"Yeah, I'm marrying a Muslim. Deal with it!"

Why is Sup Forums mad that this progessive woman just wants to be happy?


Other urls found in this thread:


Video entertainment is absolutely haram


Because soon she will came whining back from this marriage (if succeeds to flee) and starts whining about how all men are bad. Many such cases.

nice lad


I have seen this female once before.

her snapchat is lit

Yeah Daily Mail's definitely going to have a story up about her getting gang raped and burned alive in a cage in a couple weeks.

what's the Snapchat name?


People actually watch this crap?

Ok. Which one of you did this?
"Islam wants to destroy my people. We just want to spread pornography and diversity to the world."
-Joesph Bernstein

Lol we made her quit the stream, dumb virtue signalling cunt. This just goes to show you that the number one argument leftists have is moral superiority. This is what they rely on 100% of the time.

>yes im an attention whore...

Dont come criying later, you are happy until he starts beating you

She'll really be swimming in virtue signals and a smug sense of moral superiority when he starts acting controlling, demeaning, demanding (of sex on command), hyper-jealous and then, finally, she'll be the coolest, most enlightened person on Earth when the physical violence towards her begins. She'll cry herself to sleep, every single night, with tears of joy at how forward thinking and cool she is for having married a muslim man.

LMAO. A real muslim man would not allow his wife to stream her cleavage to a bunch of thirsty virgins. She needs a burqa on and she shouldn't be allowed to broadcast her worthless opinions on the internet.
She should be in the kitchen raising good, wholesome religious children. But you see, most Muslims living in the West are tinged with this gay western philosophy most white bois have, so he isn't going to do any of that. He's literally a fake Muslim, no better than a cuck white boy.

Here we see a real Muslim MAN.

the best way to shut anything or anyone down is to rejd with merchant.jpg redpill.jpg then report said thing you rejded for spreading antisemitism

works every time

kek on the polfag that mentioned pakis are inbred. She got pretty fucking triggered after that

She will pay the toll

>deal with it
Nope, she is the one who is gonna have to fucking deal with that shit.

play stupid games...

I literally have more respect for a call girl than this online attention whoring.

Guarantee it's an Indian Muslim. They'll put up with literally anything for pussy.

I'd be upset if media report about his death when that moor kill her. It's like: a retard was playing with knifes and he had cut himself!

Damn she's got a sexy thin but curvy body, any more pics?


What a fucking loser. Sell your pussy and you'll meet some higher quality men.

She's too stupid to make it as a call girl though, so maybe not.

pick one bong



her stream is about to start on twitch, look up STPEACH

Also the famous imgur album, enjoy u animals.


women always want to be on the winning side


Uh, no thanks. I block the channel of every female streamer.

because maybe Sup Forums doesn't want to right about the beheading that will follow after she's raped mercilessly by ACHMEDS freinds it's just a matter of time before she's redpilled or killed burn the coal pay the toll.

white women are the biggest race traiting whores ever existed
giving them any rights at first place was a big mistake

thinking we are angry
thinking we dont already have adapted to this shit


st peach has an asian boyfriend

Jay is a bro, don't hate on the man

>Deal with it
>deletes the Video

You cant make this stuff up.

What a brave woman


thats got to be the least passionate kiss ive ever seen . does she think dating an asian guy is going to get her more donations? or does she have him play the games for her while she slams the keyboard hard?

Video removed

It should be regarded as criminally negligent to produce media that encourages marrying a muslim, while ignoring or downplaying the inconvenient realities of islam. I recall a PBS documentary about an American woman who married a pakistani man, and the couple stayed in the US. She was some kind of christian, he was islamic. When the interviewer asked the man if she'd have the same rights and privileges had they moved back to pakistan, he gave some half assed "well, no..." answer. The topic was not expanded on further.

I just want to see our countries wake up and ban islam before it's too late.

they are engaged bruh

>Typical fucking mudshark

This women has daddy issues up the ass and is projecting that shit hard.

why the fuck would we care?
Ifyou chose to submit to a pedophile patriarchy, that's your fucking problem, just don't expect sympathy when he beheads you, or drags you around behind his car with your head in a noose.

you had free will before you made that choice.

There's literally no reason why Sup Forums should worry this much about race mixing
All the whites that are into race mixing will eventually become shitskins
And there will always be whites who exclusively date whites, the desire to mix races will eventually disappear from the gene pool
And realistically this is most whites I don't know a single girl who wants anything to do with a non white
Let's remember the girls that race mix are worth only as much as the nigger they mix with