Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP
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>According to economists
>According to jewish economists
because i like the way that pic looks and i don't want that to disappear
Retarded bot b8 and forum sliding. Sage and report fellas.
>inb4 1 post by this ID
who cares about the world GDP. its not equally distributed over all of its landmass anyway.
because i hate brown things
GDP is too high it needs to be reduced by half.
came to post this
>fine print: tax rates also quadrupled
>According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
No shit. You're pulling the entire world down to mediocre status, while simultaneously raising Africa and mudnigger section of Asia to mediocre status.
>implying i didn't sage
if there's only one world government then who are we competing against and who are we striving to be better than?
once they have complete control the globalists will live in space and humans will be slaves on earth
Because the important thing is GDP per capita, not total GDP you fucking mongol.
Oh great, more profit for the rich while the entire world becomes a slave population. I mean, it'll destroy inner happiness forever and all the diversity of the world, but think of those happy merchants!
Why do you keep making these retarded slide threads? Sage hide and report.
Who said anything about world government?
We make too much fucking garbage, pollution, and waste as is, and have too many damn people. Why the hell would I want to double GDP.
First we need to get off the jew usury paper shekel system and make cryptocurrency mainstream. Trump is helping, a lot.
The collapse of American manufacturing towns, and the old industrial middle class, has gone hand in hand with a staggering 40-year rise in the dollar, Klody observed.
It is standard economics that as your currency rises, your exports become more expensive and less competitive in foreign markets. Meanwhile, the reverse happens at home: Imports from overseas get cheaper and cheaper compared with domestic production.
Always use archive. Thank you.
>businessinsider com/trumps-budget-chief-mark-mulvaney-loves-gold-and-bitcoin-2016-12
>Why do you keep making these retarded slide threads?
because it winds people up
If the world GDP goes up, the world's GDP per capita goes up.
what do you think open borders will end up as
Because GDP doesn't represent quality of life. All it means is that a handful of (((billionaires))) will have access to cheap labor.
To control the nigger population
Let's see how well that works out for Europe in a decade or so.
Because you can't sell civilization, democracy, freedom of speech, high quality of life, low levels of violence and everything that makes the first world amazing for money, that's a very jewish thing to do
all this money that would come in would go directly into the hands of rich people that will continue to live in closed gated communities while you the average citizen has to deal with 3rd world violence, drugs and littering,
you have nothing to benefit from this.
its already happening to us user, the US is dangerously close to becoming forever brown
hmm, I wonder where everyone would migrate to...
The only rising would be the elites hold on the people. The idea is to dilute the indigenous population to subvert it. What they want is modern feudalism, and for we the commoners the serfs.
I'm not a retarded liberal.
>low levels of violence
> 3rd world violence, drugs and littering,
Immigrants would have to make a concerted deliberate effort to be as violent as American niggers, probably why we're so much less hostile and more positive on immigration than Europe.
And the American Dream is literally predicated on making shitloads of money, immigrants should be as free to be greedy fucks as native citizens.
>a retarded liberal.
Hmmmm allowing populations to move freely across borders. How would that work for the welfare monkeys? Would 3rd world countries stop shitting out kids they cant take care of?
>according to economists, moving your furniture around increases your net worth
Only for people who can only trace their entire ancestry back to europe. And no turks and Albanians dont count
GDP includes government spending and is not a measurement for how well a country is doing
nobody gives a fuck about the world GDP
>Double the GDP
It would only look like the GDP has grown. Once the third world dregs get chained by Schlomos usury then we will return right back to where we started, a dying economy.
GDP includes government purchases, not transfer payments. In any case, the model behind the idea doesn't factor government purchases or transfer payments.
For huge gains in production, you need to allow migration from developing countries to developed countries. You won't get much gains from allowing migration between similar countries.
according to N O O N E
Nothing will change for the truly rich, they will be unaffected as it doesn't matter what race their underlings are. This, assuming the migrants actually integrate into the economy, and here we are only talking about developed countries.
Open borders, will make transnational corporations have an easier path of settling in these needy countries, but they probably won't as the workforce will be abroad, leaving barren or bankrupt countries to their backs.
Globalism is just another name for the reinstitution of 18 and 19th century type colonialism. Just like then, only companies are to benefit. Nationalism and sovereignty was a reaction against this sort of thing, if we remove it we go back to that.
Maybe you're up for that, maybe you aren't, but interestingly it goes against any utopia it's most fervent liberal advocates want.
Also, you can't eat GDP.
Is that cunt on heroin?
Uh, actually, since the world's production includes food, generally, the world would have more to eat as GDP increases.
According to these economists.
Increasing migration will only benefit the business elite of a country and absolutely no one else. Everyone argues that migrants will work for less and work jobs that no one wants to, which is correct, but no one seems to realize that all this means is that the rich now have hordes of slaves that they can dick around without any government oversight. They can claim that they are helping out these impoverished minorities while forcing them to work back breaking jobs all the while avoiding having to pay taxes because all their workers are illegal and not on the system. Its modern day mercantilism, with governments protecting companies who are pretending to give a shit about the problems of minorities while enslaving them to work in inhumane conditions. Think the East India Company or King Leopold's Congo, except this time the government doesn't have to go all the way overseas to enslave people, the people show up to the western nations to be enslaved.
>According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
Please fucking kill yourself. You are literally too stupid to keep using up oxygen.
This man might truly be the world's smartest Mexican.
Food that will not go towards anyone other than the rich. Think India during its colonial period: starving farmers producing massive food surpluses that go straight to the British elite. The only people who benefit from lower wages are those who have to pay the workers; slavery in the old fashioned sense isn't going to look good on social media but if you act like you give a shit about the lesser races the left will act like your Martin Luther King.
People willingly immigrating and taking jobs in another country is not slavery, dude.
Where's your proof that the gains in production would only go to the rich? Funny how people always ask me for sources but never challenge people who make these claims about the distribution of gains
Who is this semen demon?
>According to (((economists))), open borders would double the world's "real" GDP
hmmmmm, makes you go "hmmmmmm"
Why should I give a shit if it's going to double the world's GDP while halving my personal income?
Get fucked, kike.
Yeah, the same economists that have advocated inflating debt bomb after debt bomb while redistributing wealth to banks and the elite and forcing stagnation through perpetually hobbled price mechanisms.
>People willingly immigrating and taking jobs in another country is not slavery
For far lower wages than the residing populace. The only reason a company would hire a migrant over a citizen is because they don't ask for as much money/benefits as the locals do.
here you go:
from the book Understanding the Changing Planet which discusses global inequality:
Now while people heading to a country is one part of migration the more important part of this concept is the fact that open borders means corporations can flow from a rich country to exploit a poor one. Here's a case study of how transnational oil companies are deepening the wealth gap in Nigeria:
Here's an article from the times showing how migrants desperate for any form of income will accept jobs/conditions that can only be described as slavery:
It seems like the idea that increase in production would be spread over the masses but remember why the whole Occupy Wall Street movement was a thing: wealth was not being distributed in any way shape or form. The wages of the worker have barely rose all the while the wages of the CEOs have constantly been increasing.
Remember to archive. Thank you.
>forbes com/sites/peteguest/2014/04/07/nigerias-gdp-grows-89-but-who-is-getting-richer/#33f453843671
>time com/4374377/slavery-developed-developing-world-index-slave-labor
sage this
Is that all you care about is ameribux? What a fucking idiot, like the whole purpose of life is to acquire debt notes.
Great reply.
I also forgot to mention that the working conditions of these migrants are deplorable as well. Most famous examples are in the Middle East. Sup Forums likes to think that only the west is effected by this but that's because the west at least cares for the people who show up to their country, everywhere else only cares about using and abusing migrants.
Here's an article about the conditions that migrant workers face in Dubai:
Here's another article about how migrant workers in Qatar are rounded up in camps and not allowed to leave:
Both these articles go more in depth about how these are people are being exploited without any form of real compensation. The Middle Eastern citizens aren't as heavily effected by these lower wages because they all own the companies that are exploiting these migrants, unlike the west where the average person gains no benefit from the migrants in any way.
What economists say that?
Argumentum ad verecundiam. You're even dumber than I originally thought.
>hurr durr I'll drop some names, won't cite shit they say that backs me up and hopefully people will be credulous enough to ignore my erroneous argument.
Ya, you're that dumb, just trust me, I'm expert in spotting those who are too dumb to know they are dumb.
>Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
Because leaving your door unlocked for anyone to come through does not work for private residences, and it also does not work when scaled up to national levels.
Also I forgot: the unemployment of the young is a problem in the Middle East if your dad isn't in the oil business. The Saudi government has even been installing programs banning non-citizens from working service jobs in order to help quell the mass unemployment among the under 25 demographic:
(tried to archive but it wasn't working)
>according to (((economist)))
They're I fixed it for you
The Dubai thing is true, one of my friends has a house keeper there and he makes said keeper clean the toilet before he uses it. Pretty fucked actually.
Incidentally I think his house slave is a poo, so yeah.. the jokes build from there
>The throne is ready for your royal stool, sire.
I don't care about the GDP, I want to stop seeing the same small groups of arabs and blacks yelling bullshit and stealing things at night
Won't double the GDP if 99.95% of the immigrants go straight on welfare and never get off...just like the rest of the Democrats.
Our biggest Gross Domestic Product are fake liberals who want to sell the nation out. We should export every last one of them.
For starters, GDP means shit for an useful general health metric. But it's what we have. Also, those economists are like computers, but without the great calculation power. They are idiots.
And removing all cars would make all deaths by car dissapear! I can't wait for our era to be condemned for being retarded shills.
Yes... obviously economists are jews and zionist jews want to promote open borders because that is in the best interests of Israel
Truly we are enlightened by our own intelligence
It's the Bedouin mentality: Anyone who is not one of us is a slave who deserves what they get.
>double the world's real GDP.
That's a phoney kike meme!
Your retarded economists are fallaciously assuming everyone works as hard as an average white man.
Because open borders would drive developed western countries wages and quality of life down.
I'm not willing to sacrifice that for some ungrateful, double digit IQ brown fuckers.
Open Borders is supported by Globalists & Women.
tell me about he tranny assholes frank
Genuinely rare and I'm an oldfag.
Sane this one T_D fags.
I don't give a fuck about the economy that much.
You really expect these people who don't fucking work and live off of welfare to increase our GDP? LOL. Stop. I'm guessing those economists are actually just (((economists)))
>According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.
You know what's coming...
[citation needed]
look at that nose on him
>According to greedy kikes, open borders would put more money in their greedy kike hands.
Open borders*
*Not for Israel
soon after opened borders WWIII would come fast i promise.