Why do black celebrities try to look white?
Other urls found in this thread:
blacks are only 13.2% of the US population
Cause their black husbands like it
The same reason celebrities get boob jobs or facelifts.
Because white is a more attractive skin tone and most of these talentless hacks need to be attractive to appeal to their extremely shallow, mostly teen girl audieences.
Because they're black.
Please stop wasting people's time.
Because white is right.
Whites are more attractive looking.
Hi there anonymous Sup Forums user! Just stopping by to ask why you didn’t end this comment with a period. Are you aware that this is improper punctuation and therefore the wrong way to go about using the English language correctly? I think I speak for this community as a whole when I say that this is quite disturbing and it makes me very confused. Was this merely an accident? Did you actually mean to add more but accidentally posted your comment prematurely? Were you killed mid sentence? The problem is that I have no clue! This will most definitely keep me up tonight if you don’t respond and acknowledge what you have done. Please reply with the proper correction. Thank you in advance, it is greatly appreciated and I hope this clears up any confusion for any other users in this thread.
Why do white celebrities try to look black?
Only honest answer
I knew there were Nazi's here but the grammar kind is new to me.
Better question.
These damn Brits think they can post here and get away with murder. NOT going to happen under my watch. They might as well be committing murder.
ever notice the common hairstyle of All Black University Dancing Lines?
They being oppressed by da white image of beauty
Cultural appropriation, she has no right to that blond hair, that belongs to my people & my heritage, she is insulting my ancestors memory just by going out in public like that.
Those faces.
Social Engineering that will lead to eventual Genetic Engineering.
should we meme being black into a new symbol of white supremacy?
The Swastika on the Nazi flag is black after all. and guess what color Nazis wore?
Hi Garfunkle Boi
Hey frank
What, not enough streisand effect for ya? Beetles runnin' low?
Im so tired of this picture being posted
> Implying whatever that thing is on the left is (((white))).
Same reason Asians try to look white.
What is considered white?
Blonde hair? Im pretty sure thats not exclusive to whites. Petite noses? there are many different types of africans besides the ones on the nigger memes frequently posted here.
Oh well, their bodies still look better than those of white women.