Get /comfy/. Grab a beer, put on some synths, and dream about an older, better tomorrow.
missed these threads
Fashwave, best wave.
This was the second piece of OC I made today.
Hey fatty
posting my favorites
nice, no shit i was just making some new stuff. fresh oc
hey is anyone here joseph retrostein from youtube? I KNOW that goy is from these early threads i fucking know it
I might be able to summon him desu
damn, i made so many of these :) glad to have left a mark.
this was my original inspiration for starting this genre in the first place. glad these threads still go sometimes. Guys much better than me have taken the mantle that's for sure, see
mad respect man
If bromega is here get back on discord u fag
haha what's up, i thought that discord died you feggit
it did for a time, but it's got like 500 people now. Trying to get a link
what even the fuck are you kidding me, what about the original 4 of us? the music guy, the weedman guy who made a lot of stuff, the argentinian guy and then me
It's got xurious and cybernazi desu
fuck, get me that link right now, senpai
discord gg/JRywwz
nice thanks, be on soon
Posting the best I have
I've been meaning to make one of these
Simplicity is still the best way to go.
I like the red/white/blue aesthetic
Or Russia in this context
god i wish you fags would fuck off
Someone requested this version last time
Fuck off, commie
What's so "fash" about blue and purple 80s looking images?
God damn you really ruined Future Fash. The quality of 4chans memes are shit.
Look at that stupid fucking lines through the pictures to make it look like a broken old computer and suddenly it's "fashy". Fucking gay.
You lost the entire meaning of the idea.
this one is fucking great
is there a wallpaper sized one like it?
Here you go.
Explain then what's 80s looking sci-fi style art gotta do with fascism ?
I don't think so, I just found it today
thanks m8
There should be another line at the bottom that says "will you?"
Another version, it hits the file limit though.
Nice bro
No problem
It's a [spoiler]fun[/spoiler] way of connecting with an idea, and the history surrounding it.
Anyone got any fashwave/vaporwave music that would be good listening to while driving?
>no one answering my question
Probably a psyop trying to make right wing look like fags
Any significance for the date/time?
Good idea, adding
Not mine, unfortunately. No idea.
its just asthetics + fashism m8
vaporwave itself is a parody of superficial society
Here's a primer from the early days, be sure to log out of Google