Who killed jfk?

who killed jfk?

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Someone who lost

lee harvey oswald


I did.

>being this unbelievably and gullibly blue pilled

Much like 9/11, it was a operation done by a combination of groups for various reasons.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

this guy killed him

cia probably

wow how enlightening

Fuck off frank

>who killed jfk?
10,000 mentally ill replies inc

The same subversive Communist Jewish group that killed GLR



Jackie killed him

"Hey look at my purse"


le elite snipa shooted him from sewers.

She throws the gun back to the ss agent.

Honestly who fucking cares at this point?

>John Patler, a former member of Rockwell's group,[30][31] was convicted of the murder and served eight years in prison.

8 years. 8 FUCKING YEARS. It's obvious that he was a patsy. Just like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Kikes, deep state and the mafia all had hands in it


The deep state killed him.

JFK had "workfare", and that doesnt encourage slothfulness and being a sheep.

LBJ then dramatically expanded welfare and handouts, created a society of braindead idiots who vote the same party every time and contribute nothing.

CIA niggers.

But y

Who planned the assassination is the more important question.

I really wonder (((who)))

God if I had a time machine I'd go back to this exact moment decked out in military gear, a pepe shirt and a condom and just go ham on that ass while fighting the police.

I mean, nigga loook at that ASSS. Dem legs man ngggggg my nigga JFK bodied that bitch and popped 6+ babies innit. Fuck man the nigga was lucky asf

JFK's secret societies speech makes it very obvious that GLR was killed for the very same reason.

He died not long after JFK, right at the height of "Beetlemania", which was the beginning of the end, in order to stave off conservative values.

"The Beetles" were and are an underrated cultural influence in the 60s. They fueled feminist movements which were controlled and led by Jews; their manager was a gay Jew. If you watch their concerts, you will see all the young girls swooning over them. It was what led to the ruin of monogamous man/wife relationships.


Mob had their fingers in it because his brother Robert was making inroads toward prosecution and tearing down the racket.
They used Cubans with Soviet backing. LHO was only part of it. The fall guy. Look at who Jack Ruby owed and your heading in the right direction.

Yeah this one is 100% an assassination

I mean

8 years for premeditated murder. fucking lol.

>(((A former member)))


uh wtf nah

No one knows specifically who killed him but he was making moves to return to a currency not produced by the Fed, which would really put a damper on the secret system of finance that keeps our black projects afloat.

An example of that secret system of finance would be the PROMIS scandal and more recently the bearer bond scandals of the past decade.
And pray tell why was 9/11 done?



dat ass



AyyyLMAOs killed JFK?

I did

There's a lot of (((coincidences))) surrounding the assassination. I can't remember them, two big ones where (((abraham Zapruder))) who just happened to be perfectly placed to film the whole thing, and (((Jack Ruby))) who killed Lee Harvey Oswald who was claiming to be a patsy, nicely silenced him.

There's a lot of others as well, quite odd considering they made up less than 2% of the US at the time, and in Texas no less.


He killed himself. He drove deliberately right into the bullets and he didn't even duck.

makes sense, ty cia.


Beetle members go to hell when they die. That's why they looked to India to save them, but nobody can.

Fuck me. Creeped me out more than it should have

You think they made a Faustian bargain? Maybe Paul and Lennon, but if George and Ringo cut a deal they got screwed.

Suicide by cop.

Original Paul is dead though. 100%. They put in a double so that all the female fans wouldn't commit suicide.

I bet you he didn't know whether it was a dude he was hitting or a hairy butthole chick.


In the four seat universe or the six seat universe? In the four seat it was the driver. Don't know about the six seat one.

Why did they shoot Reagan? And we're there any mysterious deaths following the shooting that couldn't be retaliation

So yes, the current "Paul McCartney" is not Paul McCartney. It's a double with a better singing voice and more talent than the original Paul. Compare the "Hey Jude" Paul here to the old Eleanor Rigby/Yesterday Paul.

His musical talent was amazing, but he didn't have as good a singing voice as the new Paul. That's why Paul McCartney's music has been generally shit ever since, despite the better singing voice.



Cruz's dad. You should know, leaf.

what are lighting conditions, you face blind cunt.

gonna need a rubdown gushshart on this. is this a sex thing? who is the hot mommy running from the wanking man? is that the sundance kid?

What is a chin




I've been through it all buddy

Steve Harvey Oswald.


you have a lovely bebe


Go to the gym, Frank.


Post yfw this is the "custodian" of Paul McCartney's childhood home


Ted Cruz's father, duh.

they blew his mind

A highly motivated Marine.

frankie spankie wankies under his blanky

literally jews and cia


like 9/11

I cant interpret any of this gotta be real

g.w.bush sr.

I dont know but i hate flies. Nano tech mossad agents and cia shills.

So did he just retire from public life, get his public persona replaced with a Tavistock/MKultra actor?

For what purpose?

They really oodled his noodle

one of the fbi agents in the car behind him accidentally shot him




>doesn't know about the four seat Lincoln

>So did he just retire from public life

Perhaps. Either that, or he died in the motorcycle accident and to prevent females from killing themselves en masse, they replaced him.

Nice shot

>it's a mystery
>wrapped inside a riddle
>inside an enigma

Dat ass tho

CIA + Banking interests.

>shot in forehead by sniper rifle
Holy Fuck Sherlock. I thought it was a stray bullet

Pic very related.


There's some weird shit surrounding the Beatles.

Some people think the Tavistock institute (which physically is very close by in London to their studios at Abbey Road) supplied their drugs, and also wrote some of their melodies, which were designed as mass psyops to affect people's minds.

On the other hand, pic related, and 'Baby, you're a rich fag jew!'

There is also a rumour that John did sign some sort of contract with Satan or one of his pandemonium - completely unsourced, but perhaps made more credible by his sudden and random assassination, to which FakePaul also reacted very bizarrely indeed.

It was a pretty shit shot actually. 1/3 missed from 70 yards on a nearly motionless target.

Secret Service agent accidentally fired the shot that actually killed President John F. Kennedy.

Howard Donahue demonstrated that it would have been possible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have fired three shots in the time specified by the Warren Commission, and was the only one of the eleven to better the 5.6-second window. However the experience highlighted to Donahue other concerns regarding the Warren report, and in particular the fact that the testimony of ballistics experts seemed to have been completely omitted from the Commission's evidence gathering.[4]

Conducting his own investigation, Donahue eventually decided that the bullet that struck Kennedy in the head had in fact been fired by United States Secret Service Special Agent George Warren Hickey Jr. (March 24, 1923 to February 25, 2005) from an AR-15 rifle carried in the car immediately following the President's vehicle. The series of events is as follows: After the first shot which hit the street was fired, Hickey turns completely around and acquires Oswald on the sixth floor of the school book depository building. His turned head is documented in an AP photograph by James Altgens. Hickey reaches for the AR-15 under the seat, releases the safety and begins to lift the gun. The second shot is fired by Oswald, hitting the president and Texas Governor John Connally. The president's car and the follow-up car containing Hickey suddenly speed up. This is attested to by Secret Service agent Clint Hill. Agent Hickey, who is unstable because he is standing on the cushion of the seat, rather than the floor of the car, begins to fall back due to the acceleration of the vehicle, pulling the trigger of the AR-15. The gun is pointed toward Kennedy at that instant, and the bullet strikes him squarely in the back of the head.

In parallel, he believes Oswald's second shot through Kennedy's neck may have already critically wounded the president before the third shot was fired

He was talking about GLR

The 60s was full of weird ass happenings.

JFK, GLR, Beatles. All connected by Jewish Communists.

Plotted by Lindon B

Jfk wasn't radical enough for the government (((system))) to want him dead, LBJ was just a jealous cuck

Beatles killed JFK.


Shut up moron. A) I'm talking about Rockwell not JFK

B) Assassination in this context means by deep state/cia/(((the powers that be)))

Muddying the waters. It's what you do best Shlomo.

When i see this it makes me think, why she try to run/scape?

You see the person that you love get shoot and you will leave it there?

Why no grab him or stay with him?