Hmm, pretty interesting desu. France is now accepting Refugees from America.
"The United States has turned its back on the world. But France will not turn its back on the American people." Macron said .Powerful
Hmm, pretty interesting desu. France is now accepting Refugees from America.
"The United States has turned its back on the world. But France will not turn its back on the American people." Macron said .Powerful
I lived in Paris for a year. It is not a good place to live if you are poor. It would be a great place to live if you were already wealthy though.
The problem with France is that their socialist system is crippling economically.
so can I move to the french country side get gibs?
No one is in a hurry to leave the United States for soon-to-be third world country that is France.
Bought me a box of french cigars
Bought me a black beret
Get my french from a girl next door
Teaching me night and day
Got me thinking 'bout the south of France
Vis-a-vis vous
Pack my suitcase, take a chance
Got nothing to lose
Gimme the sound of the rolling dice
Gimme a whiskey, don't think twice
Deal me the card that takes my blues away
Take me away to Marseilles
Fast train, jet plane, money to burn
Don't ask no reasons why
Drinkin' champagne, playin' cool
Don't even have to try
Gimme the sound of the rolling dice
Gimme a whiskey, don't think twice
Deal me the card that takes my blues away
Take me away to Marseilles
>The bottom left
He wants to force globalism of the French, that's all there's to read there. He's gonna impose a quota of first generation in all cities at this rate, the idea is to make people "understand" that there's no French culture anymore, and that they must obey to his greater good, OR ELSE.
I am fine exchanging with any american who needs to "flee" lol
The CoL/salary ratio is terrible. No economic opportunities and very high housing prices because french invest everything in real estate and nothing in businesses. But Macron is trying to change that.
>I lived in Paris for a year. It is not a good place to live if you are poor.
That's literally true everywhere.
Great Idea, come to france to pay 20 times more taxes so that unemployed alchoholics get money for free to annoy you at 3am 24/7, and guess what, you HAVE to learn French or else everyone will be an ass towards you
So how do we figure out a way to trick basketball americans into moving to france? France does have a pretty big rap scene
Your and idiot kill your'self
They didn't move to Canada, they're not moving to France.
France has had a net emigration of approximately 100,000 millionaires over the last decade. The highest number out of any country, including India and China. People are fleeing France, and have been for some time. It has predated the current multi-year state of emergency.
France is the canary in the coal mine for the failures of western civilization.
There's no such thing as American refugees, only traitors - he can keep them, have fun ith White AMrxists, niggers and muslims mem freres francais!
Yeah go live in France, pay more taxes and get killed by a shitskin.
Sorry France, all the American refugees come here
macron looks like an actual reanimated dummy
Don't worry, by "American" he means jobless niggers and mexicans. France isn't getting whiter under that fanatic control
I hate nuclear weapons, not because it could destroy everything but because it stops us from invading and fixing Europe.
If only Hitler had won.
YES, please. If the SJWs and outraged lefties left the USA I'd be so happy.
This guy Macron is hilarious. He's like a white Idi Amin.
...which is exactly the dynamic currently in Paris, and larger metro areas in France. You have two classes...the elites and the peasants. The middle class are pretty much in the rural countryside.
And the only Americans that would leave the US to flee to France would be our elitists. No one wants to take our inner-city welfare recipients! And who could blame them?
So is he trying to import white people now?
Good luck finding an American that wants to live in a third world shithole.
stop posting this meme map everywhere
They're trying to draw parallels to 1930's - 1940's germany.
However, nobody with an ounce of intelligence is going to go move to France from the US, so it's just more posing and fluster from a cuck who has nothing to back it up.
If anything, the intelligent people are leaving France and Germany for the US, not the other way around.
We can send all of our niggers.
What a timeline, all the libs are more than welcome to head to Gay Paris!
>France is now accepting Refugees from America.
Is this a legitimate offer, or just more "banter"? I wouldn't mind going to europe for a few years before its completely destroyed.
>purge all the liberals to France
hes mad because he will not receive my american tax money. so fuck him
If you believe that you're fucking retarded
>Flee to France
>Get run over by a truck
>Recover and get shot
>Go to leave and get exploded
At least I only have to worry about being shot and being wealthy compared to Frenchmen in the US
Americans who fetishize France are the worst. Middle class women with humanities degrees. I want them to leave.
buy all prisoners a one-way ticket to france
Why choose America then?
>two people stabbed while provoking a crazy guy
>80 ppl killed by truck of peace
lel ok
he's opening the borders entierely, you don't need any papaers anymore to get there and get the bigs. Just say on a paper that you are a refugee and that's it, they don't even need the proof the country is at war, it's all about your feefees
>in 2022 we all flood France and vote for Le Pen in election
>France is unironically saved by their own bs
I'll just leave this year.
France currently has 10% unemployment and this is after "recovering" and is at a low point. Is he offering gibbs to Americans? He sure as shit doesn't have jobs.
>Make fun of other countries because they have terrorist attacks
>Be home of largest terrorist attack in history
>But also use it to try to justify that white males aren't a terrorist threat because so many people died during 9/11
>But it also doesn't matter because other countries are worse for some reason because of their terrorist attacks
the poor French have to adapt to malaria somehow
>trying to brain drain the US to a terrorist shit hole that taxes you at 70% and jails you for mean words
Can't wait to see the suckers that fall for this.
It say's fucking "range" in the definition you fucking retard
>libshits move to france in order to virtue signal and leech off of gibmedats
>france is attacked by organized mob of muslims trying to implement a new caliphate
>Trump appears on live television
>"Have you seen what's going on in Europe? It's crazy! It's terrible! They're cutting people's heads off!"
>Trump issues executive order banning all immigration from Europe, which passes with enormous public approval because no libshits
>all libshits die because they wanted to virtue signal about (((climate change)))
>white authority regains ground in America, allowing for the white ethnostate Sup Forums touches itself at night to to exist
Is Macron actually /ourguy/???
and don't forget you'll have to pay 50% of your incomes as tax every month.
Yeah to support the people that want you dead
sure, got any jobs?
then fuck you
if i go there can i live off welfare and be a neet?
we are actually at more than 10, they conveniently don't count people who are in paid training, or are self employed without actual incomes.
>US deports Mexicans, niggers, and sand shitskins to France
>France can never be great again
Sucks for France, but America First
Celebrating almost 250 years of cooperation between the financial elites of France and of the US I guess
>American lefties flee to France
>The right wing grip on America strengthens
>The destruction of Europe is advanced by the import of cancerous American leftists
>Americas fortunes are reversed and our permanent global leadership becomes unquestionable
This doesn't seem like it could possibly be right, its to good to be true. Where is the catch? will I be forced into some kind of refugee work center? Will I be allowed to leave france and live and work in other European countries as an American "refugee"
This whole thing screams of a PR stunt that has no intention of actually allowing me in. I just want to see Europe before I get stuck here.
Something like this should really go viral. The only people that would accept something like this are your liberals anyways. Unless of course, it were a white ethno-state somewhere within Europe being set up. That would probably be received very well by white conservatives everywhere.
Can USA please accept me (some English Bloke) as a refugee because i hate this FUCKING SHIT there is fuck all in this world apart from the two parallels... left and right....(Global or national ) ... kek - pension ... as if that will even happen.... shit will fuck up before then
I'm all for our current welfare bux buying plain tickets for blacks and other minorities to go to france
Yes, in my great authority I hereby grant you a visa to migrate to the USA
Why would I move to a muslim country?
apply now. We will gladly trade globalist islamic sympathizers for nationalists anyday.
>liberals leave America
>France is cucked forever with an influx of our lefties
>America becomes solidly red
Anglosphere wins again Frogs.
>life is better when you have money
>american intelectuals
Don't worry
Within a couple decades nukes will be obsolete as a deterrent because all the means for delivering them will have been countered. That's why USA pulled out of the ABM treaty and why Russia was so butthurt about it.
We'll be back to the good old days soon
no thanks, ill gladly remain in the US, France is a Muslim dictatorship along with the rest of mainland Europe
lefty exodus when???
Does not compute.
No. Macaroni is just a socialist weasel.
>Islamic Communism soon to be implemented in Britcuckistan means winning
God damn its good to be Anglo.
This is brilliant.
The West is Dead.... prove me wrong... even the fucking liberals subconsciously know it... they just want to shut their shit stained psychology from being threatened. The world can still be saved, but fuck all hope exists because fuck all cunts care. an elitist agenda will emerge under the guise of democracy.... but it will be wake... just like the fucking church
Did you read your own image?
But the media told me he is a "centrist".
I would like so much to come to the USA. Ppl their are so nice. I would work as a LEO, their police car are so great.
Really makes me think....
This is what Trump supporters need to fear. Scientists / researchers tend to lean ideologically liberal and are fiercely independent. Patriotism / nationalism often means very little (if not nothing) to us. If Europe becomes more hospitable to American researchers than America is, we will go there, America will experience brain drain, and we won't care.
>France has had a net emigration of approximately 100,000 millionaires over the last decade. The highest number out of any country, including India and China. People are fleeing France, and have been for some time. It has predated the current multi-year state of emergency.
>France is the canary in the coal mine for the failures of western civilization.
>Be American
>Move to France
>Get tan and beard
>Claim Islam
>Rape french sluts
>Get 2 months probation and an honorary citizen award
gracias amigo
>Sup Forums touches itself at night to exist
English motherfucker do you speak it?!?
It'll be funny as shit when French start coming to America instead.
france has lost more millionaires than any other country
They can take all of our "oppressed" mexicans and blacks, right?
Please tell me this is true. Less traffic, less retards. Glory. Make sure you take the Norwegian bean i have to see every fkn morning. I can live with the red headed polack.
to late for that bud
>prove me wrong
It's been worse and survived
Finally we can export our Québécois
Enjoy that shit mess you started France.
Fuck your French Law, common law a best
No better king.
You know why they won't flee to France? France can't offer them the funding needed to complete research because all it's money goes to gibs.
t. Q*ebec
>>France has had a net emigration of approximately 100,000 millionaires over the last decade. The highest number out of any country, including India and China. People are fleeing France, and have been for some time. It has predated the current multi-year state of emergency
keep praying Shylock
Yes, more goyim for the kosher machine. How the fuck is that a service?