Simply EPIC.
Simply EPIC
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pepe is a fucking frog damn it, stop making up shit to excuse your master from his impending dementia.
is this gunna be a KeK thread for epic manifestation
Truedeau will choke tonight .
John Titor confirmed. He's from the future to save us.
Oh shit it's magic
Which future is he from? Titor fucked,up in a lot of time line
Kek has blessed me and confirmed. Praise Kek! Praise Titor!
2+7+2+3 = 14
2+6 = 8
2+6 = 8
He's one of us.
Titor fucked off and didn't complete his mission.
What the fug
Frogluminati confirmed?
Who are you to judge failure and success when it is almighty Kek who wields the scales of chaos?
Friendly Reminder:
"Dubbed the most banned book in the world, this tome is so feared by Jews that they have refused to allow it's English translation."
- - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.
'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature. Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.
FULL ENGLISH LINK: (can preview and read without downloading it, if you want.)
KEK Vult!
Big if true
Did anyone plug this into that Jew magic numbers site?
Kek is a piece of shit frog and I'd kick him in the balls if I met him, as any true God of chaos would want if you knew anything about anything user
Yeah, it comes out with some neat stuff. I forget what exactly, but worth a few giggles.
If you do this, you will surely die.
user you don't know my kicking skills
Kek will die.
You know my favourite part of the covfefe scenario? When Hillary('s team) had any meme under the Sun to choose from, literally any because it was just a case of replacing a word from it with "covfefe", her (team's) choice was the "people in covfefe houses" one. Did this old fool('s team) really think someone like based DTJr wouldn't point out exactly which house Trump was occupying? Sad.
you don't fucking know how pepe identifies, you racist, sexist, sub-human shitskin.
True, frogs are transgender
might be of worth. found on x
Thank you user
>all these reddit kekistan niggers
literally gas yourselves