Paganism General
Sick of Europeans larping as Ancient Israelites? Sick of the Aryan Race being neutered? Sick of your own race pacified by the Holy Jew, having their legends, lore, tales, replaced? Sick of having to turn the other cheek? Join this group.
>Muh form of Judaism is better than yours
>Not all kikes
>Jesus was a blonde, blue-eyed Aryan
>Crypto-judaism is Aryan
>Europe was worse than Africa before Christianity
>Not all Christians
>Jews used to be good
>Jews aren't the Yahweh's chosen folk, Protestant Anglo-Saxons are
>Europeans are the lost 12 tribes of Israel!
>Deus Gevalt
>Jews are based
>Rabbi Yeshua(Jesus) was a white nationalist like us
>The Yahweh of Torah is completely different than the Yahweh of the new testament, ignore the old testament goy it's totally irrelevant
>Bible gave a moral code to Europeans
>Europe was built by Christianity not white folk
>Christianity is totally different than Islam it doesn't matter that they were both made by Semitics
>Its totally ridiculous to larp as Pagan, true white nationalists larp as Jews
>Christianity made Europe great ignore the dark ages