Degenerate niggers from the stone age of Africa. Webm only/ Best Gore preferred.
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this is how i know that you wear glasses and have a beard that appropriates Muslim culture you fucking pussy numale dipshit
kys faggot
Few times do I ever want to hit a woman.
This is one of those few times.
Not anymore, pic related
ITT: post actual webms you pussies
Do you have more videos where they are burning them alive? I love watching those.
It's clear that extreme violence & extreme sexual immorality are traits of lower-humans, like negros.
Yet the Jews, including the crypto-Juden BRITISH ROYALS & CO. and crypto-Juden French, Italians, Russians etc have attempted to architect a case for "enlightenment & righteousness" for their own violent & depraved behavior.
And just like the negros, both are physiologically-inferior genetic incarnations.
Go figure..............................................................
WTF! What did that nig do? They are really mad at him! Fuck!
Black women hate their children. I don't even know why they have them.
kek I wonder what it sounds like in here
>sound caucasian
HAHAHAHA if you talk like a human being and not mufuggen WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHEEEIIIT, you get a fucking job
The fact that we have allowed these creatures to stay in our country boggles the mind. They've only grown more rebellious, and more dangerous since the 1960s. They still continue to offer nothing, and only weigh us down.
One year of niggers' welfare could pay for a 10 year Mars program. And I don't mean robots and cameras. I mean real human beans on Mars. In 10 years. And that's one of the more expensive projections of the cost.
All we have to do is stop giving them gibs for 1 fucking year, and we could have white men on Mars 10 years from now.
it was foretold by the elders
post that on facebook you faggot
>protip. you wont
t.butthurt nigger
Nigs are no different than hungry roaches looking for food. You don't blame the roach for invading your house. You take care of the infestation and prevent it.
before Sup Forums
Two years ago I would have closed this tab and listened to some Terence McKenna.
Now I read that and think, "Yeah, well, this is how the world is."
>> pro tip
Haha! Look at this tumblrista faggot!
They need to be physically removed. Put them all on boats in the Atlantic, point the boats toward the Southeast, and turn the engines on full blast. If anyone turns the boat around, the boats automatically explode.
>the bucket at the end
holy shit
not even here these thing happen at such proportions
This is the culture that liberals want in our countries. Were are actually the bad ones for pointing out that they do this.
and everybody's favorite
Liberals plug their ears when confronted with uncomfortable information.
They need to be soothed by the corporate MSM that everything is ok.
You will never see a liberal browse liveleak. They aren't tough enough to confront reality.
Most brutal award goes to...
>Food full of glass
Jesus FUCK are they retarded.
Right, they could have easily just gone to the other side of the counter. Instead, he shatters the display window covering the food with tiny shards of super sharp glass. It's also a good indicator of how little care they have for others and their property. Rather than hop the counter, just shatter a $500 custom window for a display unit. "I-ont giv a fuuuuuck"
According to their average I.Q. . . yeah.
that must fucking stink
and they wonder why dogs hate them...
Where the fuck did this happen? I can't wrap my mind around the god damn stupidity and complete lack of empathy these things display.
Instead of simply opening the sliding door on the other side they chose to cause all this damage, and glass in their food.
Damn! We got some African jujitsu over here.
anyone got that webm of the nigger in the ghetto who's being recorded by some white guy and starts throwin shit at him thinking he's gay
you are fucking retarded
I don't want that shit as a culture
and liveleak? are you a fucking pussy? go watch some real videos before they even post them here boi
take ur fakenews shit to facebook
look I just want video sauce on that webm where the bitch get cracked on the head than punched in the face. she is sitting on the dirt and places something on her head before the first hit on top of head.
>The lions are young and weak. They are unable to take the buffalo down
I fucking despise these people. What the fuck
great video
What did he mean by this?
it all makes sense now
I can't watch the cat videos.
I draw the line at animal cruelty.
I don't know why.
I just can't handle it.
They cease being human when they do that shit.
Those weren't humans - those were apes with language.
Nogs ran out of gasoline and dude was just chilling like it's not the worst thing to happen
that he is a liberal faggot nigger
Never seen this one.
>liveleak? are you a fucking pussy
>documentingreality, bestgore, theync
There's plenty more than liveleak. The left won't watch it.
>lays like a useless shit it is
>throw some fire on it
>starts running around immidetly
Fire is truly the greatest invention ever
Damn, what a move
Hate to break it to you, but that isn't a woman.
What happened here, news source please?
Forget niggers---I can think of plenty of white people who need to be doused with gasoline and set on fire.
This is how normal people deal with faggots and whores and other pieces of human trash. Kill them. It's fun and nothing of value is ever lost.
What the fuck is going here?!
You can say all you want about 'not all blacks; but the truth is, if you removed every single black (and full native Hispanic) it would be an enormous benefit to society without a single negative. The truth hurts brown boys, I am sorry.