>american education
American education
We don't like it, either.
What's going to happen to this kind of people when they finish college?
they fail and become burdens. either to their families or the state. But with trump for the next 8 years i doubt they'll be able to live the leech lifestyle anymore.
Yeah I'm not about to defend this. Colleges & universities here have gone off the deep end.
they don't finish, they just stay in their day care screaming at white professors until it all comes crashing down
>finish college
affirmative action gets them a job, they plop out 6 shitskins just like them, rinse, repeat
He could get a career spamming hashtags.
Why? He's not even black
Excuse me did you just assume his race
starbucks barista
He knows it's in his own interest to support black interests, because black privilege is real.
>day care
That's a pretty good description of American colleges
I'm gonna send an application that says "Remember the Holocaust" 100 times, maybe they'll give me a scholarship or something.
That kid had like a 4.0 and a really high sat score
He did it because he knew he would get in
Plus the question was one of those Bullshit ones like "what matters to you"
And if they don't I'm gonna accuse them of antisemitism.
They become professors or community organizers
Government jobs
Demand free college after and complain that they can't afford loan repayments feel the bern
You'd probably be given a teaching position
why did he stop at 100? is he implying that black lives only matter so many times?
Do it in German
This. Unless he posts it at least over infinite times he's being disrespectful.
Ive heard a lot about this kid but heres the REAL reason he got into harvard
>2400+ on SATs
>Internship with Hillary Clinton
>4.0 GPA
he could've wiped his ass with the essay and gotten in
>That kid had like a 4.0 and a really high sat score
plus an internship with the Clinton campaign which is pretty good to put on a resume as a teenager
your schools are trash, you sound like a fucking butthurt faggot
>burger education
Why is this same thread created every single fucking day for months on end? Sage.
any source on the GPA or SAT or are you just pulling this out of your ass?
Job in some start up non-profit social activism influence-tank