Official laugh at coveney thread

Official laugh at coveney thread
Also Éire/pol/ I guess

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Thank God Leo won
He may be a gay half poo in loo but at least he's not Simon.


So what will leo do? Couldnt be any worse than yer man right?


Keep out abortion and lower taxes,pretty much hold the seat until 2021

Jaysus lads where's Eir/pol/ been the pasht week?

Not so bad for a paki. Hope by that time NP will gain alot of ground. We need to spread the word about em

Exams maybe?
Summerfags will come on soon enough I guess

Its been here... on and off

Tfw too irrelevent to get a sticky or even a top thread while voting was on

It's Friday, in June
DESU this election was meaning less

>ireland happy about electing a gay paki

true cucks

If Simon won i would be so fucking angry that i could pick up a gun. No way, just no way NO! What a relief. The Polish and Hungarians seem to be fierce mad right now, wonder what will happen

Would you rather have simon coveney? Atleast this poof is not as eager to genocide us as him.


Watching some bbc crap, presenter is a paki, audience are all muslims, sikhs and whatever and they are being cucks. Jesus i dont want this to be Irelands future

Lads out of curiosity how big are NP realistically? I mean is it just full of anons? Watching a video a while back Barrett said something along the lines of "great to see so many young people here..." etc. But i'm kinda worried that we're not shilling hard enough to rural Ireland, farmers, the local lads from the gaa club etc...mention them subtlety when talking to mates at school/college/work etc. They need to grow before next GE whenever that is.

Dream on with NP shite. It's never going to happen. The Irish electorate has 3 segments pretty much - FG, FF and Left/Independents. Not going to change.


god i forgot about the summerfags

Next GE is 2021, we have time but we better start at it. I told a handful of people so far but it is not good enough. We need to advertise NP on the streets and spread the word on the internet

They are our only chance

I get that but the worse things get people will see the only party against their country going to shit are NP.

UKIP, SD from Sweden, even Front nationale, were all purely memes when they were formed and didnt sand a chance of a council seat let alone a seat in parliament, but as things went to shit they got more support and now SD looks to be one of, if not the biggest party in swedistan

HEHEHE silly meme bud! i love those funny trump tweets because hes so dumb hahaha

and council seats? when are they elected? We can see from the palestinian flag shite in Dublin how much the councils run things. If NP could get a few seats then itd at least put them on the map fr the GE

> and council seats?
Not sure, im a nordie. Tried looking it up but didnt find anything