>The Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee asked U.S. spy agencies late last year to reveal the names of U.S. individuals or organizations contained in classified intelligence on Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, engaging in the same practice that President Trump has accused the Obama administration of abusing, current and former officials said.
>According to a tally by U.S. spy agencies, the House Intelligence Committee requested five to six unmaskings of U.S. organizations or individuals related to Trump or Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton between June 2016 and January 2017
>In contrast to the committee’s handful of unmasking requests, officials said the tally showed that Rice requested a single unmasking related to Trump’s activities between June and January.
Nunes-led House Intelligence Committee asked for ‘unmaskings’ of Americans
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>washingtonpost com/world/national-security/nunes-led-house-intelligence-committee-requested-unmaskings-of-americans/2017/06/02/5c098dc0-47bc-11e7-98cd-af64b4fe2dfc_story.html?utm_term=.5240c5dd069b
that faggot with a degree in jacking off horses was projecting the whole time!
He is obviously a hack, but it's funny trump supporters latched on to what this retard was saying
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what a dumb faggot
i just barely read that Rice only asked for 1 person to be unmasked, obviously Flyyn
>In contrast to the committee’s handful of unmasking requests, officials said the tally showed that Rice requested a single unmasking related to Trump’s activities between June and January.
This was just Trump and the Republicans trying to distract again and the idiot media fell for it as they always do.
The premise was preposterous anyway. The FBI/CIA tracks a known Russian agent. That Russian agent was found in contact with someone in Trump tower. Rice seeks to find out who the Russian agent talked to. Trump tower wasn't "targeted". Trump tower showed up because the Russian agents the FBI/CIA tracks was in contact with Trump tower.
this board has been on it nonstop like retards
It's funny how they slide the fuck out of this thread
K..... keep me posted leftypol
He didn't even deny it
So, when he's getting impeached?
who knows, the gop are all compromised
>While the House Intelligence Committee asked only for the names of administration officials who requested unmaskings related to Trump and Clinton, intelligence agencies responded to the request by providing a tally that included requests by lawmakers.
So essentially, our intelligence agencies are directly circumventing congress to work with the Washington Post. Smells like a coverup.
This article just proves the spy agencies, deep state leakers and Washington post are all working together to cover for the prior Obama administration.
Leftypol unironically have no problem with Washington Compost knowning Bezos/CIA run it with the John Podesta at the forefront.And that during he campaign they were not allowed to publish anything without the Clinton campaigns consent. Same with the failings NYT and CNN.
You're mentally ill and a gymnast
Nunes should deny it then
I wonder what the new (((narrative))) will be for the republicans,
>liberals told me unmasking doesn't matter
>Nunes was working for the Obama administration
>I'm retarded
Those will be the majority of the excuses
Fuck both parties
t. former trump voter
>Congress unmasks US citizens
>No leaks
>Obama admin unmasks Trump staff
>Leaks immediately
Whoa....I wonder....what the difference....here is......
False, I didn't vote for either of them nor do I shill for either of them.
>GOP thinks they can burn Obama with Susan Rice unmasking
>Somehow scores an own-goal by making more unmasking requests than the Obama administration
These retards couldn't run over a quadriplegic with a steamroller.
>trump team talking to Russian spies
>Nunes finds nothing
Huh like, I wonder what the difference is
>washington post
it's like reading the blog of the DNC
Okay what do you read for good news.
Kek, now they can't push the unmasking angle during comey's testimony. What a bunch of fucking retards.
Infowars and Sup Forums, duh.
Sup Forums was making Trey Gowdy out to be a genius for pushing this angle during House hearings, Jej. With minds like this, its no wonder a unitary Republican government can't accomplish jack shit.
It's honestly amazing how inept they all are