Bill Maher called himself a house nigga on tv

This is not ok, call HBO and voice your opinions towards how this made you feel

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Piss off you faggot, you're no better than the liberal crybabies you make fun of.

Comedians get a pass. The only profession that you can joke about racism/sexism/pedophilia, etc.

stop being a faggot.

NYPA and sage

You realize he knows about Sup Forums, right?

>Hehe let's show these LIIBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRULS from our super sekrit lair!


what is holding people to the standards they set?




I hate kikes and niggers just as much as the next man, but I refuse to resort to shitty anti-freespeech liberal tactics.

And this is why the right will never stop losing ground.



>trying to censor someone for saying nigger
Fuck off

We liberals now!

No this is funny

And that is why you will lose. Enjoy your 'honor' and 'out of bounds' shit while niggers are raping your woman and running roughshot over your city.

He just parodied the line from Django Unchained, get your panties untwisted

kek, lets do it. i am deeply offended and demand his resignation


Fire up those Twitters fellow pedes xD!!

For kekistan!!

Tiger Woods - No one could screw up their career like I did this weekend...

Kathy Griffin - Hold my beer...

Bill Maher - Pfft Amateurs

As a proud gender fluid otherkin, I cannot allow this cis-gendered white male continue to oppress minorities such as myself with hateful language.

I demand he be fired from HBO.



lets make it happen.


i cannot believe how racist Bill Maher is. HBO needs to fix this quick!

Fellow 'pedes, finally we can prove that dems are the real racists! So based!

If I didn't know any better, I'd say ole Billy bitch is trying to take some heat off of Kathy



yeah not funny when we play your game, cunt

We're going to Alinsky his ass. Let the left get a taste of their own medicine.


Hold the enemy to their own standards. Rules for radicals day one stuff, faggots

lel, let's make this happen

38 seconds:

>‘I’m A House N*gga’: Did Bill Maher Cross a Line During Ben Sasse Interview?

Support his right to say nigger you idiots. That will trigger the left more than firing him.


Please go here and let your outrage be known!

not his personal army goy

Another perfect opportunity for Sup Forums to discredit and fire another smug liberal. Lets get started boys.

The mean man say a word that hurt you in your little safe space. Grow a pair snowflake.

Why should we give anybody a pass? This is fun.

This would work. Also refering to him as a race realist would help.

>current year

Why does anyone still watch him, seriously, he's not even funny.

Dude, I fucking hate Bill Maher, but I actually have some damn integrity. I'm not about to pretend like I give a shit just to unjustly ruin his career.

Bill Maher's nose looks like a flaccid penis.

Fuck this deplorable asshat. If this means Griffith and Maher will both have their careers done and over in the same week would be a dream come true.

Now we just need John Stewart and Corbert in there.

>house nigga
I feel like he told the truth about his life for the first time.


Now I'm going to get a subscription.

Is this a new troll now always one or two shitheads in a thread whining about this?

Defending the right to say nigger would be more fun.

Can we get him fired? HBO needs to get rid of all white males anyways to make room for diversity(tm).

But you know that right won't extend to anyone but liberals

This is why the right is losing. Because of cuckservatives like yourself.
>WHAAAT? Make my enemies abide by their own rules (the ones that they make everyone else follow)? No way! Winning the culture war is what liberals do, you don't want to be a liberal, right?


>not using your freedom of speech to support freedom of speech

Meh. I've been called one to my face by darker relatives.

>the lefties trying to damage control and get us on bills side

>Maher's redemption arc involves fixing his smugness and reviving himself as a right-leaning libertarian

He's a decent asset. I wouldn't mind if he became /ourguy/ to a small degree.

Leave, nigger.


Sup Forums is a board of politics and it is nonpartisan. As a centerleftist I think we should do what we can to put an end to this mans platform to spread hate.

it made me feel good

You say your a house what now ?
