Does anyone else find it extremely disconcerting that the vast majority of coverage following any major terror attack is focused on how diversity is great and what token acts Muslim members of the community are doing?
It seems extremely insulting.
Does anyone else find it extremely disconcerting that the vast majority of coverage following any major terror attack is focused on how diversity is great and what token acts Muslim members of the community are doing?
It seems extremely insulting.
>we won't let hate win
she's anti islam now?
It was like that in Orlando too. The spokeshole for the Council on American-Islamic Relations spoke longer than either the mayor or chief of police at the press conference the morning after the attack.
makes me sikh when it's so obvious
There were no muslims helping people by offering free taxi ride, it was only 1 guy, and he was a sikh
Just put me out of my misery, I'm sick of this Multicultural, Muslim loving, Jew orchestrated nightmare.
i hope they get her this time
no, we are the hate.
Its bad to hate the people who blow you up I guess. Hahakillmeplease
no man, shes gonna make sure more hateful white girls die this time.
Bombed again
God I hope she gets bombed again
>Mongols coming raiding your country
>If we try to walk up to them as a crowd and offer hugs, candy, and love maybe the mongols will stop raping and destroying everything in their path
>Mongols instead slaughter and torture the crowd
Liberals wouldn't exist in any other time in history
I hope she bombs again ;;;^)
Oy vey, stop asking those questions! Diversity is good goyim, listen to the media and move on.
Nice gets
MFW she gets bombed the fuck out again.
We should do the same thing for white men
Fool me once...
what time the bomb go off?
Its their pathetic attempt to try and "lessen the blow" of the terror attacks..
its almost comical really.