IQ plotted with GDP. Where would you rather live?

A scatter plot of national IQ versus GDP per capita. The exponential correlation is ρ = 0.61.


who needs iq when you have oil

Ya. The plot tells you what you need if you don't have IQ. Having oil is like having a rich stepdad.

No Mudslime, No Niggers, National Pride

How is Malawi the dumbest, but still richer than 4 other nations?

there's no fucking way the IQ of China is that high, it's a total lie. they must go through and pluck their absolute top-tier students

most Chinese look like pic related

GDP doesn't mean shit, standard of living is what matters

GDP per capita is just how much the government can whore the country and its people out for, then divided by the number of people. GDP is a moronic metric invented by the American government so they can pretend they're number one.

Chinese cheating on tests? Impossiburu.

Or you're just fucking dumb as shit

easy. switzerland.

chinks are notorious liars and love route memorization

wow no shit GDP influences intelligence, if blacks in Africa had as much money as the West they would have the same IQ

Still smarter than brits who're smart than burgers

We tried that.

that racist book has been debunked

It has been denounced, not debunked. The science has long been mainstream among intelligence researchers. See Rindermann, Coyle & Becker, 2013.

just more racist whites with their racist books, doesnt change the facts

Yes, certainly, the facts have the final say.

>1.1% urea

I actually don't believe the Asians are any smarter than Caucasians, in fact what I heard is they're like 98/100. The difference is their numeric system allows them to do complex math earlier (ie, its logical, the word for 80 is the compound of 8x10 with no funny business), and they study much harder (yeah, farming rice paddies is tougher work than farming wheat fields I'll tell you that much)

A bunch of Asians speak only English and never seen a rice paddy in their lives. Variations in math ability are genetically heritable, and genes are likely to explain the difference.

Which is the independent variable? I'd bet that there is none because this is bullshit correlation ism, not good statistics.

Has it been proven Asians separated of their culture do better than Caucasians? My point was more, Asians culturally know the value of hard work and discipline whereas we got it through creativity and hard work and a bunch of sovereign states competing against eachother for many centuries.

But china is so retarded but they have a decent IQ

A correlation is all this proves. If I wanted to prove causation, then I would have to bring in heritability studies, the statistical validation of Spearman's hypothesis, the global consistence of the racial IQ hierarchy among multiracial nations, IQ regression to the racial mean, the consistency of blended race being blended IQ, the transracial adoption studies, the general failure of attempts to isolate environmental variables, and things like that, but, like I said, this isn't really about causation.


>1.1% urea
Camel Piss is THE magic potion of Orient.


>not ruling over one of the sub 70 IQ nations with an iron fist

IQ is a social construct created by whites

We have Abos with IQs of 65 and plenty of southesat Asians with IQs of 85

consider the following:
does it take more iq to steal or jew?
china is still one country (and some would argue, and more); while africa and russia (and some world argue, EU) aren't
western countries are like ~10% nigger/ abo/ inbred-paki (special mention for le 56%), so iq can be expected to be depressed