So It's a "white thing" now to not mindlessly kill every bug in your house? Showing even indifference to spiders is acting white?
Fucking twitter cavemen mang
i dont know what interests me more, where you got this image or why it made you so angry that you had to post it on Sup Forums
If you don't kill that thing on sight there's something wrong with you. I say that as someone who ignored two spiders in my house today.
Why do you have a problem with having a Spiderbro?
He lives in the corner of the room and eats annoying bugs.
He gets to eat and I have peace from those annoying bugs.
sometimes I even help him by guiding the bugs into his Net.
Spiderbro is truly the best bro a man can wish for
so STOP killing spider.
they're actually usefull unlike those bug niggers
>pussy ass honkey
that's true. i have a shitload of spiders in my house and no bugs
It's just another example of "ay look what whitey do". Like not going "unga bunga must kill spider" whenever you see a house spider is somehow an illogical reaction.
Spiders are bro tier
They should be glad whites dont kill small bugs
Its why blacks are allowed to live
Killing spiders is pretty fucking retarded if you hate insects , spiders kill all the insects for you ?
I guess it is a white thing
litterally me
spiders are friends not foes
Pretty easy to type that much with EIGHT LEGS isn't it?
Tfw im Hispanic and i say that
I torture wasps
...but it makes sense to not kill some spiders. Same for other insects.
You have to be white to not kill everything you see I guess.
>his parents didn't read this to him as a child
That's some Aussie's house pet.
that picture is cozy af
>black people be like "yo dad get in here an get dis spidah oh sheit nvm i ain't got one"
Found the triggered bug
Spiders are little bros and I always leave them be, unless they're bigger than a half inch, then they gotta go. I always give my condolences as I flush them down the shitter.
Nigger memes are shit