I'm bored of my normie life as a regular radio broadcaster so I'm setting up a soundcloud and possibly youtube to bring you the best of the Sup Forumsacks and Sup Forumstards with the latest news a shitposing. what should I put on? I'm thinking of some goings on around all 4 chans and some specialty shit. just let me know and the voice of Kekistan will scream it to the world.

Other urls found in this thread:

ireland equalu pakistani preident homosexual ireland liberal gdp


for the love of god don't call it kek radio.

tiocfaidh ár lá! i love it!

Matter of fact, don't start it at all.

radio free kekistan

What was meant by this?

Kek is a Reddit meme, please refrain from posting

kek is Sup Forums. i wont let the reditfags take it

Read my picture out load please.

Discuss my essay and how come women can't build a house. Please.

>just let me know and the voice of Kekistan will scream it to the world.
Do it.

>just let me know and the voice of Kekistan will scream it to the world.
I'm letting you know.

ok i see you


here have some citations

even dawkins knew it

I cringed so hard I broke my jaw. While I like your enthusiasm, this is pure reddit

kekistan is autistic reddit/sargon nonsense and you're going to just look like a kosher impostor of radio free skyrim if you go with that title

>radio broadcaster
As in, an actual radio station? Start ranting about the jews, preferably in rush hour so people are listening in their cars. You'll be fired but it'll be great.

Every great man throughout history knew it desu. It was just how to prove it?

yes, im a real radio broadcaster for a real station, three actually, but i dont have the equpiment to broadcast on my own. i made a soundcloud and i might make a youtube too.



made the soundcloud! im ready to do iti to it bitcheeessss!!!!

Only a select few in OP's inner circle know

Do it.

Call it KEK Waves ..... coming up on todays show, sounds that trigger fe fe's

fine just give a public service announcement to r/the_donald that they're not welcome.

When does it start?

Make a yt radio channel, I'll listen at work

Do retrowave music btw, Kek demands it

Nothing is happening.

>just let me know and the voice of Kekistan will scream it to the world.
>ok i see you
When do you start?

It's 5:30 in the morning in Denmark. I'm tired. When do you start?

the first is up!!

Make a YouTube channel