Evergreen College professor who refused to Participate in "No-Whites" Day is on Joe Rogan right now

Get in here niggers

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--Based manlet.

ffs im still doing the 2nd jordan peterson one

Why isn't he on MSNBC?

Ha. FOX had him on, at least.

>he just called out the black population

Just put it on background while you CLEAN YOUR ROOM.

So you cucks shitpost all day about how much you hate Alex Jones but you post this fag?

this guy literally just said "Black people are at the forefront of this hateful movement"

What people who have been oppressed want is not equality with their oppressors but to become the oppressors themselves.

He is actually speaking a truth from a far left perspective he carries, Pretty bad when your own side says shut the fk up and quit whining

I cant believe Rogan, a smart openminded dude, still thinks 9/11 happened anything like how they said.

Ry Dawson should be a guest

problem is he associates Alt Theories with Crazy Eddie Bravo

This guy is a self-hating liberal faggot who's only crying because he wants his riled up negroes mad at other whites besides him. Let the left consume itself, fuck him.

redpilled against his will

but he isnt white
he is a kike

Anyone have any "info" on the kangz and sjws from the videos?

these low moral standards people in cluding joe rogan all deserve each other. fuck if i care.

oooh , so I get it now

it was the "Pimps" who started this anti-white perverse culture war , and now it's one of them who will swoop in and save the day

... nice way to bet on both sides ...

does pol have a cytube channel for this shit or do you guys just use ubermensch


omg joe, not you too....


Read between the lines...

(((Bret Wienstien)))

Climate change and aliens will prevent anadduh shoah

Guys I know joe rogan is somewhat an "dude weed dweeb" but he's defiantly an counter force to (((them)))

It's time to go full Jew, is what he's saying.

I'm all aboard.

What the fuck is this guy talking about?



Inb4 he says it's a social justice buttcoin.

(((Professor whoeverthefuckStein))) can fuck right off until he drops this pc fake-word babbling and calls out all niggers and jewry. Fuck giving him a platform to push his commie leftist fantasies.

My guess is he's a radical Communist and he's thinking revolution or he's an Alex Jones type anti-new world order guy or he's just bullshitting

A liberal being forcefully red-pilled. Pretty funny to be honest.

I'm leaning more towards the Alex Jones type since he called out the blacks at Evergreen.

>implying Jews are white

Why is this so fucking hard to understand that semites are not Euro. Do these people also call Assad white?



I think he's (((the chosen))) to rise and become a well known professor who is the leftist commie counterpoint to Jordan Peterson.
Dr. Peterson is getting too much positive attention, so (((they))) need to get one of their own out there, too.
And right on cue, we get the anti-white holohoax propaganda. Fuck this guy.


I love when chicks do this in public

One of my coworkers has on a short denim dress and I can see her snatch

>agrees with what hitler did

definitely a fucking supremacist himself.

It's so obvious, and Joe will never see it.

advocating for eugenics ?




More like recognizing that it works from an evolutionary point of view

you're saying this guy is a white supremacist?

How many times did he say holocaust?

>mfw we are now justified in killing jews

your time is coming

He literally said the worst thing imaginable is the spread of german genes. When I spoke to a jew IRL and told him about the declining birthrates of Germans, he grinned gleefully. These kikes absolutely despise Germans.


didn't peterson said something similar at some point in his interview?

like hitler was a monster but very clean and ordered monster and very intelligent

(((weinstein))) hahaha Joe rogan please btfo this man


What Jordan does pic related

pol is triggered by a jew they will never interact with and who will have no effect on their life whatsoever

Joe is a bluepilled brainlet, he's not going to BTFO anyone

>niggers say no whites allowed
>jew decides it's ok for him to stay
>niggers see a white guy and not a jew
>niggers chimp out

>the holocaust was utopia

>the holocaust was utopian

Just said holocaust.

he destroyed MIlo

yea MY time is coming


Rogan is completely blind to the snake in front of him.

>I know that sounds Utopian
Geez, maybe because it is. Talk about delusion.

Joe Rogan is not arguing with him in any way, even on the globalist socialist-commie shit the jew is spouting Joe Rogan is just totally going along with it

The holocaust was a utopia


he knows sjw are fucking up way too bad when they don't have enough power. he's sending them warning signals. do not fall for this communist piece of shit


he does that with a lot of guests, nomatter what topic.

>the holocaust was Utopian

based god

Joe believes everything everyone says but vegans.

He is a stoner that loves to eat what ever the fuck he wants after getting the munchies.

But he completely forgets everything

pretty much. reading his letter makes this very clear.

the guy he is talking to right now is waaay lower level then joe.

His ideas are irrelevant save for informing on evergreen happenings.

Hes no JBP

(((real racism)))

Joe Rogan only argues with his right wing guests because he is a leftist masquerading as a centrist. Anyone that has watched a handful of his podcasts knows this already.

Joe alos fathers another man's child. His wife jennifer got pregnant by a black man and had a daughter. Joe Rogan is a literal cuckold.

You can't just listen like that, need to take that shit in, very smart man.

This kike fuck deserves the sheboon lynch mob waiting back home

leftists are going to fucking kill him though.

also wtf nice trips

He means that is the potential horror you unleash if you attempt utopia, what would be utopia for BLM ? killing all the whites, no so utopian for us.

this has been prohpetsized in movie
Die Welle / The Wave

the guy is a fucking communist talkinga bout making a revolution against capitalism and talking about evil racist white people

so /pol how do you explain this Jew defending white people?


Did he just ignore the Utopian question altogether? lol! He brings it up and forgets about it like it wasn't a big deal! What a joke!

>problem is he associates Alt Theories with Crazy Eddie Bravo

Hollywood is running some legit psy-op on him. He's talked about how he has a neighbour who "works for the CIA", who he met through other media people, who apparently told him about how womyn agents were crying over Trump being elected.

On the other hand, you definitely can't even tell people you're CIA, let alone talk shop with civvies



>Joe alos fathers another man's child. His wife jennifer got pregnant by a black man and had a daughter. Joe Rogan is a literal cuckold.
no way

The Jew was playing 4D chess. Get the mob to act, teach the class on how mobs work.

he's not even a full blown white nationalist

he's worthless.

Them are talking about the president of the college tho


He is a lefitist Zog shill. He has made no great point to counter. He has no real arguments past the typical libtard shit and speaks completely outside of his area of expertise. He's a demoralized protocommunist

>goes on nominally to talk about anti-white protestors
>starts slinging bluepills on global warming, nuclear, drumpf, and unironic marxism and global revolution

>laughs at "white professor"

Meh, he wasn't anything worth listening to.

The students were the stars of the story, not him. he didn't have much interesting to say.

Tucker is immoral

>19,921 watching now


Just joined, starting stream from the start.
Everyone just pause for 1.75 hours so I can catch up.

He's foolish, but he's still fairly smart. It's sad to see how easily he can be completely deceived to the nature of someone he's spent hours speaking to.


>global warming, nuclear, drumpf,