You could have prevented this
Thanks, America!
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Lib tactics are in full force. First Trumpcare; everyone is going to die. Then the Muslim ban; this will get people killed. Now not signing a bullshit accord; the world will die. What's next? 3 scoops?
Guys, we need to stop this Trumpphobia. He is just a small 12 girl. It's our fault for him getting out of the Paris Treaty.
Shut the fuck up faggot. The world isn't going to end because we wont finance the rest of the worlds climate issues. If you are that scared, go put a bullet in your brain.
Actually I think the US voter told the world to starve and die, or drown.
There will be no scoops after the earth's temperature grows too large. All icecream will melt
Deebly goncerned D:
Global warming is exponentially better for the planet than global cooling.
No it isnt. 99.997% of scientists agree
t. Rural abnd suburban scientist
This. Fuck the world.
>No it isnt. 99.997% of scientists agree
Keep thinking that
do you think people are so stupid that they are going to look at this and not think "Drop Dead?! wow that's...... a little extreme" as they know that the left is extremely butt hurt about Trump's victory in the election? The Democrats are pushing people away from their party because people know the Democrats are taking things to the extreme just because they want their election instead of quitting their childish/immature temper tantrum, sucking it up, accepting the fact that they lost, and moving on like they should! "you could have prevented this" grow the fuck up!
global dick sucking the worst one of all
How much farming gets done during even a minor period of cooling?
Of course, I'm trying to get a literal orangutan to work this thru his primitive mind, but, whatever.
America is a autist with nuclear codes.
Plus Trump is being the mature person in this situation by keeping an open mind to rejoin the Paris Accord if the conditions are equal and fair
you mad?
drop dead, Brazil
The fuck you citing 99.9% you idiot
You forgot the time he literally killed everyone when he canceled a few of Obama's climate regulations.
I literally wanted this, though.
>China belches out more shit into the atmosphere than all other countries combined
>It's Trump's fault because he doesn't want to pay China to do what they are already doing for free
Paradoxically, his decission will do good for the planet: chinese faggots don't care about environment, so you better keep those dirty productions some place where you can keep your eye on them and where people have enough culture and technology to make those dirty productions clean.
t. Coal lobbyist
I was only half-chub reading that, then the end... "go nuclear or go home" I shot all over my desk.
>What's next? 3 scoops?
Says Russia, another earth-destroying polluter
We all will now that u elected Drumpf
Now I'm just about convinced that you're just taking the piss.
Does anyone know what the Paris Accord actually entails? My understanding is that it's a giant nonbinding and nonenforcable agreement that, more or less, is a just a bunch of countries saying they'll reduce their carbon emissions.
What seems stupid is that governments are not the major source of carbon. It's businesses and households using energy. The fact that so many large corporations already said they're still going to reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy makes it seem like the US being in or out of the Paris Accord doesn't really mean anything.
If green alternatives like solar power production (lefties spam solar kW/hr costs constantly) and energy efficiency technology like LED bulbs are economically viable, then why is there even a need for a massive global agreement when the market should be taking care of the problem?
Holy Shit!
The earth is going to get one degree warmer in a thousand years! We're all gonna burn!!!!
The result would be the same whether we stayed in this pact or not. The pact it self was largely symbolic. Read the damn says nothing. It's a bunch of rhetoric.
And removing from the pact also means nothing. It's just a way to appease his voters and make it look like he's doing something.
Nothing is stopping business from continuing to develop green technologies and renewable energy sources.
That's why I know what I'm talking about. The factories down here is so irresponsible! Their owners are of such low level of decency, of human culture, of reasonable behaviour, they don't deserve to have any power. at all. AT ALL!
ever wonder what happened to the last global disaster? remember the hole in the ozone? well, the increased co2 level in the atmosphere fixed it. so, technically global warming fixed the ozone layer, how bout that
Your Brazillian flag reminds me of a country unable to reinforce it's own deforestation laws.
>Does anyone know what the Paris Accord actually entails
Saving the fucking earth
it does nothing.
I've seen it till 5:46 and all I heard is what he said was so wrong, so out of touch with reality (but it would be nice if he told about facts supporting his stance, but I don't expect them to appear. why are you watching this kind of propaganda again?)
Remember to buy an indulgence from the climate priest and you will be spared when the climate apocalypse comes. ;)
Praise Kek and his prophet Donald Trump. Shadilay.
By doing what exactly?
Hard mode: not just saying "it reduces emissions"
Stopping global warming
The great prophet tells us climate change is a hoax.
No. Drumpf is. A huge orange piss in the earth's face
and it stops global warming because it...
Go suck off Al Gore for me or learn about climate change you disgusting liberal.
The PA was never about climate change/global warming/global cooling. It was about paying into the EU fund. In other words it is a fraud perpetrated against the American worker in order to comply with European standards for carbon emissions. Get fucked.
It breaks its causes u shill for big oil
wasn't the huffpo staff completely replaced by women exclusively?
>tfw Trump is dooming us all just to spite Obama
Thanks, America.
Yeah no, chlorofluorocarbons and some nitrous oxides reacted with oxygen molecules in the atmosphere and was actively lowering the concentration of oxygen. Ozone can't form without oxygen radicals so less O = less ozone. Ozone reformed due to oxygen radicals reformed in the atmosphere at a faster rate than chlorofluorocarbons were emitted. Less CFC = less chance of interception of oxygen radicals. Learn science nigger.
just how much co2 on earth is the US responsible for anyway?
>muh meth bitch
Fuck off, we're talking about serious business here.
Why should i forfeit my diesel car when you can not breath in Chinese cities. Why should Ireland be penalised because cows fart when Indians shit in the street.Why should we destroy our economies to benefit those who do not care.
Breaks its causes by...
To save mother earth
why stop it? it should be accelerated
Prevent what, specifically?
less than china ill tell u that.
How much would this shit have cost us?
i agree.
>giving a single fuck about the planet
Preventing u inbred fucktards from greedily doing whatever u want regardless of consequences
We are not in the select group of rural and suburban dictatorships who hate the planet, mr USA, friend of Syria and Shitaragua
As if monkeys help with climate change. I guess your murder rates do some good.
>You could have prevented this
Suck my cock, you worthless libtard.
I dug around, the clearest answer I could find was the last 150 years.
Well yeah, before the 70's and clean cars, I bet it was a lot. But what about now? Seems a little sneaky, adding up the last 150 years.
>that picture
Surely, they meant this one.
and it prevents us inbred fuckers from greedily doing whatever by...
I didn't want to prevent it.
Maybe Brazilians should start caring? Fuck that, its my problem.