burgers out edition
burgers out edition
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What the fuck kind of brit/pol/ is this?
where are the links you lazy cunt?
Worst brit/pol/
What do you call a second world island nation just off the coast of France?
Go visit
and ask them yourself faggot
Kym Marsh on the loo tbqh.
hi and is this the /shit/pol
Class A Brit/pol/ OP. Couldn't even be bothered to copy and paste the links?
I bet that lazy dolemite from the last thread who couldn't be arsed going to a job interview is OP by the state of those links.
>I can't be fucked making a thread myself
>This thread someone else made is shit
Pic one
So you can't then
You are right
Europe praying to America for help, sorry america first.
I just checked. It is
top plonk
>here is the place you can find the evidence
>hurr what are you talking about no evidence
never clicked the links anyway tbqhwyf
Would suck your dick, no homo.
Fucking pottery
Has there ever been a government which has successfully increased its seats in two elections?
Wouldnt there be a gunshot the size of Switzerland in that muslim?
This is what happens when you kick out the yanks
thatcher i think
Come to think of it, the tories have increased their share of the seats for four elections in a row now, with five on the cards
nth for astutue cinematic analysis:
Nope. She dropped a few in 1987.
>the australian bantz on his predacessors because his predacessors played the ultimate bantz on him, taking him away from home permanently.
Show me the evidence then. Post a study, something!
You just posted an NHS study and it shown that 48 percent said they have tried weed once or more in their lifetime.
Just a couple of questions now:
Does that mean they smoke everyday and are all out stoner druggie losers?
Since when is 48 percent a "majority"?
Schizophrenia is a condition that dates back in to antiquity. If you believe you can only get it from smoking weed, you're retarded. If you believe most schizos are druggie stoners, you're retarded.
Prove me wrong, or shut the fuck up.
Look into Match Betting user. That way you screw the bookies out of cash, live your autistic anxious life in the comfort of your bedroom with excel spreadsheets and still make more money than minimum wage while paying 0 tax.
This is true. A lot is done to purposefully try postpone the diagnoses purely because it's a crippling diagnoses to have on paper and treatments + lifestyle change may actually go a long way to restoring a very normal life for an individual. A lot of schizophrenia isn't even related to voices and even fewer have "The Devil" in their head telling them to kill people.
It's a very misunderstood disease and has a lot of stigma which doesn't accurately reflect the condition for the majority of people.
But it was you who said i was wrong, it's on you to provide evidence
I know how utterly faggy this is but do we have a discord tonight?
Yesssss. You should see her with her tits out when she was younger.
>exam in 7 hours
>can't sleep
Just fuck my mark up
>B-but I c-can't prove t-that so no u
Admit you're fucking stupid and shut up already
Turkey is not Europe.
Your forgot the UK (you faggot), Ireland, the nordic countries, and a great deal of eastern europe.
OP is a faggot
sage in all fields
Provide me with evidence then
they were sad
You're the one claiming that the majority of schizophrenics are druggie weed smoking stoners...the burden of proof is on you, you stupid cunt.
Do you not know how this works?
Problem, Nevilles?
nipples too big
Your the one who disagrees
You do the work while i sit back and collect free money from you, oh wait we are talking about another thing
first of all you didn't read the whole article. second, nobody is saying they are all weed smoking junkies or that you can only get it from weed, just that there's a direct correlation between the two. why is this even hard to accept for you?
The ass on that image is perfectly primed to get fucked by Russia once they take Ukraine.
Yeahhhh you're right... I think my memory's been playing tricks on me again
nah we don't care about some shit war from 5000 years ago
sorry m8
When I was in the nut house pretty much every schizo there, except one old man, had been sectioned through cannabis-induced mental health issues.
One lad stuck a fucking knife in his gut ffs.
plz halp
vote labour
Have you guys noticed that YouTube are running adverts (themselves, not for another company) telling young people to vote and filled with niggers, BLM protesters, rainbows and shit? It doesn't seem to have made any news, but I suspect it would have if they weren't with the globalists.
Does anyone know if May will stamp out shit like that?
>Implying I have to disprove a claim you make before you've even proven it to be true or posted any evidence to back up your retarded claim
Be honest, you're a little bit stupid aren't you?
>You do the work while i sit back and collect free money from you
And you're NEET too? No surprise there. Enjoy a life of "depression" and what little dole money you get, lad.
I'm sure you're happy and not totally full of self hatred and impotent rage...
Burger's,, the mongrels of all nations are so thhhhiiick...
Losing will to explain, in Europe, we still are and will ever be marginally different to our neighbours.
Keep the spics, but polaks (and other slaves) are the same here, as those you have there burger's.
No, people were saying exactly that, you fucking moron.
Go back and read the last thread. I'm not claiming there isn't some link, I'm saying that to claim that the majority of schizophrenics are weed smoking stoner druggies is bullshit, because it is. Prove me wrong or fuck off too with your shit reading comprehension
You guys don't really have any good pornstars. Stella Cox is ok but that's all.
very comfy video. i wish he made more artsy stuff like this.
It's anecdotal I guess but all the schizos I've ever met except my nan were either stoners, trippers or speed freaks.
voting labour m8.
someone converted me last night.
Just taking the piss out of you pops, brits are cheeri-OK in my book.
Why didn't you listen?
okay well next time use an example we give a fuck about
May is a globalist, of course she won't stop it.
This is what happens when you let anonymongs make the threads.
Glad I could help.
Now if only I could get my message out to the over 65s.
What will the special relationship between President Trump and Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn be like?
channel 4 does the same shit
none existent his job is to bankrupt us so we go back into the eu limping
was it you who converted me?
who, trump?
Most Americans on Sup Forums secretly wish we were British.
I just realised that's why potential lim dem voters and remainers i general are sticking with Corbyn
When is he coming back to usher in the first era of THINGS?
Who is this fat cunt?
Aye, very comfy - I think a lot of it is in that smoothe Scots brogue. Also he's tidied himself up a bit and his public speaking is really coming along.
Will he keep his seat?
the guy who's wanted us out of the eu since the 80s?
He looks so evil in that picture. I fucking love it
The lack of self grooming. Does make me despair when I see pricks like this. Should look to improve himself before declaring supremacy.
yes, but Nick Clegg won't
How do you feel about them closing down YikYak lad?
Hi there anonymous Sup Forums user! Just stopping by to ask why you didn’t end this comment with a period. Are you aware that this is improper punctuation and therefore the wrong way to go about using the English language correctly? I think I speak for this community as a whole when I say that this is quite disturbing and it makes me very confused. Was this merely an accident? Did you actually mean to add more but accidentally posted your comment prematurely? Were you killed mid sentence? The problem is that I have no clue! This will most definitely keep me up tonight if you don’t respond and acknowledge what you have done. Please reply with the proper correction. Thank you in advance, it is greatly appreciated and I hope this clears up any confusion for any other users in this thread.
After I typed this, upon further investigation, I noticed you also did not capitalize the first letter in your sentence. Please acknowledge this mistake as well and let me know you will not do this in the future.
>Not one Canadian in the entire thread
I found god, just now
Death to Canadians