Press F to pay respects
Now that Trump blocked her, her "career" of Twitter shitposting is basically over.
>she'll never call you sweetie while she powders your wittle bottom wottom
Press F to pay respects
Now that Trump blocked her, her "career" of Twitter shitposting is basically over.
>she'll never call you sweetie while she powders your wittle bottom wottom
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I wonder what her (((lawyer friend))) told her in between fits of uncontrollable laughter
I didn't know I have that feel. Now I really wanna pay a hooker to powder my ass and sweettalk me
I want to see her get blacked so fucking bad. I would literally pay upwards of $1000 per minute just to watch her pussy get stretched open by a 12 inch black-cock.
fukkin hell m8. your id says it best
O no
Her career isn't over if you keep giving her attention anyway. Good job, keep posting about her and keep her hopes up.
I am sure her beta orbiters here will still gladly support her in every way they can
tfw no gf to patronize me
my literal gf :/
That's a beautiful cat
huh, it really is
Post more sweetie
>be Jewess
>don't even have decent jewbs
why live
Those Jewbs look great to me.
sub par by Jewish standards
I bet her iq is only 107 instead of the standard Ashkenazi 115
Will Sweetie ever notice us?
Uh, sweetie, no, my lawsuit will force him to unblock me, then it's impeachment time.
She eent from getting 1000's of retweets to like 40.
Jimmy kimmel deserves a kick in the nuts for hiring this mentally ill woman.
She could be in the sequel
>tfw I want my bottom powdered by her
she needs her medication
Um, sweetie, im still here
i think she would be a qr3.14 if she wasnt a retard
>anyone else think that
>tfw you never used twatter and don't have to know or care who some random woman is