Why won't people say the word?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not a terrorist
>Totally not a terrorist
because you are inserting your faggot identity politics. just call them terrorists for fucks sake.
They are domestic terrorists.
Because terrorist implies that not all white men are evil. All white men are school shooters but with Islam it's only the extremists, which are not actually Muslims at all. It's a fact that Muslims literally cannot do anything wrong.
>So not terrorists. Are you fucking kidding me??
Good post, leaf.
Here's a test I like to use, and recommend: if you can recall the names of the serial killers or terrorists from some group, say Ted Bundy, or Brevik, that means that the group (whites) is not overly or even highly represented. The fact that you cannot name the thousands of Muslim terrorists responsible for the worldwide attacks that get reported regularly is proof that there are simply too many of them to be memorable or focus on long enough to capture the public attention and memory.
There is not a unifying ideology behind that disparate group.
>Not a terrorist. Nope. (Actually a muslim! Honest!)
These incidents are usually used as or are Psy-Op's.
Of course there is. White supremacy. In many cases, like with Dylan Roof and James Harris Jackson, openly so.
Some of the folks mentioned by OP were terrorists, while others were just nuts. Those who did what they did out of some sort of agenda were called terrorists on the news. Why was this post made, anyways?
Terrorism is violence with a political motive. So people like Roof, Mcveigh, and (i think) Breivik count, but not people like Holmes or Lanza
But not the muslim ones though, right? Because ISIS wasn't created, funded and supplied with weapons and vehicles by the CIA and Mossad. Nope.
damn, really jumbled up my jellybeans with this one OP
well done
Fucking redeeming your country doublehandedly
Respond to these excellent two posts and revut their arguments, not character or tone, or you admit you can't refute their material
Roof's was overtly racial. McVeigh's was anti-government, Breivik and this is the one that cracks me up, was ZIONIST, which is why it's hilarious that Sup Forums has always supported it, Holmes and Lanza seemed genuinely nuts, but not the rest.
>If I can remember non-muslim sounding names, that means there are many less of them!
Good argument.
Shit. this was supposed to be in response to:
that literally wouldn't bother me if people called it that and I'm a white male that will never kill a person in my life
breivik did nothing wrong
Well terrorism actually has a meaning. It means using violence to advance political ends. If you just go shoot random people without a political motive, you're not a terrorist.
> White supremacist and terrorist
Dylan Roof
> Just kinda incoherently crazy. Technically a terrorist because tried to start a race war.
> Just a crazy gunman
> White Supremecist / Crazy guy
Metro Stabber
> Just Crazy
NYC Murder guy
> Just kinda crazy
> Actual Terrorist
idk who that other guy is.
>White muslims don't exist
>We killed them all back when Bosnia was a thing
>Yet another innocent white man / lone nutter
>Well terrorism actually has a meaning. It means using violence to advance political ends.
So white supremacists literally killing people and telling everyone that the reason they're killing them is to protect white christendom should be ignored, but when a muslim kills anyone, that's terrorism, regardless of the reason.
You're a delusional hypocrite. Got it.
What word? Benis?
Because words like radical and extremist impy the killer was motivated by religion, and in america christans can never be the bad guys in the conservitve media.
Thats four words you retard.
I'm not the one who started the stupid fucking chant when it was muslims.
No, ideology. Not just religion. Sorry, you don't get to weasel out of this one.
>james holmes a terrorist
are you people stupid
No they aren't terrorists.
its literally ok when white people do it you fucking racial masochist.
what fucking chant?? the fuck you talking about dude
Learn once and for all faggot
if you're a shitskin coming to a white (western) country and you want to kill people - you are a terrorist
if you are white in your own country and you want to kill shitskins and race/nation traitors - you are not a terrorist
why do niggers and liberals only reference sensationalized news stories rather than statistics in these arguments?
If it's not a credible iterable threat, not really.
One crazy lone actor who gets apprehended after his actions that kill a handful of peopl has no leverage to influence future policy.
Now if you have an 1 billion followers where 30%+ are happy to blow themselves up to stick it to Israel, the West, Moscow, apostates, other Muslims, etc. it's a whole different story. You always know there is going to be another attack coming if you don't comply.
James Holmes' attacks weren't politically motivated at all. He really is just a crazy guy and calling him a 'white supremacist' is highly disingenuous.
who's this semen demon
Not All White People ...... #NotAllWhitePeople#
..... #PrayForAmerica# ........
Christianophobic White Racism. Anti White Propaganda.
lol you have an incredibly loose definition of terrorism. please take your racial masochism/asian inferiority complex back to the reddit
>OP gets utterly fucking destroyed because he can't handle the fact that Muslims do indeed worship terror and brutality.
>radical white male terrorism
>Nobody calls white people rerrori-
Has anyone got a graph comparing 'white terrorism' along with other religions to "the Religion Of Peace" I really want something like that.
the guy killed whites almost exclusively. white nationalists are the real anti-whites
Because facts are not on their side
Now go tell the world this. Please.
>If it's not a credible iterable threat, not really.
Well that's funny because government agencies sure thought it was one of the most important threats against the safety of the country, because they've been investigating the problem for decades.
Difference is. It really is islamophobic "clash of cultures" narrative bullshit when it's muslims. When it's whites, we're lucky if the criminals even see jail time.
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Yep, none of this matches that description. I'm sorry I was wrong.
>you have an incredibly loose definition of terrorism
You mean like you do when it's a muslim?
>1 time decades ago, despite near constant attacks
You sure showed me!
>unarchived The Young Turks youtube
Change domain to hooktube so they don't get views
But the statistics are against you too.
Terrorism is killing for political aims, Killing a bunch of black people because you believe black people are sub human isn't a political aim.
>six white dudes going back to 1995
>weekly brown Muslim terror attacks since 2001
>haha just the same!
>this faggot again
Look it's archiveautistmo dane!
Remember, for every archive link you make, I click the original.
>near constant attacks
No, that's certainly not a political view at all.
We literally have a white terrorist attack about every week now.
white terrorists have killed more people since November 2001 then Muslims have
"I dislike black people so I'm going to kill them" isn't a political aim you stupid yank cunt.
name them, the last attack i saw this week was by that black guy who went around shooting his family and a sheriff
And the majority of those suffer from liberalism.
Tell me though. What religious or political gain were these fags going for? Not terrorists
Actually, you have that totally backwards.
McVeigh has always been called a terrorist, and his act has always been recognized overtly as terrorism. Before 9/11 the okc bombing was the first thing that came to mind when someone mentioned terrorism.
provide them
No, racism has no place in politics. I'm glad we agree.
>Now hold on a sec-
Read the thread, dumbass.
This is blatantly wrong
Orlando nightclub shooting has had more victims in one night that whites since 2001
i did dumbass, there isnt a white terror attack every week
i know it was a joke
Ok, let's see those statistics.
Now that's from late last year, so things have changed a bit since then, but still.
>Not a terrorist
Except people do call McVeigh a terrorist?
All of them had different agendas.
Also McVay was classified as a domestic terrorist you shit.
A nigger just last week murdered eight people in a death by cop attempt. That's the same as four times the amount as the Bernie supporter in Portland. I have yet to see any mainstream coverage of this.
But still what?
Even when they yell allah akbar before blowing themselves up in a crowd the wont say a word about islam or muslim.
How do you explain that?
Anders Behring Breivik too.
Because we're not reminded of it weekly by some new cultural enrichment implement.
Of course everyone does
OP wants to call it "white male" though as if it's some sort of ideology like the #1 source of terrorism worldwide Islamist and the #2 Maoist/Lenin/Stalinist/leftist terrorism
What OP is trying to do Is called obfustication
Terrorism is acting as part of a group, a non-state organization that's using violence to further it's goals. People who do things for those groups benefit, but aren't necessarily in the group still count because it's benefitting the terror group.
So this becomes a clear distinction on how law enforcement needs to hand the situation, it goes from "this is a lone incident" to "there is more of this coming and can be prevented." Hence they are classified differently.
Calling every single criminal a terrorist for political purposes just dilutes and confuses the label and makes it ineffective to actually combat actual terrorism.
>In the span of 15 years, anti-government radicals and white supremacists have reportedly killed 48 Americans, according to a count by New America.
One sand nigger did that in one night in a nightclub
There are more whites in the USA than Muslims. It's not a surprise that more people are killed by whites than Muslims.
>since 9/11
you mean after we cracked down on muslims? wowee, you sure proved your point that islam is peaceful and good.
tell me, are you white?
but..but a guy in orlando killed more in 3 hours then whites did in 15 years
really makes you think
>dude dont count 9/11 or it would prove us wrong
Go ahead and say it. Piss off white people. When we get pissed, we oppress the hell out of people. You will be picking my cotton so fucking quick.
Yet relative to their proportion of the population muslims commit way more terroist acts then "white males"
Niggers can't per capita
Their brains can't comprehend it
Muslims are less than 1%