Why was gadaffi removed?
Guy seems like a fucking genius to me..
Why was gadaffi removed?
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muh petrodollars
he said NO to the jews
>we will trade Libyan oil for Euros, not American doll-
I rarely share stuff like this with the idiots here but fuck it
If you only knew how bad it really was
After a great deal of success in his early years, he failed to diversify the economy of Libya, so the country was stuck on revenue from natural gas. The standard of living hadn't improved in the last 20 years of his presidency. I suppose he slowly lost his supports, and he always had a fair share of enemies.
But why did the west get involved?
Hillary clinton.
Don't fuck with the petro dollar.
bc the poor guy was a problem for (((them)))
look at Gaddafi's Libya: a paradise for africans, no need to invade Yurop
Libya now is a massive shithole, a failed state full of fanatics and terrorism, but who cares, "the good guys (USA)" liberated them
Committed the mortal sin of commerce outside the free market
He refused to suck jewish cock.
Europe should care they are literally at boat distance.
He dared to oppose the almighty petrodollar, so terrorists invaded and incited revolution.
Daily reminder that Americans are just as big as terrorists as muzzies and every single American round up and executed to ensure world peace. Not a single mcdonalds will be left open on the day of the diet
>we will trade Libyan oil for Euros, not American doll-
Why would the EU allow this?
They weren't ready to abandon the petrodollar.
Libya kept those boats from reaching European shores...
Gadaffi warned Europeans that a massive wave of migrants was going to happen, he then said that Libya could only stop them if the EU payed him money.
They either were dumb and regarded it as blackmail, or they wanted to clear the way for the white genocide crowd.
The chaos in Libya also allowed Muslims to seize wepons, which then led to the war in Mali. More "refugees."
>Europe should care
thanks to murica and their "democracy"
Sorry, meant (((they))
Threat to the US
The West is cancer.
He sponsored terrorism, shot up nightclubs, bombed panes and also this.
oi mate, France "liberated" the fuck of Libya too, it wasn't the US only, it was the whole West/NATO.
yeah it makes no sense, especially considering we were part of the coalition
Gold dinar wasn't tied to international central banking institutions
He wanted to create a central bank to Africa fuelled their resources and controlled by them.
France would lose too much influence n north Africa and the IMF would not let this happen.
Frenchfrogs lost their independence since ww2
EU definitely should have paid. It would have been so much cheaper in the long run. If I recall, Gaddafi was only asking for 5 million euros; that's a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of welfare European countries are spending on refugees.
Google Hillary, france email leak.
I think the do his own bank thing probly it.
How can Hillary n Obama jsutify the outright murder of foreign leader?
Imagine they killed merkel!
Rare i see you are. In my collection you will go.
That only makes sense if you believe that the EU doesn't want to drown Europe with these people.
Gaddafi was an obstacle.
>Frenchfrogs lost their independence since ww2
All of continental Europe minus Russia and a few countries has.
"We haven't been a completely sovereign country for a single second since the war."
- German finance minister Schäuble bragging about it.
He was literally a national socialist by another name. A certain group of international bankers don't like it when a nation does what's in the best interest of its own people.
He wanted to recreate the gold dinar. a gold standard arab currency and trade oil on it. I doubt the euro was involved considering it was France pushing for the intervention.
damn, he was our guy
you're right m8
>He was literally a national socialist by another name.
this, jews were in full Oi Vei mode when they noticed
feels bad m8
>1 hour 30 minutes
no one is going to watch that you idiot motherfucker
All the world's genuinely good leaders are eventually removed by the United States.
All that remains are rubbish leaders.
USA is the real enemy
What? I thought those were the criteria to make the biggest arms deal in US history?!? What am i missing?
US generally supports terrorist organizations as long as it doesn't affect the US or Europe and stays in the Mideast.
>He sponsored terrorism
just like USA.
why isn't NATO just bombing the shit out of USA?
>USA is the real enemy
The globalists and the (((tribe))) are.
Americans are a decent people who live under occupation; this system was then brought to Europe in the shape of the Federal Republic of Germany.
It should be noted that the American people have voted against wars and elites for many years; both Obama and Trump won because they promised to get US troops out of the conflicts of the world and because they claimed to be agents of change.
NATO is controlled by the USA.
The United States knew what would happen to Europe if Libya was trashed. Gadaffi even said "Are you sure you want to trash us? We are the cork in the champagne bottle. Attack us, undermine us and Europe will be flooded with refugees".
America destabilized the nation nonetheless, knowing full well what would happen.
Europeans, the next time you want to have a go at refugees trashing your nation, just remember, it was your ally, the United States that did this to you. It the the fault of the US that Europe is in such a mess now.
Of course we must now ask, what would America have to gain from de-stabilizing Europe? The answer to this question should be obvious.
>US generally supports terrorist organizations as long as it doesn't affect the US or Europe and stays in the Mideast.
The people who run your country give a shit about Europe, and in a globalized world it is unlikely that deluded radicals will stay at some fixed place.
Europe is, in fact, supposed to be the trash bin for the 'human waste' created in these conflicts, although it has nobody to blame but itself for playing this role willingly.
hating the usa is the final red pill
> both Obama and Trump won because they promised to get US troops out of the conflicts of the world and because they claimed to be agents of change.
so did W.Wilson and FDR.
Americans fall in the same jewish tricks again and again, even if americans aren't bad, they are the biggest jewish weapon, americans literally go dies for Israel whenever the kikes want.
probably is not americans fault, but is their fault being so fucking dumb, even a spanish speaking third worlder like me notices america is fucked up.
So USA is the problem
Because he didn't dance to globalist's fiddle, did not want to use dollars since Libya's currency was actually backed by the gold reserve.
Is this real and what country is this?
Corrupt American politicians. The nation of the US isn't inherently the problem. Also Gaddafi was a problem too. Just because the US is corrupt doesn't mean I'm going to defend a despot who killed innocents.
That's Polish.
>It the the fault of the US that Europe is in such a mess now.
The Eu and the US are controlled by the same people.
The reason why everybody on both sides of the Atlantic is going crazy about Trump is that he refuses to understand that, and messes the "cooperation" up.
>America destabilized the nation nonetheless, knowing full well what would happen.
So did France and the UK.
>just remember, it was your ally, the United States that did this to you
Nobody forces the EU to let people in. As I posted above, they want that. In fact, it rather seems that the US was the useful idiot of the EU in Libya.
Its in Poland. They dont muck about there. Note the USS... names of each boat.
They know.
He kicked out the rothschilds
he didn't want to be assimilated by the rothschild banking system.
>Corrupt American politicians
corrupt politicians only have power when stupid people vote them, being retarded doesn't justify ruining yurop
>I'm going to defend a despot who killed innocents.
why aren't you bombing saudi arabia then? or Israel?
>inb4 muh allies dindu nuffin, they good guys, they trade in dollars
>but but muh greatest ally always must be safe
unironically kill yourself
1. Yes, but the leading EU nations will follow the US's lead, like all western nations.
2. Yes, because their master directed them to
3. The EU had no choice. They could not let millions drown in the med. The US was far from being a "useful idiot"
>probably is not americans fault, but is their fault being so fucking dumb
They are a decent people who accept the outcome of an election as their people's wish, despite all the bitching and the crazies.
The US was built to oppose radical change with checks and balances and to lock out radicals with the two party system. Some of that happened because the Founders wanted it and these ideas were perverted, some happened unintended.
Another problem is that right-wing populist media were subverted by Israel shills early on (Breitbart) and now the biggets nationalist in the WHite House is a former BB boss.
boy they will surely get (((shut down)))
Capitalism tarnishes everything including democratic government. Even the most squeaky clean politicians eventually succumb to corruption and vice. Those who do not are demonized and deposed
>America's number 1 priority is voting for Europe approved politicians
>why aren't you bombing saudi arabia then? or Israel?
Because politicians see those nations as useful allies.
>defending the man who funded Basque separatists and killed your own countrymen
Either cuck or muslim.
I know, that sort of shit is nuts lol
They send their undesirables overseas just like everyone else.
Or you want a gun nut in your block or in the ME?
>(((((( P E T R O D O L L A R))))))
>but they support """terrorism""" unlike us who created them fund them and arm them
unironically kys you kike cock sucker
Sounds like every other fucking country in the ME save for UAE and Egypt.
I never defended the US or CIA's funding of terrorism.
>Yes, but the leading EU nations will follow the US's lead, like all western nations.
These times seem to be over; and there ws already a split during the Iraq War. The problem is that they are onwed by the same people and believe in teh same globalist ideology.
>The EU had no choice. They could not let millions drown in the med
Until recently, the EU was the biggest economy on Earth, They could have easily adopted a 'no boats' policy and could have sent these migrants to camps in other parts of the world. For a start, a part of France is in South America.
This would have greatly helped the EU's image as an organization that is supposed to defend Europe's interests.
Instead, Angela Merkel announced to the whole world they could come, and there wouldn't be a limit.
While she is a US (establishment) shill, the blame is on her and the EU institutions who supporterted, not opposed, her illegal actions.
do you think they will manage to force them to take refugees by force ?
i mean they'll surely pull out a "muh ebil whites natzees' and start subverting their nation like they did to lybia until they bend down
Oh my.
Muh gold backed dinar
He told them what was going to happen and they didn't care. They wanted it to happen all along
A lot of our people naively believe in the rule of law still.
It's not so much stupidity as it is fear of chaos.
Trump is helping Merkel to force the agenda on Poland.
Polling shows that Russia is one of the greatest concerns in Poland. Poland always sucked up to NATO and the US for protection.
If Trump tells Europe that the US will leave NATO if Germany doesn't pay, Merkel can threaten Poland that she will goad the US out of NATO.
That doesn't mean it would automatically work; Trump either helps Merkel because he is conned into doing that or because he wants it. It seems she deliberately provokes him and the US MSM is helping her.
you guys are actually in chaos
Yeah, I reckon the latter will happen. All refugee boats should be intercepted, towed out through the strait of Gibralter and told to sail west until they land on US soil. Its only fair.
I agree, the EU nations (and particularly Merkel) are not blameless. But none of this would not have happened if the US had not set North Africa ablaze.
you really need to kys. it's the only way
Awesome image
Everyone interested in learning how misunderstood Gaddafi was: please watch Hypernormalisation, it's a documentary (by Adam Curtis which means it's one of the best ways to redpill people in a politically correct way) that covers Gaddafi better than anything else I've read/seen desu and relates it to American foreign policy too
Link: youtube.com
Main Gaddafi segment starts at 1:45:00, but I would strongly recommend watching the whole thing when you have a chance. It drops some subtle redpills about Jews as well (notably in the Henry Kissinger segment)
short interview with him. he's based.
terrorist? or freedom fighter?
Amen to that, they have this weird layer of normality, that makes them believe that the terrible things that happen right around their houses actually happen very far away.
Ironically, yes. The fear has led to the very thing people here...fear.
Not all of us have this fear of chaos. We do best without government and we don't support the actions of our government. But we get labeled as extremists or outlaws and the other folks are made to fear us by the government, who desperately thrives on the authority they gain out of pretending to cure society's ills.
It's a sad thing to witness from the outside. Imagine living here. It's nuckin' futs.
Cheers pal. Docos like this are always good to watch
A U.S civil war is what can actually save the "west" and kickstart a cleanse since the US is ZOGs main force.
At first you guys were right. Now everything is fucked up.
source on that ben franklin quote texas
>leaf uses VPN and attempts to co-opt the "day of the leaf"
Fucking canada. Day of the rake when?
oy! just some white-supremacist anti-semitic nazi bullshit