Who else /terrified/ here?

I'm on medicaid and food stamps. I have no income. If Trump cuts these social programs I might actually die.

Then die you parasite. This should be incentive for you to get a job you useless NEET.

>win-win situation

get a job.

I can't. I've filled out over 50 job applications. No one in my area will hire me.


get a job

get a job


NEETbux is a human right.

hang in there buddy

Why not?

Nigger you aren't even trying. I'll bet you're waiting for them to call you back like a cuck. YOU have to call THEM, every day, until they agree to interview you.

Enlist in the fucking army then.

Maybe you could, you know, get a fucking job

If you refuse to contribute to society then you have no right to take from society

Miners wanted

Good. You were not meant to live anyways

Get a job you lazy nigger


go work through a temp place they send workers out daily you lazy nigger


Then kill yourself for being an obvious, useless faggot.

If Trump gets serious about deliberalizing trade, even crippled transsexual jew niggers will be able to find an honest job in America soon. Hang in there.

Couldn't care less - even when I was barely making ends meet a few years ago I was told I didn't qualify for food stamps, medicaid, or any other social benefits.

>I'm on medicaid and food stamps. I have no income. If Trump cuts these social programs I might actually die.



stop using too compecated words nigger brain is unfamiliar with

i'm in the same boat as you op, but they've already gotten rid of my public assistance and medicaid. and i'm homeless, staying at friends houses, living on barely anything a month in food stamps to eat. i was born in this country and i'm white and i can't get a job anywhere. people go on about 'oh well you're white you can get a job anywhere'. nope. not when every fucking store is managed by niggers, and only looks to shuffle more niggers in. and even though a store can be 100% black, there's no cried for 'muh diversity' or
muh equal opportunity employer'. its not that there are no jobs - there are. it's just that whites are being kept out of them and we have been shoved into poverty. i don't know how i'm going to eat this month coming up.

You gotta take one for the team m8

oops, Jump off a building then you can get a disability check from the Gov.

>im a parasite if my host removes me I might die

>I'm on medicaid and food stamps. I have no income. If Trump cuts these social programs I might actually die.

I can literally see every string attached to this bait.

Get a job, leech.



>50 job applications
>This level of cowardice - minimum 1 year unemployed

You managed one job application every 4 days AT BEST, and that's assuming you're telling the truth, which I doubt.

Why the fuck am I talking to a human tick?

Get a job you lazy bum.

You can literally go on Craigslist right now and sign up for a gig tomorrow or a real job next week.

get a job a contribute to the society that sustains you


Less than one job application per week.

Sure. You deserve my money you POS.

temp places rob you hard. for example, if you get a job that normally pays $10, they will take $3. you will be making $7 and then you still have to pay all the federal/state tax yourself, ultimately making $5 or less an hour. it's highway robbery. fuck temp agencies, they are a sham. a scam, a middleman who literally does nothing and makes money off your paycheck for shoving you in a job nobody wanted in the first place.

You're losing to niggers? And where in the Americas do you live that blacks own businesses?

>homeless, staying at friends houses, living on barely anything a month in food stamps to eat. i was born in this country and i'm white and i can't get a job anywhere.
Then why do you waste time shit posting?
Get a job, faggot.

You were born to die.
It is is your one purpose in life that you WILL fulfill, without fail as all men have reliably done before you.

Rejoice in your ultimate success!


You should apply to 10 jobs a day minimum. And if you have to relocate, relocate. And if you don't know anything, then thats your fault. Prepare to be a homeless when your family dies.
People really are spoilled uh

get a job, some place has got to hire

physic, you using punctuation doe!!.


Buy a 40 pound bag of flour and a tent. Bake damper in a hobo stove and trade it with other homeless cunts. Rebuild.

go in the army you useless cunt

blacks don't own the businesses. but shitskins have managed to stick around long enough to become managers, and then they slowly look to only hire other nigs. as soon as that happens, everyone else sees their lazy work ethic, how ghetto ebonics becomes the normal level of communication, people are alienated and leave. opening yet another door for the managers to hire more nogs. i am not well educated. i have never been fortunate enough to get any good paying job, i'm stuck doing crappy jobs, the ones that no one wants to do. and even those are taken over by these people.

its hard to get up out of a bed and face a world that rejects you constantly, user. i'm doing everything i can for myself, but i still need help. i'm not too proud to ask for it or admit it.

sell drugs

You'll be fine, I'm in the same boat
>Food stamps

I hope Trump cuts every social safety net, I've just been lazy this year.

I hope the entire gov gets shut down and its just down to use individuals to survive.


Oh shut up, you silly woman!

>has access to the internet
>has a device that can access the internet
>knows about Sup Forums
>posts Pepe

So you disagree with the narrative, and are scared to disagree with Sup Forums's black nigger coon ass, or what?

This, then bust your ass and the place you're temping for might hire you permanently.

Then you deserve to die if you can't provide for yourself.

I'm honestly thinking about killing myself. Being a NEET is so fucking horrible. Fuck all of the faggots in this thread telling me to just get a job. You really think I'm not already trying? I bet most of you fuckers with jobs got it from family connections or some shit. I'm not even black either, wish I was so then I'd have a job through affirmative action.



Good society doesnt owe you shit you fucking leech

>its hard to get up out of a bed and face a world that rejects you constantly, user. i'm doing everything i can for myself, but i still need help. i'm not too proud to ask for it or admit it.
Help yourself.
A good start would be to stop being a sopping wet cunt.
However; given the fact that a liberal cock carousel riding single mother undoubtedly raised you that may be a foreign concept to you;
I bet you couldn't get laid in highschool either.
Fucking shameful and pathetic.

move to Canada. i heard their immigration policies are very liberal. unless you're white. are you white? if so, then get a job parasite

Why can't you work, user?

So evolution might be a heresy sold by the devil, but it has some clue to how to make a living.

I felt bad for you not working but wanting to be a nigger deserves the gas chamber. You're an embarrassment to whites everywhere.

My family has been dead since I was 16.
Quit making excuses and grow the fuck up.

>You should apply to 10 jobs a day minimum.
Bullshit, 5 a day at most.

Those things take at least 45 minutes a pop to fill out if you're doing more than just dumping a resume.

I think Canada needs a good dose of our illegal diversity problem.

consider suicide ya fucking freeloader

>If Trump cuts these social programs
He won't. He'll "leave it to the states" and most of them will do nothing.

So, what do you do?

Of course temp places rob you. But it's the best way to get back into the workforce with no job history. You work for the temp place for a few months while applying for a permanent position somewhere else.

nigger, i have literally a dozen of relatives in USA illegal, all of them with jobs

well, without going into too much detail, yes i was raised by a single mother, father died when i was a baby in an accident. victim of circumstance, always struggled my whole life. i grew up looking at everyone else having everything they wanted with a normal family with everyone alive. i got shit on and bullied for being a poor kid. their parents would buy them cars at 16 while i was taking the bus. they would get job hookups through friends and family; things i didnt have. it's difficult to work your way into any job without any support behind you, being a lone wolf. you talk about shameful and pathetic, what have you ever done for people like me who have had a bad hand in life who are unable to help themselves? if you'd treat me like that, you will treat other people like that. you are the problem, you are the shitty human. maybe when you fags realize that, there wouldn't be this much disparity.

Do you call them? What experience do you have? What does your resume look like? What about a cover page?

foxxo danceo!

Welcome to the real world.

"I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
- Barack Hussein Obama

Then move.

Listen here, nigger. I just moved to a new city with no car or anything of value except my computer. I applied to 5 new places a day, and called them all back every day, and I landed a job in 2 FUCKING DAYS of trying. No family connections, no bullshit. You obviously aren't putting forth much effort.

WTF, I love trump now.

Working people are the real parasites. What the fuck are you even doing anymore? You're not contributing anything positive, I'm sure of that. Dicking around in an office so some child slaves can die to make you a rare earth metal idiot machine. Which is quickly choking us all to death. What, do you want a trophy? The only things that matter are seeds, which make vegetables, anything that interferes with that is the real parasite. You are the one destroying life.

When's the last time capitalism has made anything good? It's been a good couple of decades, minimum.

Huh? Isn't a job application just a resume and a letter of intent? Why would it take 45 minutes? Not like you write each resume by hand.

Fucking faggot, you have to drop 100's of applications nowadays specially if you're a FUCKING WHITE MALE!!

I live in the South. When Medicaid gets cut, this place is going to blow up with riots. I'm stalking up on ammo and dry food now. There's going to be an angry march on the state capitals and Washington DC. The South depends on Medicaid to live day to day. Without it, there's going to be a total collapse of civil order. I wouldn't want to be a politician when the cuts come. It's going be The Purge in real life. They're going to find out that a lot of Republican voters need Medicaid and only talk about "welfare cuts". Once they actually see those cuts they're going to rebel.

We can only hope


join the military faggot. if you're contributing nothing. then who really cares what happens. if a tree falls in the forest...

>If Trump cuts these social programs I might actually die.

that, or you could, you know, work

Look at this kid, he's eating a bowl of shit and has no grocery store on the corner, no air conditioning, prolly lives in a dung house and yet somehow he survives. I seriously doubt you'd die even if all social programs were cut, you'd just have to figure out how the hell to survive.

You have access to the internet with shitloads of tools and advice about applying for jobs. If you really, REALLY wanted one, you'd have one.

What have you personally done to earn anyone's kindness or respect?
What are you doing on a daily basis to unfuck your life?

This is a fucking shill thread, I saw the exact same thread with the exact same pic.

Saged, don't reply.

yeah, even still though. trust me, you dont want to move the fuck up here

I've been a NEET for almost 5 years, I was living on food stamps too. So I was in the same situation as you OP, I found out a way to make legit money online.

You have to do some leg work with this and it also depends on a bit of luck.

Email me on with the temp email i have above in my post and I will hit you up with what my "methods" are.

I really don't want more people in my "business" since it's not evergreen. But I don't mind helping out people in need.

All I can tell you what I have to offer is that it's not a scam, it's 100% legit , as long as you have access to transportation, a smartphone & internet this will work for you. The best part of all this is, you can be your own boss.

I want to make this clear, this is not a handout, the only thing I am offering is knowledge. I don't want any of your money. You will have to do work.

The will check the email on and off for the next 12 hours or so. After that, you are on your own.

I moved out when I was still in high school, and I've contributed more to supporting my family than anything else.
Seriously, they are like incompetent as shit.

convert to judaism fast

>45 minutes a pop
>5 a day at most
>a full day's work is 3 and 3/4 hours of filling in forms

No wonder nobody wants to hire you, you're a lazy faggot.