why do you Americans want to ruin the planet?
Why do you Americans want to ruin the planet?
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Fuck off shill
Fuck off shill, climate change is not real. Pence explained that God wouldn't let that happen as he protects the Earth.
Shadilay Pepe pepepepeppe praise keg
Forgot to add COVFEFE
>governments want more power
>scientists want more money
>they collude together in order to take money form the public and transfer it to themselves
>Are spending their Jew gold...
>On some bullshit...
>To ruin the white middle class.
That makes a whole lot of sense to me.
The big oil companies are in favor of "green" regulations, retard. Regulations always favor big companies because while big companies take a hit, they can AFFORD to take a hit. Meanwhile, the smaller companies - the competition - doesn't have the capital or overhead to live up to the new regulations, and so they go out of business. Big corporations LOVE regulations.
Fuck this cuck
>THEIR limited operating budgets
A huge portion of their money come from tax payers.
If people deny climate change, it means no free money for them to operate. So of course they are interested in pushing the global warming hoax, they benefit from it.
thats a retarded metric to evaluate the PCA, thats what we call the Delphi method...eat a dick you fucking cockgobbler
Why do they just want to take our money and hurt our economy?
Liberals are quite dumb
Wheres that faggot Croatian guy in denial about the planet?
They're coming to get you Barbara...
Good, fuck them. Now exterminate them while they are weak.
The major oil companies such as Aramco, Sinopec, KPC, Shell, BP, PetroChina, Petrobras, Total. How may are American?
It's funny how they have to emphasize the myth that niggers are human, when they are clearly fucking orcs.
i guess theyre not eating in the summer
Nice strawman
The argument is that 99% of global warming """scientists""" are funded by taxes because it's a money pit and no one in the free market is going to fund it.
So there is a gigantic conflict of interest, and you have tens of thousands of bureaucrats and scientists dependent on taxpayer money for their income.
So they shill, call people nutjob climate deniers, hire people like bill nye or other celebrities to speak and appeal to the lefts sense of virtue signalling and justice.
Basically dong the same shit the right side of that picture is doing, not to say oil companies don't do that. Just pretending like global warming groups are some kind of virtuous warriors protecting the planet is laughable.
Also to add to this
the comparison of "obscene oil profits" and "limited operation budget of GW" is hilarious.
Go google global warming research budget, then google any oil companies yearly profit. Also realize that oil companies actually produce goods that people actually use.
Haha good jokes m8