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continuing the faggotry of the last OP edition

>converted to islam recently
>whites think I'm a traitor
>muslims think I'm a weirdo


who would win in a fist fight?

My offer still stands, real version or modern?

No one cares in /britfeel/ and no one cares here





either way both are fucking retarded here

im retarded here it is

He's a national treasure isn't he?


Not having your shite m8

NEW with links and Brit/pol/ in title

why the fuck would you convert to islam lmao

Are madman versus some labour poofter? no competition.

Start bleaching now faggot.

tripfags ruining comfy brit/pol/ threads

Why do they care about the public sector so much. The most useless fuckers in the country.

He's the smug pepe of British politics.

wow so epic

>caring this most at 3am
The state of tripmongs

Thoughts on Corbyn not saying he will use the nuclear deterrent?

The absolute state of Mrs Proob.

He's a gaylord

right. so what difference does it make if they decide they want to deliberately make it a loss making company that provides super cheap energy and makes that up by, say, higher taxes on something else? it's effectively the same as a tax cut for energy users (i.e everyone).
utilities don't *need* to make money anyway, certainly not for foreign shareholders.
they should be there to allow other actually productive companies to thrive, not bleed them to death.
imagine how many industries we could have saved if we had chinese energy prices?
not for profit is how it's done in some american states and it works very well, and is the reason they have some industries remaining.

>Tripfags having to fix anonymong's mistakes
You're welcome.
>caring this most
Nice one you absolute failure.

kinda defeats the purpose of having a nuclear deterrent

>we have nukes guys, but we're never gonna used them lol xD XD

Is Boris Johnson Turkish lads?

Just shows his complete lack of understanding of what the point of a nuclear deterrent is.

Isn't it 3AM over there, friends? Get some sleep.

>expecting me to have brain when this tired

It wasn't a mistake. The minimalist brit/pol/ feel has grown on me

I hope he's murdered by the intellihence services.

reminder op is a gook

Said he wouldn't use it first.

Which I'm okay with. Peeps b not understanding what using nukes would do; or the circumstances that would have to come about to even consider using them.


pointless as labour and parliament have already voted to renew it.

PM's are not dictators, they are appointed by the party that governs and they can be replaced.

responding to my ancestors died screaming the rebel yell at yanks so I could also scream the yell at brits on an online Laotian fingerpuppet imageboard.

I encourage you all to give me your own version so we can make a British volunteer brigade and combine it together.

I just think it's fucked up were even discussing a 0.0000000000001% hypothetical possibility.
How has trident helped us against terrorism?

>whites think I'm a traitor
>muslims think I'm a weirdo

Well...they are right to think so. .

Praise Dixie

I am granting you a 48 hour /britpol/ visa, use it wisely.


here are some links that I compiled all by myself

>Asian Men lead away and rape woman in London

>Tory candidate South Thanet charged over expenses:

>PM accused of being submissive to Donald Trump:

>More noncery at the BBC

>Manchester Police find a significant car in terror investigation:

>EU will bypass Trump administration following Paris pullout:

>Latest Peter Hitchens and Owen Jones:

>BBC Question Time 01/06/17

Please use archive

>theguardian com/environment/2017/jun/02/european-leaders-vow-to-keep-fighting-global-warming-despite-us-withdrawal
>theguardian com/commentisfree/2017/jun/02/tories-school-education-cuts

Thanks, but I like my tea cold and sweet so I think I'll stay here. Nice trips btw.

So is Corbyn going to win?


Lads it's nearly 4 am why are we here?

trident isn't supposed to deter terrorism

Trident isn't supposed to help us fight terrorism it is there to stop nuclear nations from performing nuclear strikes against us because if they fired a nuke, we would fire one back. They would not ever instigate a nuclear strike as it would result in mutually assured destruction. This "MAD" system is what got us through the cold war without full-scale nuclear war.

/comfy/ pic, where can i find more?

Only the burgers and russians had the capability for MAD with their missile stockpiles.

We would just be able to take a few million slav subhumans with us, that's if trident actually hit the right place and not veered off in the wrong direction again.

That's the point sherlock. It won't protect us from the most relevant threat. It's a cold war era weapon, and in truth nothing but a status symbol to "keep us relevant on the world stage".
Which is fine, except when you've been told for the past 10 years we don't have money to spunk on luxuries like policemen and teachers.
And people here want Britain to concentrate on it's own problems.

Nuclear attack is not currently a threat because we have a nuclear deterrent.

Best thing to do would be to scrap the 0.7% commitment to (((foreign aid))), that alone would save 13 billion in a single year

£5bil a year in terms of government money is fuck all.

>it's already light outside

>foreign aid

This has already been snipped

Most of what we pay out goes towards foreign labs or universities for R&D, that sort of thing.

Kippers like to claim it's all going to fund starving arabs but it's not

This place is nice when the unironic communists and labourtards are asleep.

oh okay so i suppose portugal or ireland must be on the brink of getting nuked then?
it would probably lead to more immigration too. also heaps of it goes to british companies i have no idea why they don't ever mention this.
i know. but if someone says put 5 billion into education they get called a loony lefty.


Got groovin' to this and now I'm watching Ken Burns' 'Civil War'

Regarding trident it honestly pisses me off when the Gov fucks up and then tries to brush it under the carpet. The failed missile launch is just one thing that leaked, imagine what they have got away with over the years.

We had it with the SA80 back in the 90's, years of drawn out BS because the government didn't want to admit they were pissing away taxpayers money on a shit project.

We already pay ~£85bil into education. At some point they have to make do with the money they are given, cut the bureaucracy and stop being generally shit. Teach a man to fish and all that.

we could solve the 'most relevant threat' by nuking israel and saudi arabia with trident desu senpai

Because minorities love the public sector. It allows them to circumvent white power to acquire their fair share of resources.

Oh fuck off with this waste bollocks. I've worked in private and public sector jobs and there is far FAR more waste in the private sector.
It's complete horseshit to justify the tory dream of a ever smaller role for the state.

Well, yeah that could work.
But if the war on terror ended then what? They'd have to give us our freedom back and they can't really do that now can they?

Portugal and Ireland are our allies so who would be thick enough to nuke them.

Private companies have a financial incentive to cut waste. There will be inefficient companies, of course. But they'll have lower profits than if they cut the waste

You can also use it to protect your territorial integrity is compromised like the Russians have in their nuclear protocol (extended to Crimea now).

Nuke Buenos Aires if invades Falklands 2nd time.

Please be kind and help a burger out.

Which brit/pol/ is the right one? Pls respond.

Use this and recycle the other later

environmental terrorists

look who visiting the drugged kidnapped kids

If there is waste in a private sector company then they are undercut by a more efficient business in the same industry. If a public sector business is inefficient then it is just left to sit there and stagnate. Also my tax money doesn't line the pockets of the inefficient private sector, it does to the inefficient public sector. Also not giving the education public sector anything over £85 fucking billion is not exactly frugal.

Are the Tories still on track for a landslide or did they fugg that up?

>when Theresa May runs one of the worst campaigns in recent memory but the Conservative Party still doesn't die

Thank you.

On track for decent but not landslide win

What is the alternative?

Like Donald Trump?

>more ideology
sad desu

the one you don't belong in

So rude. I like Britain.

>"Capitalism doesn't work"
> -sent from my iPhone

not voting

>defending tax-funded bureaucracy
Literally all I said is don't fund education with more than £85billion. As if this is even an unreasonable position.

too bad you're an american and anti-britishness is in your blood forever

Reminder Jeremy Corbyn leading Britain through Brexit and meeting with President Donald Trump is the memeist outcome

Seems a bit defeatist, desu.

>too bad you're an american and anti-britishness is in your blood forever
Much of my family was born in the UK. I don't think just because I was born here that I have to hate the UK.

My grandmother would always tell stories of the Battle of Britain and living there.

is that good? saw it was on netflix

>"... and also in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the VERY EXISTENCE of the state is THREATENED ."
>2010 Military Doctrine

It won't probably be first use.

Ireland's governing Fine Gael party has elected Leo Varadkar as its new leader — choosing the gay, 38-year-old son of an Indian immigrant to succeed Enda Kenny as prime minister in a striking sign of the country's rapid social change.

She looks Mexican

Do you hate America?

Yes, it's very good

In a somewhat-unrelated note, I haven't been able to stop listening to this string band recently.

I hate being in America but traveling around has taught me to count my blessings, it could be far worse and America is at least on a better track than it was.