"multiculturalism doesn't work" he says

>"multiculturalism doesn't work" he says
>on his multicultural image board

think the people in this thread would get along if living together?

multicultural cucks must die

It works because we are all white here.


op if i saw you walking down the street id knock your block off

Thirdworlders who infest this site are not welcome
I will protect my Mongolian flute dancing cartoon board

Yes because a society and an image board are the same thing
Gas yourself kike

Probably because we are all autists with a similar mindset

We'd all fucking better be. Let me catch a wog lurking my boards.

first thought instantly

no fucking way in hell would i want to live in a world where people behave like they do on Sup Forums

you're not funny

there is only one culture on Sup Forums though, many nationalities one culture

But everyone here is so angry and short tempered, and the first defense is always to target the race/ethnicity


you must be 18+ to post on here

that's not true at all

Wrong. Wog cuck

Says the mexican

If this was real life, then constant banter would be constant war.

You just proved my point that there is. I didn't need to explain the culture.


>on his multicultural image board

>implying Sup Forums isn't a huge clusterfuck

Are you saying that leafs aren't a problem?

This place is multiethnic, it is not multicultural. People who don't play along with board culture don't find themselves welcome here.

OP has obviously never been in a balkans thread

>"multiculturalism doesn't work" he says
>on his multicultural planet

Sup Forums BTFO!!

>thinking Sup Forums works in a positive way

You sound like a beta male cuck. Get off Sup Forums or take the initiative.

>shitposting vs living with 1 mil muslims who want sharia law in your country.

Yeah i think its the same thing , also shit bait poo in pants

>expecting Sup Forums to have logic beyond 1d chutes and ladders

Sup Forums is one of the reasons why it never works lol


You're right, fuck you

every single leaf would be hanging from a tree out back if we all lived in the same house

>society should resemble Sup Forums in any way
Besides, third worlders aren't allowed and quickly ridiculed, and the flags keep everyone separately identifiable.

You think /britpol/ would be allowed in a multicultural progressive society?

Ahh yes because people of different nationalities never fight on Sup Forums

We're separated and come to this joint grounds to be together, then we can leave to be separate again.

This board is not multicultural, it only has two cultures. The britpol threads and everyone else. Anyone who steps outside of the culture gets hammered down.

If this board was an country, there'd be multiple civil wars and race wars and tons of genocide going on inside.

>implying we wouldn't shoot each other on sight

>he thinks Sup Forums isn't proof to how terrible multiculturalism is

Can this become a spiderman thread

>one board culture

Counting to 2 is now literally too complicated for liberals loloololololoolol

says you


Multiculturalism does not work. That would be like having only one board. Multiracial however is possible, as long as they have the same values.

White nationalists are dumb.

we dont even get along on this board

>this board works

Imagine if society were like Sup Forums you fucking maniac. Imagine it like John Lennon imagined his mommy as he was screaming for her with a hole blown in his belly.

this board doesnt work its toxic as fuck

Fake news, according to Snopes.

Sup Forums doesn't work. It's overrun with shilling and porn.

And you're a wog cuck

Fuck off /bant/fag

.... what? Your statement was just stupid dude, it's not a big deal. Move on.

There are literal nazis, there are civic nationalist faggots, there are white nationalists, there are straight commies, there are libertarians. People of different ages and political persuasions are drawn to different memes.

yep, everyone on this board hates each other, the only thing that united us is the fact that there's things to hate more than each other.

everyone on Sup Forums hates eachother though

>Implying an image board is equivalent to a real world society
>Implying said imageboard is efficient and perfect, instead of literally half of all threads being shitposting, shilling, and ironic meme baiting such as OP
>Implying all posters are equal in discussion value regardless of country, when patterns of shitposting and general lack of discussion value, such as turks and canadians

It doesn't take a professor to know that people of different common opinions and cultures that clash with each other, can not inter-operate so easily in a tight space. It has nothing to do with race but a culture clash, I don't know why people get offended over this simple fact that people with differing ideals can't get along when they live together, only in occasional contact can they be alright with each other.

literally no difference if the person you're talking to was in the next house over.

>Multiracial however is possible
Biracial AT MOST is possible, and it is always disadvantageous for the minority.

Any more than that and society begins rapidly failing. If the second race is black, it doesn't matter, they WILL drag it down.

What the fuck is bant, speak English nigger

Yes, different ideas and same culture.

this is true multiculturalism op
a bunch of nationalists from all over the globe coming together to share their culture, with the base understanding that BORDERS EXIST

>Nonwhites on Sup Forums

Fucking exactly.


Compare it to 8ch and how much they get done over there. Banning non-whites is the obvious solution to all our problems. If you think Im saying this ironically, youre probably a dumb nigger.

But this is multinational board with people in their own countries.

No, not the same culture, unless you have some bizarre and extremely broad sense of culture that boils down to "posting on Sup Forums"

Niggers belong with niggers in their own nigger culture, the superior, shining whites belong with superior, shining whites in their own culture, Asians can possibly integrate with whites, it is within their mutual benefit. Anything in between does not mix with each other. The end.

bant is the superior version on nupol

Pretty sure we have our own culture and we can't qualify ourselves as multicultural, multi-ethnic yes but not multicultural. We share the same internet issued culture.

everyone here ascribes to the board culture, retard. that's why people unanimously call out redditors and shills.

>how much 8ch gets done
LOL okay bud. I spent like a year and a half there during my redpilling process (I was among the first exodus) and that place turned to shit fast. You can't have a conversation there, everyone is paralyzed because they think everyone else is a shill.

Not to mention imkampfy's behavior makes it pretty certain he's Jewish or some kind of mentally ill degenerate.

>Sup Forums is a well-functioning board

It's just constant fighting and baiting. OP is a dumb faggot.

That's why this board is a shithole filled up with shitpost and roaches.

Sup Forums's new baby, faggot

Culture is a bizarre and extremely broad term.

Multiracialism wouldn't work either because people would keep accusing each other of racism and hidden prejudices.

It has everything to do with race you dumb faggot. Look, when they were filming Planet of the Apes and the actors were all made up--this was the original--all of the similar looking apes sat together at break times. It wasn't intentional, half of them didn't even like each other, it was psychological.

People feel more comfortable among those of the same race. They feel alienated when they stand out in a crowd. They feel intruded upon when there is an outsider in their midst. Through cosmopolitan brainwashing you can tame this instinct but the result is that you turn into a fucking liberal and destroy your own society.

If Race literally isn't real and skin color is all that exists, diversity is STILL bad for social cohesion because of how humans behave. And of course, race is real, and that is a whole additional dimension.

>Sup Forums
we have one culture here bucko. one culture forged in the fires or a billion shitposts.

>rah hah dumb leaf
>jew-jew beans leave this thread
>wow you're a rare flag

>because everyone posts on 4chin

don't send him there faggot it's comfy without more newfags and weebs

Multiculturalism on the Internet is good, multiculturalism in your sister's uterus is bad.

Are you a fucking retard? Sup Forums is a culture. Websites are like nations and have their own cultures. Go back to fucking kikebook faggot.

Don't act like you don't have any yourself. Studies show a majority of people actually do, but it's not as bad as everyone blows it up to be.. It's just kind of human nature to want to be around people who are more closely related to them, who share their genes. That's been proven.

fuck you too white man


>We fight Multiculturalism because the cultures are better seperate
>We say as the collective world comes together to save Europe

The secret of the Left is, they all secretly hate each other
The secret of Sup Forums is, we all secretly like each other.

In what way is Sup Forums multicultural? If anything it's monocultural in the sense that all of us adhere to chan-culture.


Not enough flags on this thread.

man you people have a fucking retarded sense of culture

differing cultures will cause two different people to react completely differently to two different things

if you don't think that happens on Sup Forums you're a fucking moron who thinks he joined a secret club when he discovered Sup Forums

this place is multicultural, and not coincidentally if it were a real society it would be burned down within a week

Well said


Holy shit I thought Czech posters were Flips the whole time. The flags are just lighter/darker versions of each other.


This board is hardly multicultural. Sup Forums is the most haram thing in human existence, so Muslims rarely come here. Few posters are Asian or African. In fact more than 90% of posts are North/South American, Australian and European.

Yes we would. We are men, we would find ways to work together, pool resources, make a system. The women would cause trouble after a while. There would be too few to go around, creating cuck scenarios. So we'd need favors from billionaire anons to buy enough breeding-age women in order to not become the cucks of irony.

>differing cultures will cause two different people to react completely differently to two different things

If that was true Sup Forums wouldn't be an echochamber where everyone hates niggers and kikes.
