implies that the Jews crucified Jesus for pointing out their wrong and Jewish ways.
Which is why Jesus Christ threw down their Shekels in their Temples.
Which is why jews were hated throughout the Ages in which Chrisendom was dominant.
Get that muh kike on a schtik meme outta here.
Yeah, the church, at least mainstream parts of the churches have become political rather than about faith. I hate these faggots saying that they are Christian when they accept unrepentant gays.
By St Paul, Romans 1:24-27
24 Therefore aGod gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be bdishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for 1a alie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, bwho is blessed 2forever. Amen.
26 For this reason aGod gave them over to bdegrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is 1unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, amen with men committing 1indecent acts and receiving in 2their own persons the due penalty of their error.
These fucks think they know better than Paul, they are no true Christians.
Implying Vatican II didn't already put the last nails in the coffin of the church and have it's skin worn by protestants.
It's really nuts.
I can't stand to see the world going the way it is.
This one guy I'm thinking of in particular has a picture of himself wearing the rainbow flag like a cape as his current profile picture.
Lots of "christians" liking the photo and saying stuff like "I'm so proud of you!"
I swear I used to feel compassion, but the more I see shit like this the more I just rage.
Aye. I'd also agree with you on that about the Catholic Church. Problem is I live in Ireland,(North so hence the flag) so I either get Catholicism or get my kneecaps blown out if I walk into a Protestant Church. You can find some Orthodox churches in the bigger cities but I'm not Greek/Romanian/Russian and I live in a rural area. I'm gonna at least try to help uncuck my church. I'm looking to go to latin mass, I think some of the people there will be more traditional.
You can save it by burning it down. Abandon your Abrahamic invaders' religion
Yeah, I get you. As Christians we have to be tolerant usually but these people have usurped the Church and the word of God all in the false idea that Christianity is all about muh feels and have destroyed the church in doing so. Truly disgusting bastards but at least they'll go to Hell if they don't accept the message of Christ. Which they are by no means doing now.
become a priest.
then a Monsignor..maybe a Bishop.
become pope.
>3/4 of the book is Jewish mytholy that says Jews are God's Chosen People
>1/4 of the book is a story about a man born without a biological father, who performed magic tricks and then pissed off the Jews by saying "everyone can be Jewish." They killed him and then he came alive again, then vanished forever?
Do you guys actually believe this absolute garbage?
Also, would you rather you daughter marry a Christian black or a non-Christian white?
Pretty much agree with you. It's either make some attempt to save Catholicism or we become Orthodox. It is heretical to leave the church but they have become the heretics at this point. Orthodoxy resembles the word of God much more. Even if we save some of it, it'll be in smaller numbers. But remember, the apostles went out and spread the word of Christ. Only a handful. As long as a few remain true then we can start again.
Tridentine mass is the Holy one
You should go study the Bible a little bit before you make that claim.
Should've took the blue pill.
An Irish, how cute.
Well, Orthodox Churches, especially the Greek tend to be quite inclusive, but seeing as you live in Ireland I can of course fully understand your situation. Seeing as your Country is quite catholic it might actually be the better option for you. I wasnt saying that one should immidiatly switch to an Orthodox Church, but in the long run it seems like it is more fit to defend its followers.
>Im gonna at least try to help uncuck my church.
Thats the spirit. Every bit counts. You do not need the Pope to make a difference. As long as you believe in what you do, and as long as you are willing to defend it, you will be fine.
Keep it up bro. Things will look up in the Future, and hopefully our Children wont be burdened with the Worries we have.
You'll likely see Orthodoxy grow in the west sooner rather than later. Several former Anglicans and Catholics have already been in talks with the Orthodox Church and the church already has western rite for those who love their latin mass or anglican style of worship.
Non-Christian white. The family is the most important thing in the world of God our nation is family. It means nobody gets left behind. We can convert a white, but a black is less likely to follow Christianity to it's full extent. They are more based by killing random gays, but there is more to Christianity than killing gays, as much as we should do that.
Also, in reference to the Chosen people thing. You have to understand that the Israelite and Jew are not the same. They became mongrels by mixing with the arabs. They disobeyed the word of God many times even before Christ. The Jews are the true evil of God. They were chosen but then betrayed him. The church used to be really anti-semtic but now it's been infiltrated so they spout this chosen people shit constantly.
The jews believed in the same God, yet were obviously flawed as they murdered the son of God because he disagreed with them, placing their Greed over the teachings of God. They murdered him for saying that God is not just for them. If Christianity shilled for Judaism so hard, then please elaborate how great the Jews had it in when the Chrisendom ruled over Europe.
It is, but you know Francis the Usurper actually believes that it is backwards? He needs to be removed.
That's interesting, I don't know much about orthodoxy since I've been Catholic all my life aside from a few edgy periods when many fedoras are tipped. I'd like them to come to Ireland but I don't know if it'll just wash over us or not.
Convert to Orthodoxy, there is no other solution.
The sooner you realize it, the more likely your soul will be saved.
The true Church is in an untouchable place and cannot be corrupted by any worldly power. Don't be afraid, my friend.
Also, maybe open to interpretation. But Zechariah 13:8). It says Jewish people in Israel “will be cut off and perish. This is because of their sins in my opinion. Because they rejected Christ they will suffer. In this life and the next. Maybe not accurate, just how it can be with the prophecies in terms of their exact reasoning for the foretold events.
Leaving now, but here is a hymn I like from the Orthodox Church. Goodnight.
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*nods head approvingly*
You're not even listening!
*continues to nod head*
The new mass is kind of masonic , all popes are since 1958
>hurpity durpity doo
Alright, my mistake, I falsely assumed everyone who would post in this thread had a triple digit IQ. Allow me to amend my error:
A common trap many Protestants fall into is trying to use rational materialism to """"""'prove""""""" God. William Lane Craig and Ken Ham are two of these types. They fail, completely and utterly. Religion is inherently irrational and immaterial. This comes from a much greater fact that being HUMAN is inherently irrational and immaterial. Protestantism adopted the burgeoning rational materialism of the Renaissance/Enlightenment.
Catholicism was given a choice: Either stay the course and maintain their focus on the irrational and immaterial or adopt the rational materialism. Orthodoxy was forced by corruption and communism to take up rational materialism, but Catholicism chose it.
This complete rejection of the irrational and immaterial completely cuts off several methods of spreading the faith as the religion becomes obsessed with the notion that if they just showed people the RIGHT INFORMATION and were more REASONABLE then they could get more converts. But people don't convert to religions because of "reason". Want proof? Edgy memekids on here """"""'convert""""""" to Catholicism and Orthodoxy because of LE BASED DEUTCH VAULTING ORTHODOX CRUSADER MONKS, not because of any Aquinas hamfisted botching of Aristotelian philosophy or because of some autistic radio personality talking about how much Jesus loves you.