Say hi to the CIA Sup Forums
Say hi to the CIA Sup Forums
Holy fuck
When that's the CIA, I am Johnny Depp
Uglier me on monday morning
Guys, we should counterfuck them in their ass, like we did it before with many others
Who is with Sup Forums - We all
CIA niggers have no power here
Hello, how you fellas doin tonight?
I dindu nuffin.
His name was Seth Rich.
lotta loyalty for hired shitposters
SouthCom drone ops ?
Small guys are not welcome here.
Hi CIA anons. Wanna clue me in to who really killed JFK? I really really want to know before I die.
Prepare your boyholes, CIA niggee.
Do you feel in charge?
>military shit
Amateurs. They need to get paid to troll and I bring the bantz for free.
Bring it on faggots
You think we could redpill them?
how is he gonna troll with a steering wheel
What are they going to do to us?
all those fat necks and no chins.... i bet they are "trolling" /r9k/.
They'll get there eventually, always does.
Everybody knows the CIA did it and LBJ probably orchestrated it. Get with the program buddy.
One day we'll publish a dox of all the real identities of all the CIAniggers
I like the taste of alphabet soup spilled upon my kitchen floor in the morning, it tastes like iron, brass, and the weeping of small children and wives who will never again see a smile in the evening, a stocking that will go empty on Christmas, a place at the table which will never again be set, a date that will never be forgotten and its passage from living memory shall be a terrible day indeed. You'd better give me the best fight I will ever get, because I'm aiming to disappoint the ones expecting to see you again.
Taxation without representation is treason and can be met with the death sentence by Congress- not that the majority of those carpetbagging alleycats could ever stomach the responsibility of carrying out their charged duties in full service.
>amateur doesn't even have his hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel
With form like that he's liable to lose control of the computer and start off-topic shitposting.
We will divide your agents and they will turn loose on each other ultimately destroying the CIA. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
I wonder if this will be a special duty assignment or a green door gig for airmen pretending their cyberwarriors.
Sup Forums user
>the cia in charge of anything outside of South American shitholes
did seth rich use a steering wheel to vidya?
How do you troll without one?
This gif and the bane posting makes me feel like I'm back on Sup Forums.
>mfw Sup Forums redpills the CIA
>he posts on Sup Forums with a keyboard like a scrub
Git gud fag
this wtf is a steering wheel doing in a military computer room does he gotta go fast on the net or something
>yfw 50 percent are Jews
If I pull those headphones would they die?
duubs and terry is released in cia niggers
Hey boypussy I wonder how you enjoy your water theme
He's fast.... and furious
fuck off
Sup Forums is a dog friendly board
who do they think they are?
I love you CIA-Chan! Now go neck yourself! Smooch!
>If I pull those headphones would they die?
It would be extremely painful.
>implying the CIA didnt get btfo'ed completely during the election
This is just round 2. Normalfags will always lose a meme war.
this is going to backfire hard, theres going to be a lot of redpilled CIA members after this
Which of the Mystery Schools represented by cia logo is most powerful ?
they know not the powers they fuck with
Very Old News
things like this been going on a long time
>theres going to be a lot of redpilled CIA members after this
Good. This is good.
Yep, and we are here to serve them.
Central inbred agency
>ill take shit we already know for 500.
Let's see them out shitpost the C.I.Eh!
They are playing with fire. What happens when the entirety of the CIA forces go rightwing as what normally happens to any mortal that enters this domain
>topping legit autism
top kek, fuck off cia
redpilled about what? surely they know about all the conspiracies already
Nigger faggots
>Be spook
>get paid to shitpost on Mongolian basketweaving board
>write SALUTE reports about slash Paul slash
>wasting taxpayer dollars to get red pilled by neckbearded basement dwellers
>bosses literally hand out good goy points
>doesnt realize slash Paul slash is a fucking maelstrom of social quantum mechanics
>writes authoritative reports on slash Paul slash for bosses
>gets more good goy points
>went to college for this shit
>literally wastes life
CIA niggers BTFO by fucking autists.
dogs are for niggers
nigger sage
First two shots were Oswald, last killing shot was a secret service agent who fumbled his rifle as his car stopped. All the covertness surrounding the JFK assassination in the aftermath was just to protect the identity of a secret service agent who accidentally delivered the killing shot while he was looking for where the LHOswald shots were coming from.
Soldiers gaming
Haha they gonna get red pilled.
Hey CIA I love u can I be a spy
What's wrong with their craniums? They look like pulled Assads.
kill yourself
dogs and whites have had a symbiotic relationship for thousands of years
if you dont get a long with dogs you're probably a nigger
They're no sending their best. These are some ugly hombres.
t. Mudshit
Oh hi going to bomb the anchorage irs building soon.
Mossad because he tried to keep them from getting the bomb
>racing wheel
goddamn that's some next level, multi-track trolling
>Trolling with a steering wheel
That's some next level shit right there
>CIA niggers have no power here
Sure they do.
They created Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right.
They turned you all into trap worshiping anime betas who talk about black pills
They probably created MGTOW
hey guys, i hope you think im cute and really funny aand id love to maybe work for you someday, xoxo, you know where to find me ;3
I troll this place for free
>mods are getting real sensitive recently
Intel Agencies,Cults,AI Systems,Globalists, etc
Many different groups/forces lurk on Sup Forums.
Marry me CIA. I'll even let you do the kinky stuff because I'm lonely.
really oodles my noodles.
Good stuff ill dig into it
>implying most of us arent CIA already
do the beetles lurk frankie boy?
Is there a reason why these CIA Agents look like they have down syndrome?
holy fuck nice flag
the CIA really does have the best proxies for their slander campaigns
because they're white
is that wheel for when they cyberjack cars?
>get to tell everyone you're a super secret spy
>when all you're doing is shitposting on the internet
were doxxing anon5 wanna serve our country and make him an hero
Dr. Sup Forumsvel
>our country
no thanks, anon5 is a pretty cool guy, most of the stuff in his threads is spot on and its good for debate
[threat matrix intensifies]
A white downy probably still has a higher IQ than you Ahmed.
>on Sup Forums
Wrong board desu
alrighty well im going to milk a lolcow then