America the Awesome: WW3 IS OVER

We fucking won. We won the battle against the globalists. All y'all going to know this shit in a few weeks. Screenshot this thread. This won't make sense, but we injected a viral memetic antivirus into culture, literally the spirit of America. The call of America's revolutionaries, "Liberty or Death," is now its ultimate weapon for liberation in the form of an absolute ultimatum for it. Slavery has been chained. Either the slave-drivers use the last of their power to dismantle the global system of slavery they have created or they will all die. Game over, motherfucking checkmate, no move possible. This is the 8th dimensional chess Trump was playing.

America is so awesome. SJW's, neo-Nazis, the alt-right, dems, repubs, it's all this brilliant spectacle that has captivated the attention of the entire world. All of this cultural turmoil is a catalyst that is helping accelerate cultural change towards the memetic singularity. Guess what: you don't need God-computers for a singularity when you have billions of human brains networked together on the internet, with their powers of data manipulation augmented to superhuman heights with computers. From a pure informational standpoint we're all cyborg ninjas. We're the shit.

You're welcome the rest of the world, you all helped too, but America is the one that ran it home.

Other urls found in this thread:

What a faggot


We're witnessing a historic time. It's the beginning of the shift of America as a global economic power handing it down the China. China saw the opportunity to future-proof itself and it's doing it via renewable energy. We're going to leave ourselves in the dust at this rate

Dude put down the bong.

Dude you have no idea. All of humanity is going to be liberated. All that crap is irrelevant.

Finally! I'm so excited that Texas finally BTFO the Globalist Empire of the U.S. We are finally going to become the Republic of Texas once again, and when do we get out own flag on here? Get rekt globalist American scumbags,

Was Europe becoming China's bitch also part of the plan?

This is only one piece of the puzzle, if you look at the videos and the book you can begin to get an idea. They're about to reveal this.

fuck off you nigger you started all the worlds ills in the first place

Dunno, I can only say what Trump's master plan is. He's followed the strategy exactly. Fucking genius.

>tfw you will never be a texan

why even live?

It started with the European enlightenment, that's when the jewery began. It wasn't all bad but then they made systems based on this ideology where the banks rule over everything.

I don't know what is going to happen, all I can say is that you're going to win so much you'll get tired of winning. win-win.

I can already see many ways how Europe becoming Chinas bitch will backfire here in Europe. It is fucking huge shitstorm in the making with so many levels of butthurt...

And never forget:
China invented Islam to fuck up and over their competitors.

We've always been at war with Eastasia...

All that is irrelevant. This is global win-win. The ultimate and final liberation of humanity is at hand. We will achieve a potential that is beyond our ability to image. The Illuminati have been BUTT FUCKED because they're a bunch of stupid old hedonistic men that have other people do their work for them. They arrogantly thought they could bend reality to their will, but now reality is asserting itself.

It's time to finally expose the (((globalists))). It's time.

How to fuck over a bunch of stupid rich bastards:

-Make them believe in a bunch of occult bullshit that nerfs their ability to actually understand the world.

-Undermine them via memetic engineering.

-Before they have a clue they already have the majority of the nukes in the world (Putin is on our side) pointed at them and their ability to manipulate culture has been completely broken.

Over? This "culture war" is being lost. To be fair, Trump is only slowing down the threat, and the threat will come even stronger, since they are now united against him, and us.

We probably lost. I can see victory as plausible, but I think there is no hope.

>Christianity is dying
>All white nations are getting REFUGEE'D
>birthrates in africa are crazy high, this means even more refugees
>being conservative has been reduced to "I still an completely degenerate, but free markets amirite!"

China will get a war for this...

The funny shit is that they are being forced to expose themselves. That is the only way they can survive. Fucking win.

It's Virus 23 bro. Check out the cryptic videos, they tell a whole lot of the story, including the globalist religion of nonzero.

but why

We're doomed. The globalists won the fight against nationalism in 1945. Trump is just a globalist stooge whose being used by the elites to discredit nationalism once and for all. Falcon Crowdstrike, Google Maps, and other mass surveillance technologies are going to be used to give the elites complete control. The next phase of their plan is to start systematically culling large segments of the population by cutting off the food supply. Any remaining resistance will be destroyed using remote controlled armoured vehicles, drone strikes, gas attacks, and enslaved military personnel who will be given the choice to convert to satan or die.

It's over, we're doomed.

I totally feel you but the true freedom fighters have been using the globalist's control system against them. That's what memetic engineering is about, and it is a science and technology.


>We fucking won. We won the battle against the globalists.
I really, sincerely fucking hope so.

> →
Wtf is this shit? Some book from 1997?

It was inevitable, "give me liberty or give me death" was a memetic attractor that gained momentum through hundreds of years, and now it is manifesting itself in reality ultimately. In other terms it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Yes you are.

The book is from 1993. Check the videos in the OP too, they are so hugely relevant. Someone in the DEEP know made them, but put some of that knowledge metaphorically to keep it under the radar. Also because the videos are made entirely of video clips it avoided detection by the system. That's the best I can figure and it's pretty obvious from the "analogy analogy" video which is a sort of guide to how to interpret the videos.

China's so corrupt, they'll never even be Mexico.
>Memetic engineering is a term developed by Leveious Rolando, John Sokol, the Bogdanoff twins and Gibron Burchett based on Richard Dawkins' theory of memes.
>Bogdanoff twins

Seriously what the fuck

Dude I'm not sure how some random book from 1993 means we've defeated the globalists. You're sounding like an autist whose latched onto the first thing to reassure himself the coming apocalypse isn't really happening.

More than 50 years of feminism, racemixing, welfare leeching, immigration, and general degeneracy cannot be reversed so easily (if at all). When you throw nuclear bombs into the mix, it ceases to be a question of whether we're doomed but WHEN its going to happen.

I'm 100% sure some smart-ass put that there.

Hey OP, don't know if you're LARPing or not, but I'll believe you because we desperately need some hope at this point. You said that we'll know what you mean in a few weeks; can you give anything to look for? I'm too dumb to understand all the weird stuff, I'll go watch the videos like you said, but is there any signs we should be looking for?

This. China is going to be the dominant world power in 25 years.


> 13:23, 24 March 2017 (talk) . . (9,772 bytes) (-52) . . (Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff was added without proof. Leveious, John Sokol and Gibron never worked with them. Please provide proof of this reference. You can't just add people's names. There is no proof they worked with them?)

For fucks sake

Check out these two videos first, there's more:

based wikipedos

I don't know either, I could be full of shit but all the pieces fit together and make sense strategically.

It's not over. When they put a gun to their head, pull the trigger, have their henchmen throw their petrol covered bodies into a ditch and strike a match, then it's over. For a while.

Idiot, the Chinese people will not fight and die for their leaders. They will die, oh believe me they will die in droves, but the fuck does an abused Chinese farmer have to fight for? He isn't wearing the Nike shoes or making money from it, he watched them drag his kid off to make them. Like a couple hundred rich dude's make a nation a superpower, you stupid fuck. They can't topple the will of the American people. Maybe your will and your pussy friends, but you're all filth so that doesn't concern me.

Boooom. Agree and bumping for victory dance.

Hey it's all good man, don't cry because your blind patriotism prevents you from seeing the inevitable.

Btw, you want me to bring anything over to your mother's trailer tonight?

The greatest strength the globalist had was that they were invisible.

This video is amazing:

It's made up of cola advertisements and game clips but together it tells a story about globalism and the impending apocalypse. It's a warning/threat.

OP people like you make me think America is actually a good thing. Wish I could believe it.

Absolutely true, one of the most important truths. There is no place for them to hide now.


IMF and World Bank still hold monopoly Its not like we are in Hitler mode gassing them? They will wait for things to get cold and then they will strike again thats how it has been since centuries WTF KIKEs they have money why can't they fucking chill?

you misspelled Russia and it's far from over

Russia and America are allies. What will happen is that Trump and Putin will threaten to nuke the world if the globalists don't expose themselves and their work to the core. Mutually assured destruction motherfucker.

No. China is a paper tiger that will destroy itself. One hiccup in the world economy and you will see China crash hard. Screen cap this.


no no no do not say this please

Depends how much ocean they're allowed to snatch.

Also, still no real response to OPM breach?

CIA's gonna let them buy out pedowood?

Let's dispel the fiction once and for all that the Bogdanoffs don't know how to engineer memes. The Bogdanoffs know exactly how to engineer memes.

Read the thread, watch these videos: in order is best i think and look at this thread: Also this:

the globalists wouldnt go down without a fight. i bet theyd nuke the whole place

We have the nukes bro. Putin and Trump.

france has nukes too

You ready for this shit anons?

>it's another "OP describes what it's like to be a flaming homosexual" episode

They're reptiles/insects in mentality. They always follow their self-interest like robots. They will beg us for their lives and we'll give it to them... in prison. We don't want them executed because if they'd die anyways, why not destroy the world?

>"I was born in 200 log cabins"

Americans are selfish morons who cannot admit that their socio-economic adversity is a manifestation of their inability to exist as a society. They are a major factor of atmospheric and oceanic pollution, even though they're supposedly modern and industrial. This is because most places in America are pathetic and sad. People live next to each other and share nothing, no mentality, no ideas and no ethos - other than $, and giving a fuck about nothing that won't earn you $. Wherever you go, nowhere does it take too long to find one of those bloated chimps blabbering too loud into his thousand dollar phone, probably exporting sugarcoated rainbow-colored burger corruption on the spot. You can bet he and his fathers hide their vapid characters behind empty claims of Christianity and charity. If you make fun of an American, he might sue you or draw a gun on you - they are that bad at taking the bants IRL. Some Americans see all the wrongs of their pathetic lot, but they're hopelessly outnumbered by generations of idiots that were raised by TV and their fellow rich kids. America cannot be rescued. No cabinet, not the most brilliant leader can turn this fucker around. It is a shite nation that only ever grew on chaos and conquest, never on common beliefs. Vital parts of the US economy are dependent on a continuous increase in armed conflicts. That's right, they are a country that's addicted to ever growing wars. They have been since the roaring 20s and cannot persist in a peaceful world. So they fight peace, in Africa, middle east, central Asia, even Europe. Fraticides, the lot. But they are finally running out of favors. The USA are doomed to break into a thousand bloody pieces. And it will drag all of Europe and Asia into deep shit with it, unless we decide become more organized and partnered, here and now, today.

This is the type of energy we need to push things forwards. Beautiful. Well written too. Criticism is a weapon of liberation.

>Sleep Party People

good taste my friend

I'm screen capping and giving you a month, you better not lie to me you son of a bitch

Thanks. I know Germany's track record on solidarity is shit. What makes America worse is all that warmongering. It's an absurd waste of money.

The only way forwards for humanity is a classless, stateless society. If the right and left go far enough this is where it leads, because it is the only physically possible future for humanity. It isn't a matter of debate or opinion, but fact. Capitalism is more than just an economic system, more than just a way to order society, but a system for regulating the flow of human consciousness and turning it into dead labor and dead matter. Capitalism is inherently a nihilistic self-destructive soul-sucking apocalypse machine. It is beginning to fail because the internet has accelerated cultural evolution so massively that the system can't control it for its own ends of growth for the sake of growth (cancer.) This is why the structure of global social organization is collapsing. The rich and powerful will have to destroy capitalism if they are to survive.

I can find no other possible line of reasoning than this.

>TFW Trump is the ultimate hero of leftism.

t. muhammad

Covfefe you too OP...

>a classless, stateless society

pure delusion

Is this a joke?

Nonzero sum game is really working out for the Boers in South Africa and the little girls who got blown up in Manchester.

This is pop psychology for retards

Stateless maybe, classless impossible in my opinion. The healthiest and smartest should be the richest, because they carry the bigger burden.

>>a classless, stateless society is impossible.

pure nihilism

>The only way forwards for humanity is a classless, stateless society.
Time for you to die, commie scum

The first video shows the religion of nonzero. The second shows how this has been seeded through advertisements, and shows bill Clinton talking about it. The videos aren't endorsing.

fuck off fag...

Anarchist most closely describes me but I prefer humanist or anthroarchist. The only way to avoid a nihilistic self-destructive society is if human life is placed above all else, including systems, ideas, and ideologies. Human beings are not a means to an end.

What am I supposed to glean from these videos? I just wasted 5 minutes watching a faggy TED talk and some boring SJW propaganda.
>b-b-but the globalists are BTFO!

The fuck are you smoking son?

The problem is the political establishment is so corrupt at this point that you can't do anything about it. If you tried to end the federal reserve now it would crash the global economy and without a shadow of a doubt cause a nuclear war. It's like a heroin addiction. You need the drugs to carry on living, but the more of it you take, the worse the addiction gets.

Trump was always just a pipedream. We're absolutely, 100% screwed. It's no longer a question of whether we die, but when we all die. I say give it 5-10 years and first world countries will resemble bomb craters

This is what delusion looks like

lmao yeah everything is fine goyim white people totally won't be a minority in the US by 2030 and Europe by 2040

trump is taking care of everything!!

I get the feeling OP is a BASED BLACK GUY trying to justify his own parasitism

>america lost it's chance to give billions of gibs to china

you guys had a festival shut down today because of an islamic terrorist threat lol


Let go German user...

Das it.
Say it with me : Covfefe.
Cov - fe - fe !

Let go.
Feel the flow.
Become the ride.
Flow w/ the tide

True That

Are you seriously reposting the African-Sewer-Tier Memes of that Latvian who cant spell properly and who even Watermarked it with another shitty meme to let everyone know that it was spawned from the few remaining Brain Cells he has if you account for all the Vodka?


i swear this picture must be a troll. The use of the modern German flag, the repeated use of the word "enslave," the misspelled "violence"

like god damn that is just terrible

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed in frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

Who will decide where the army will go

>There is no army
Then who will stop me and my buddies from making one?

>The police
Who will stop the police from making an army?

No, if you expect people in society to just stop wanting power for themselves, you're not thinking of human society. It's something else. Bees or ants or something.

This is exactly the case. Humanity is in a state of mutually assured destruction with the machine, and so we are enslaved by it. It is the strategy of a parasite who cannot be removed without killing its host, but is also sucking its host dry. But if you inject the parasite with a virus that kills it, the host survives. That virus has been injected into culture in the form of a memetic virus. So this is a non-issue.

The actual game is between the rich and powerful and the rest of humanity and what they do while their mortally wounded system dies. Either humanity is liberated or we all die. Liberty or death. Join or die. We have the most powerful weapon ever created held at the head of every rich motherfucker in the world. There is no game here either, no move to make. Checkmate.

Was the Illuminati game related to Virus 23?

Who is this Commie fucker and what is he doing living in America.

Bump for America.

Best timeline ever