So about sharia law...
So about sharia law
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still not gonna happen unless all non-cucked whites are tracked down and killed. sorry ahmed.
video link?
Looks like you guys need Shariah law
Islam > communism not from you uncivilized niggers
>start a movement to prove equality with men
>advocate for their cause by acting like little children
Fuckoff disgusting Muslims
man, what boner killer......
Then convert to islam white boi and make your white supramsict shariah
>manure is better than feces
maybe a bit of sharia can be acceptable
Some ideals of islam are actually good for the west.
>inb4 ahmed
I said some. Not the whole thing
Some opens the gates for all.
Zero tolerance.
No it isn't. Communist countries went to space.
I'm not a muslim but South american countries need Sharia law. The women are just too stupid here
who's got the uncensored shit?
>Kicked a bucket really hard into the air.
my thoughts at 1st, but upon closer examination....i think im good
That convinced me. I'm now against violence against women. I wasn't sure before this but now I'm certain.
give me the uncensored shit
Questions for any Argentines: they're whining about the 133 women killed last year I understand. How many men were killed? I'm betting like 20 times as many.
damn, that bitch on the left has the horsiest looking teeth, wonder what shes braying about
they don't care about that because they don't show males dying
if a woman is murdered the trumpets start playing and they blast "ANOTHER FEMICIDE" with the impact font and red background
I know it's controlled information but having the news showing this everyday makes my blood boil
We've passed a law that establishes specially agravated homicide for killing a woman (with a gun for example, if you killed a man would be plain homicide)
I think you're a nigger savage if you kill a woman... I'm just pointing the hipocracy of talking gender equality and having laws benefinting one.
I guess the only good thing coming from Muslims invading Europe is that female rights will be gone. Women have gone to far.
but islam's nads
Dear fucking god! These bitches need a good dicking, or a baseball bat to their ugly ass faces.
Bitch looks like a monkey...
found the video
Well here and I guess in the rest of the western world a woman's death is more tragic than a man's one, especially when it's murder. Personally there's nothing wrong with that but left leaning parties use this for their advantage.
Which is kind of ironic because the tragedy comes from the woman being weaker and more 'innocent'.
The real problem is that these left leaning parties are abolitionists and human rights lovers, in a country where most of the rapists and murderers were already in jail at least once.
And these kind of demonstrations makes man disrespect women more.
ahaha i was thinking more along the lines of xenomorph but this is good
Why do you even care? Just look away they aren't forcing you to do anything.
Holy Moley, that horse-faced cunt.
I'm going to need the original uncensored pics/webms of this event in order to draw a serious conclusion on this situation.
Any more nudes? The foremost two women in the left pic look very hot.
If all white men converted to Islam they could really do all the things they are accused of doing. They could beat the shit out of women and if anyone including feminists dared to question it they would be considered bigots
You know, when anyone questions evolution just show them this picture. Looks like an angry chimp.
thanks user. my sides were in need of some exercise.
She looks like the monkey from uma delicia
>yfw women protest the talk about MUH VAGINA and take off their clothes
I find that....hysterical
Fuck sharia law, we need our Catholic values back.
> video link?
Here you go user, webm attached. These women are crazy.
Fuck catholic values. We need to get fucking nuked.
no shame
t. salbuchi
los loquitos catolicos ultraderechistas no sirven para nada
These webms always remind me that as shitty as argentina is, at least it's not mexico
>Protest for violence against women
>for violence against women
Couldn't agree more.
It's in some shithole latin america country, you inbred sandnigger.
Yo conoci a salbuchi personalmente. En realidad es neo pagano como varg.
Agreed. I've never been to "deep south" America before, but I can only assume it's much safer than central America and you all don't have to put up with shit like that.
You'll never have a traditional Catholic wife. Why live?
>Needing a law that has thousands of years old, that actively supports backwards thinking
la pampa?
Don't worry. Allah fags will take care of this in a few decades.
Hopefully we'll take care of it before they have the chance.
Ingeniero Maschwitz, prov. de Buenos Aires.
>Supporting laws made up by Jews and worthless international treaties
>one man pulls his tip out to take a piss
>registered sex offender
>hundreds of women make a plan to be naked and profane in public
>public applauds their bravery
tengo una biblia en mi casa que esta desde hace generaciones pero siempre prefiero leer otra cosa
decime, alguna consideracion en particular al leerla para poder apreciar esos "valores" que vos decis o es inevitable el acompaƱarlo con misa tambien?
They screamed naked in a street.
Pool In Loo feminists beat rapists with sticks because their police do nothing
In Egypt, young men will take advantage of large crowds and surround victims and gang rape and shove foreign objects in women, children, and elderly women. They repeat, "I am trying to help you" to confuse the victims and the rescuers who try to pull them away.
To counter this, there is a Egyptian charity group that put on body armor and physically put themselves between the victims and rapists. They have had scalding water thrown on them and their body armor had to be made with a crotch guard because rapists tried to kick them their so often.
These cunts have done less than nothing. They have actually insulted people who get off their ass and physically do something to stop scum in the world.
You won't think the same when the feminist society collapses and you don't have what it takes to go search for food while dodging bullets.
Implying just living in a shit country hardens you at all.
Unless you suffer through shit like that you are as much of a pussy as anyone else.
I was trying to sarcastically point out a positive side to living here while making it clear it's a shithole. I've got a gun but I'm probably going to die if shit hits the fan anyway.
Holy shit. Where can I read about that?
There goes the last vestiges of my heterosexuality.
OK but why are they doing this
Also brb cleaning my cache fucking hell
Jesus Argentina... what the hell are you doing to these poor women to get them so rustled?
Can this be our 2017 version of CARL THE KEK?
Her and Carl should breed
inshallah kaffir. You should have listened
Yes, or something like it.
Anyone have an uncensored video of this event?
It's game over man, game over!
Lol Hillary voters.
Fuck you. We need sharia law. At this rate if (((feminists))) continue spreading their genocidal ideology whites will be no more
>semitic solutions for semitic problems
lol good idea rabb-imam
I'm fine, thanks...
We need not to wear both excessive and lack of clothing. It's already fucking hot in here. Yet towelhead keep pretending it's cool to wear those sauna-suit
T. Indo user
I've been saying it for awhile and I'll keep saying it... we need Islam. Islam will make western boys into WESTERN MEN. Even Fucking NEETs like Devon Arthurs will have their power level surge 100x by accepting Islam.
>Islam is the final red pill
Facts are facts bitch
Seriously, is there an uncensored source for this?
What do we have to do to get you fucking bitches to stop destroying society? Put you in a fucking burqa?
White Sharia it is I guess.
You mean forgotten christian values.
Your ancestors would beat your sorry ass for saying that.
>Bitch looks like a monkey...
I was going to post this, actually.