If the world ended tonight, purely from an darwinian standpoint, which races 'won'?
0) (())
1) germanic
2) han chinese
3) hispanic
4) arabs
5) ....
188) french
If the world ended tonight, purely from an darwinian standpoint, which races 'won'?
0) (())
1) germanic
2) han chinese
3) hispanic
4) arabs
5) ....
188) french
Other urls found in this thread:
the human race
Filipinos. They are the most p o w e r f u l
>from a Darwinian standpoint
If everyone is extinct then we all lost
good point
deep shit bro
All that matters is that few stood against many. That's what matters! Valor pleases Crom.
The Anglo-Celtic master race of course
1. white
2. asian
3. beaner
4. paki
the rundown
kek what a cheeky fucker
Han Chinese. Niggers would lose horribly.
why include celtic tho.. if the anglo saxons didnt sail off to great britian they would still be living in mud huts
This. They're like a plague that is unstoppable. My Chinese roommate even admitted it to me
Has any one got the quote about the bulls?
Han chinese.
hmm prolly somewhere down the bloodline ye
Pure numbers: The Chinese and associated groups
Cultural influence: Tie between Abrahamic religion and Greco-Roman culture
Ecological change: Europeans by a long way, moved so many new species of plants and animals across the planet and changed so much terrain (plus pollution and extinction but everyone wins that)
Enduring legacy: Anyone who shot stuff into space because our stuff on the moon will last until the sun burns out and then the Voyager probes will go on until they hit something.
The "Did You Even Try" Prize: Aborigines
wow he even admitted his genes are unstoppable? Humble guy, lovin it
God this kind of confidence is exactly what the White race needs. It's everyone else who has it now.
>literally only watches cnn and mtv
jews obviously
I mean
we'd survive it
Keked hard at that last part.
Sad truth is the Jews are winning the fuck out of the planet right now.
A short write-up by aliens might go: "a small subspecies rose to prominence among the Earthlings by producing small pieces of paper the others traded for goods."
Lol I live on Sup Forums and racialist sites. The fire is rising but we are still a fringe
racial Jews would win, no doubt
The khazars
The deepwater Jew
depends on how you score. Technology/culture/miltary capability Then Germany 1933-1943 is top dog. Population? tie between china and africa. First to discover tech? china again.
again by what metrics are we scoring.
*cough cough*
I think you are forgetting an option old boy
None? Cockroaches? And I don't mean Turks...
>Sad truth is the Jews are winning the fuck out of the planet right now.
Doesn't feel like it... everyone hates us and wants to put is in gas chambers like 1939 how is that winning?
>Technology/culture/miltary capability Then Germany 1933-1943 is top dog
*Tips Stahlhelm*
I wouldn't under-estimate the influence of inbreeding in the Islamic following races, they are genetically destroying themselves. The damage is probably too prevalent to be rectified now.
This is happening especially in countries they migrate too as they live together in tighter communities
An article on the subject
Last part would be epic/memegods as fuck
define racial
you're propably right, respect
>define racial
the kikes that look like happy merchant
The Polish.
If France is 188, then your sorry excuse of a country is 999.
Because any public attempt to bring it up has the brainwashed screeches from four corners of the world to contend with?
Anti Israel seems fine, but anti Semites on the other hand...
well, since there are only about ~195 countries in the world, you sir, just proved my point at france being 188. IQ-ly speaking ofcourse
>Because any public attempt to bring it up has the brainwashed screeches from four corners of the world to contend with?
Four-corner world-screeching hasn't done much to slow down Sup Forums or the Muslim world lately...
As for Israel, they at least die in terrorist attacks every now and again, when was the last time """antisemites""" were blown up or shot or stabbed?
You're fine, don't try to steal our precious mantle of victimhood you know how Jews like to whine.
Han. More copies of their genes.
Cheerios chap, let me inform you that the english are considered germanic in every possible way apart from the name, carry on then
You said races, not nationalities
Dutchmen and Frenchmen are of the same race, as painful as it is for me to admit it.
>Sup Forums falling for le gas chamber maymay
Try reddit
I cry everytime ^^
what kind of tank is that?
Does it really have spinning parts?
Can't tell if troll or legit american question
that's a Sherman with a mine clearing device on the front
Sup Forums literally is the gas chamber meme where else would you go to hear un-ironic calls for ethnic cleansing not in Arabic?
>If the world ended tonight
Are you stupid or what? Nobody.
Population,Land or Technological Advancement?
You have several different things to judge it on.
You're right. I sometimes forget how much pol knows in relation to the rest of the humans we share this planet with (let alone our fellow countrymen). I showed a democrat some stuff about Sandy Hook, including the video where the "father" laughs and jokes before going to the Mic to deliver a tearful comment about his "daughter".
The guy's response to the video was: "Jesus Christ man, that's Wolf Blitzer reporting.. does he know this guy is lying and acting??"
Two things of note in his response:
1: he didn't know about Sandy Hook being a hoax.
2: he actually trusted Wolf Blitzer up to that point (this was recently, after Trump was already president).
Anyway, point is that we really are still fringe. There's a metric shit ton of sleeping normies who have no idea what's going on. The msm is failing but it's still a long way to go to wake enough people up.
Probably ((())) tbqh desu
Gib new KB pls, Frankie.
Who is the highest tier of all time, Ashkenazi Jews, Ancient Greeks, or Ancient Aryans?
winning from a darwinian standpoint, species is dead...
Have a you