Whose side should mixed race Sup Forumssters be on? Because I swear to god familia I ain't lifting a finger for you lot if I'm just being hanged on the day of the rope.
Whose side should mixed race Sup Forumssters be on...
>Because I swear to god familia I ain't lifting a finger for you lot if I'm just being hanged on the day of the rope.
You're not white. 1 drop rule.
I hope this has been enlightening.
Keep the white race pure.
give Taylor a call
well you just lynched this entire country
Yeah this cute meme is fun and all, but isn't it a mistake? I mean you're rejecting a group of people who may have your political leanings, and understand your movement.
If those people turn against you then that's bad for your movement. The mainstream really know jack about all of this, even though they like to pretend that they do.
>mixed race
There is only one side to be on: the side of death.
It is not a particularly difficult choice.
As long as you don't mind being bred out of existence by only being allowed white partners, you're fine in my book. Hapas into quadas into heps into decideps into white.
Whatever it takes.
>UK flag
this is new
Go through the list of boyfriends. You'll not finda single instance of coalburning.
This desu
>Yeah this cute meme is fun and all, but isn't it a mistake? I mean you're rejecting a group of people who may have your political leanings, and understand your movement.
No, no it's not.
Because if the white race accepts you, then you will think it is ok to breed with our white women and more undesirables will be born.
We don't want your brown skin DNA fucking up our pure white race.
Just because your parents made a huge mistake in race mixing....why should the rest of us have to suffer for it as you try to drown out our white DNA with your mulatto genes?
If you put shit in a glass of water, it does not make the water better.
One drop rule applies in every situation
Remove all non white filth.
You will have destroyed SEVERAL generations of whites, in order to allegedly "salvage" one single white. The shit DNA still resides within him.
1 drop rule.
>being this slow
Screw the racist bullshit. You do know that the racism is encouraged here by shills, right? There are a lot of nonwhite people here on /pol, but do not talk about their race because of the stormfront faggots. We all need to work together against the globalists, or surely we will never have a chance.
You aren't even white by your own rule, guaranteed. There are no 1 drop whites in the world. They are gone, they've been gone for generations. Lynch yourself so sane people can continue without your schizo desgenic genes.
That's all fine and dandy but you're still not white.
Please go back to your home country.
Shlomo pimped her out bigly.
Deluded fool. You bring about your own destruction with irrational hatred. You do not fight the globalists, you just want to switch one kind of globalists with another you piece of shit.
>Non Aryans can't have Aryan values.
This smells like a meme spread by LARPing Khazars.
not shills, just manchildren
Still not convinced she's even put out once desu.
This. Anyone believing in the 1 drop rule needs to die in the race war.
You have not respect for us. That isn't a cute meme, it's quite serious. White genocide is real, and nobody is doing anything about it. Of course, a lowly shitskin like you wouldn't understand. There's millions of you idiots, all looking nearly identical with having the exact same I.Q.
Fucking mixed race FUCK ups are dying on the day of the rope, no matter how hard you kiss our asses.
found the nigger
>wants to divide the world into 10 whites and 6,999,999,990
>calling anyone else a jew.
This is classic divide and conquer bs. Kill yourself.
You do know you're going to be outnumbered...don't you?
I mean you only have two options, accept us or be fucking devoured.
If you're 7/8ths white and no more than 1/16th nigger, then you're okay.
Exactly. This is straight up JIDF level of "pro-pureblood Aryan ubermensch" shilling.
Understand that mixed race Sup Forumssters as you put it are a negligible minority in the event of a DOTR type scenario.
Anyone who isn't a civic nationalist is going to suffer the same fate as the communists would under ethnonationalism, just in reverse order. Ever more strict purity tests will mean the majority of people you would consider white would be killed as well.
Judge individuals as individuals and groups as groups.Don't judge individuals as groups or vice versa.
You're only going to find SOME people who sympathize with a mud-blood on the right.
You will not survive the day of the rope unless you are on the left and they miraculously fight back successfully.
If you are nice we can make it painless though
>10% native
I'm a red blooded All-American, but one great grandpa was a Redman. What do.
Ok Nick, now go to bed.
you can have your designated city but only for the halfs no quadroon nigs aloud that's how you make the American black race and we all know how that turned out
mixies get out, unless you are given an attractiveness pass by the bureau of 1488.
If you fight on the right side the worst that could happen is eugenics laws not allowing you to get kids.
>If you are nice we can make it painless though
This is so considerate of you senpai, thank you.
Wait why are halves allowed but not quadroons? I am a quadroon.
later bud
Get gibs.
And drink listerine. Or is that just the Canadian ones?
>I mean you only have two options, accept us or be fucking devoured.
>implying attractive white women are even REMOTELY attracted to brown skin or non whites (race mixed ones)
fuck off shill.
Go straight for the Jews. They're the people who have popularized and pushed race mixing. Your entire abomination of an existence was caused because of them.
You should be on the side of your family and by extension your people, whoever that may be. In the end, they're all we have.
The future is out of anyone's control all you can do be ready.
I hope that fate does not make us enemies user.
if you are mixed with nigger, it doesn't matter which side you are on.
If you are mixed with anything else but hate niggers, welcome aboard.
>we are being genocided
>you should fear us
pick one
Half Polish half Brazilian, I'm the true mixed master race.
If you are mixed you have no side. Neither side will accept you because you aren't entirely either. Instead of having the strengths from the synergy developed from thousands of years of evolution of a certain ethnic group you get random traits from both creating a bastardized amalgamation. It's a fucking hell.
Being white, why even bother keeping the white race pure? What has the white race done for me? Pay my bills? My college debt? My mortgage? When another white person is just going to stab me in the back and rip me off!! You're so deluded! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WHITE GENOCIDE!!! GOD I WISH YOU CAN BE JUST A LITTLE SMARTER!!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
>implying Brazilian is an ethnicity
Right back at ya
Mixed people will be either excluded or shot. We have no need for your bad genes.
This is true actually. You can't even clump us mixed people into one demographic, because we don't relate to each other as the same ethnicity, although we have a shared experience in the identity struggle.
I hate having a low iq. I hate being a lazy piece of shit. I hate being ugly. I hate having constant brain fog. I hate being physically deformed and weak. I don't want to reincarnate as a fucking non-white again. I just want to experience the joys of being white. You white people don't realize how good you have it. You take it all for granted. Imagine being non-white for a second.
People like you will be hanged first.
I could make your kids have a big dick if you let me fuck your wife bro, are you sure you don't want my dna?
No dude I'm not implying it, I'm just saying that my black dad was born in brazil and my white pure mom was born in poland.
>my black dad
Ok there you. Figured you meant native though
>all looking nearly identical
Purebred Englishman living abroad here. It's a spectrum mate, you can align with the civic nationalists and draw on your ethnic European side by a small percentage. Anyone who is using the one drop rule is on the right side but is being a bit silly in terms of pragmatism. There's simply no way Whites can exclude the mixed populations and expect to come out on top. Ignore the kids pretending the reich is coming back, best we can hope for now is a rich and wealthy predominantly white Anglosphere trading block with the way Europe is ostracizing the USA and UK right now. Multi-racial populations that share the same culture will always end up being the predominantly made up of the race of the host nation. If folk think Britain will turn brown they're very much mistaken and are probably looking at the decadent festering corporatist shithole urban centres and forgetting that suburban populations are the real voting blocks and carriers of a western civilization.
My children are 50% pure English and 50% pure Lanna (northern Siamese/Thai), you must teach them both histories and cultures, they will obviously align with the stronger culture and history but there's absolutely no merit or benefit to gain from suppressing the other ethnicity in them. Make sure they're on the side of the West culturally but support both of their ethnic groups futures.
If you're half Arab or Black though... Not sure there's much we can do to help because you're carrying some shitty genes. Only Asians and Europeans, obviously Euros win, build civilizations and empires.
What mix are you?
It is. Im a mixed white amerindian and wou die for Europe. Arisches blut sollt nicht untergehen
I'm half white/black.
I'm sticking with myself. Fuck taking sides. I'm my own human. At the end of the day it's only me in this world and my desires and all I want in life is a quiet, peaceful life beside my wife and children and watch as they grow old and I die years before my wife does surrounded by our family knowing I did good as a father.
Bullshit. At least 5% of whites are pure 100% european.
No, I wouldn't want my kids to be an unemployed nigger. Shieeeeet.
>this is why racemixing is bad
This post illustrates perfectly what the jew wants. A mixed race coward whom only thinks about himself. Hes not white, hes not black so he doesnt know who he should defend. This is what the international jew wants, create more divided people unable to defend themselves or their land because they have no allegiance to no one.
Also your way of thinking is of cowards. Gtfo of pol you stinking liberal. This is a fascist board.
>post made on an american burger eating forum
I think a lot more mixed people would feel reassured and more motivated to fight globalism if they didn't have to worry about their execution afterwards.
fellow mixed user here, nice shitpost skills. too bad white people and black people will cease to exist. master race mixed people ftw. fuck off one shades.
They could be rappers
I assume Hispanics are mixed race by default, right?
The one drop rule is stupid. Can you personally guarantee you're 100% white for the past 1000 generations? What do you qualify as white? Nordic? Germanic? Celtic? European? Indo-European?
As an Anglo I'm qualified to say that if you're European you're probably a Latin-Arabic mongrel. Celts and nords only, shitskin. Is that what you want?
>there are no purely white people even left!
>tfw you're 25% Mexican but you're light skinned, light brown hair, and blue eyes.
Not necessarily. Keep in mind Hispanic can mean any number of things. It often means mesitzo, but can also mean unmixed Spanish (especially in the Caribbean and the more prosperous areas of South America), mulatto, hapas, or even Spanish speakers of pure European background that isn't in Spain.
There are only two sides.
Jews thrive on racial hate. Stop fucking out bitches and we can save the world together.
>and live in fucking nowhere drinking moonshine and smoking meth.
I'm mixed, I would be hung on the day of the rope, I still meme it as hard as I can, and I am still a white supremacist, my only request is to wait to hang me until it's been ensured that all the kikes have been exterminated, then I can die happy.
>Hurrr durrr Commies are the smart people. We're not brainwashed at all.
Anyone who comes for me on the day of the rope will be btfo.
>I'm mixed, I would be hung on the day of the rope, I still meme it as hard as I can, and I am still a white supremacist, my only request is to wait to hang me until it's been ensured that all the kikes have been exterminated, then I can die happy.
No one is hanging you faggot. You just have to be a pioneer of your new Nation that is built without debt from kike banks
If you're a Commie, no gun will save you.
>day of the rope.
if that day does come
i'd probably hang more white people than blacks
nigger sympathizers are 100 times worse than niggers imo and /pol is fucking filled with them
if you have any black / mixed friends YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM
I'm a libertarian capitalist and a veteran.
>I'm a red blooded All-American, but one great grandpa was a Redman. What do.
Make Mexico great again, because you're Hispanic.
She probably didn't, but imo fucking a bunch of white-boys is just as bad.
I like your-I mean her, music as much as the next nerd, but she's got some issues.
I have a rather liberal notion to this issue (bear with me here)...
on the aforementioned day of the rope, all sympathetic and allied negroes and mixed breads will be granted amnesty and certain 'rights'.
Gay blacks and half breads are the highest class as they are no threat to breeding with white wombs. However, chemical castration would be preferable. Other than this they live quite normal lives.
Straight blacks must get castrated however they gain certain rights to be with white women if they do so. Also if it's with older women or widows.
Africa will of course stay free to breed pute blacks however heavy punishment for interracial breeding (think colonial level punishments).
Other races can be added to another post.
Yay or nay?
>railed gas block
HUEHAUEHAUEHUAE you're the one that's btfo
There's nothing wrong with that. And it's just the tip of the iceberg of my arsenal.
found the nigger lover who has " cool " black friends
If you are not associated with what is listed here, You will be at the very least tolerated
>Obnoxiously Gay
>Unchecked Mental Illness
>Criminal with sexual or violent offenses
I'm half mexican and half white. I've inherited all the whiteness that I can. My skin is white. I look white. I act and behave white. Mathematically speaking, since my wife is a third Mexican and has brown skin, she is technically more white than I am but my personality is more white than hers. I was born blonde and blue eyes and ended up with dirty blonde and green eyes in adulthood. Cannot I not be white?
what about the day of the rake?
Extremely hardcore autism here
>She probably didn't, but imo fucking a bunch of white-boys is just as bad.
You need to get dropped nigger. I wish I could meet you
How's your failed Commie government Brazil? China buy your sister yet?
I'm not black, but I really don't give a shit about you or your gay ass LARPing. You can pretend you're some badass "niggerstomping" Stormtrooper all you want, but we both know that if you were you'd either be dead or in prison, getting raped in the ass. So play on, faggot.
>ain't lifting a finger
Wow, a lazy nigger. What a surprise.
Haha. Just kidding.
You'll be hanged.