I am starting to believe that this faggot...

I am starting to believe that this faggot, that Trojanfaggot and his crew are getting paid by Trump or someone who support Trump.

>be from Texas
>be at every fucking California, Seattle, Oregon, Nevada, etc.

Either this idiot doesn't have a job and living off welfare or he's a plant by some nefarious entity. Can we use your weaponized autism to see who is this guy's boss?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

fuck off, assblasted antifa

He has nothing to do with Trump.
Stickman is tied in with Cernovich, and probably Dershowitz is higher up in the chain of command for whatever controlled opposition is being run.

>> we


Who gives a fuck
I'm in it for the riot prrrn and so far this year has produced a bumper crop

Going get all comfy Sunday and watch it happen

Hes not. I was one of the organizers for the Boston event and we paid for him to fly out there.

Tune in tomorrow for Boulder.

>Can we use your weaponized autism to see who is this guy's boss?
>Can we use your
>we use your

Did this guy ever go to court after he got arrested?

And you idiots wonder why people beat your kind with bats. Just a reminder that Portland is weird and will never stop being weird. In 2018 Trump will be impeached and you idiots risking your life for him will still have brain damage.



I also heard there will be an antifa happening going diwn in Ottawa too

Shit up faggot go back to evergreen and suck on your geoduck, kike

Where the fuck do you all keep coming from? Gtfo Sup Forums

Kids name is Jacobi Stevenson
Knew him from UNT before he transferred

I'll be at the Boulder one with a blueshirt, and a megaphone.

Both sides are being lead into Conflict. Both organically & artificially.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


hey frank

>or someone who support Trump
>says the leftist genius
You're on the wrong side, nigger. We're fighting the deep state. We'll fight you too if we're forced to--that's where Kyle & Co. enter the scene--but we'd prefer _you_ help _us_.


Judge rightfully threw out the ADW charge. It's a stick, not a club.