Post your favorite fat assed larpers itt. I'll start.. This is Wayne who larped as a presidential candidate and engineer.
Other urls found in this thread:
Obviously this guy. Larps as a deep state insider (Anon5) but it turns out he's just a fat autistic kid. His name is Frank.
inb4 Anon5 shows up to defend himself. He was here for 2 hours earlier saying that it wasn't really him..
Using a UK proxy?
>you will never look like a Mr Potato head
Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
I cannot go on anymore. I am incapable of feeling anything but nigger-cock, loneliness or endless satisfaction.
Even when I try to be with a friend, I feel like I am alone and that my heart is about to burst.
Today my nigga Deshaun was asking for food for the 10th time in 5 hours, so I completely snapped by throwing
his EBT cards all over the ground and filling his bowl until it overflowed. I chased the young black youth asking "aren't you hungry now?? huh?? I thought you wanted food?? why don't you fucking eat??"
until I let him outside, picked up a sweeper, of which I used to sweep a couple of EBT cards before collapsing on the floor crying loud for what felt like an eternity.
After I was able to get myself off the floor, I took a bunch of erectile-dsyfunction medication and prepared it in a bag for when I have finally had enough,which I feel will be this weekend. Fuck..
-Wayne Lambright
Probably going to cry soon, for no discernible reason. Emotions all over the place, after I thought I was doing ok. Maybe it's because I saw Him again. Minutes afterwards my heart was still racing, unpleasantly so. If I go to the Dennys on Friday then he might be there on shift. Maybe we could talk behind the retaurant, if it's not too loud...I could lick his foreskin, so delicious...But it will be too loud. And I still think that he is (and has been) avoiding me because he thinks I have fallen head over heels in obsessive unhealthy love for him. Which... well, I guess that's kinda true. Or maybe it's nothing to do with that. I'm just all over the place this whole week. Overwhelmed and not sure why. Maybe I should start prolapsing again.
-Wayne Lambright
t. leftist queer
Wayne is mentally ill. Do you also enjoy kicking puppies for fun?
you will be sued for liable !!! wayne is a genius!!!!
OK, you have crossed the line. This is funny!
Help me fight the Zionist.
Israel attacked the USA on 9/11, The proof:
Damn straight! Well, mostly. I got a 137 IQ. I think 160IQ is a genius.
>kicking puppies for fun?
I would never do that. I love all living creatures, even you.
>fat assed
Fuck.... you got me there. I'm 270lbs, I should be 220lbs.
I love you Wayne. What are you working on right now? Have you sold those porsches?
bwaha anon5 served you pol fags kys
It's not your fault Wayne, the delegates were yours.
Wayne's not thicc, he just THICK in the fucking head
Expect the spaghettinigger to sperg out in this thread too. Fuck that larper
We should run these as generals. Include all the retards from le alt-right especially the spergs from TRS
hanz. managed to fuck an entire board by himself
>We should run these as generals
I'm dying
this is the end
how did he get doxed?
No that was me in the last thread taking the piss
anyone wanna play planetside 2 in abit
He was here for like 6 or 7.
Replying to every post with the exact same thing.
wayne is a bro 2bh. fat frank on the otherhand...
Wayne was Fucking weird, I could never tell what his true intentions were. I think he was just a liberal LARP ing as a conservative.
hey frankie
ah, okay.
take your meds frank, its been a hard day
Hope you guys are ready for spaghettinigger to flip out over 30 replies to this thread. One of the saddest cases of autism I have seen in a while.
>image filtered
So you're the one making these shitty threads on Sup Forums, fuck you
Well... I'm working on building a following of like-minded individuals who are tired of Zionism & Left bull shit.
It should be finished this time next week if not sooner and you all will be able to shit all over my new idea.
Conclusion. USA is much worse than it was in November. Trump lied about almost everything.
I predicted he would do this. It's summer and I would expect more WAR's around the world.
If I we're you, I would stock up on food, water & survivals supplies. I have never seen ZOG working this hard. (((They))) are planning something.
Only t_d finds this meme funny. Way to out yourself.
It's Frank's darker side coming through. Staring at an Italian flag reminds him of pizza so he can stay focused on the thread without calling Domino's.
Whether it's him or not, it's fucking sad and hilarious at the same time.
How many votes did Wayne get in his presidential bid?
I can see that. I was very left in my thinking. Not anymore. I really love national socialism. What's wrong with loving your country and having pride in your nation. I don't mind other people of other races. I just don't want to live with them. I'm certain that the best solution for the world is to have tribes of the same people. When you mix races you get a fucked up situation. It won't matter when the war starts. As far as I'm concerned, this is the last America we'll ever know. I think will have martial law by the end of summer. A nuke will go off someplace. I'm not optimistic, other than optimism for war.
I love Counter Semitism. It's my new calling. Jewish Supremacy is about to be extinct.
Can someone redpill me on tranny swapping
I asked Wayne for pictures of his belly back in November or October and he delivered. Hopefully now that he's even more bloated I get can some recent shots of his gut.
I don't give a fuck about shills trying to mix in with the anti-larp5 circlejerk because larpers are fucking cancer to this board and slide current events and encourage newfags from reddit to raid the board. please let shareblue get wind of this and seth rich Frank on his way to pizzahut.
Fuck tranny swapping, it's all about beetle swapping
this son of a bog larp as president for 4 years. Way better then borat
What am I doing this moment? Trying to install visual studio.
They swap beetles asses in sex scenes
Holy shit this changes everything
At last you see, KEEP READING INTO MY
>Well... I'm working on building a following of like-minded individuals who are tired of Zionism & Left bull shit.
Sounds nifty. Just avoid moving to Waco.
Here you go!
Why did you ask to take those videos down, Wayne?
You're starting a cult?
What do you actually do any more, Wayne? Why have you given up?
OK, her is my largeness photo. I'm a 49" chest right now. I should only be a 44".
Fuck of dumblrisms, your obsession w/ Wayne is pathetic.
What the fuck are you doing on that table
Why do you take so many selfies? Honest question.
You're not fooling anyone, Wayne's phone. Did the taxpayers pay for you, Wayne's phone?
Dig into my previous lunch
is that your lunch on the table?
I don't think Wayne has a cellphone.
Jesus, you really are deranged.
Tumblerism. You really hurt my feelings with your liable comments.
>You're starting a cult?
No a real political party that I'll be stumping for full time.
Here is my bald spot, you all can make fun of that if you want.
Sexy af for real but I wonder if you smell funny.