confused, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>nigger flowcharts
Fucking niggers
>says nigger
>niggers chimp out
>protect self with deadly force
>put in prison
why are white people so weak that they allow this Sup Forums? niggers will stomp a white man to death in a circle but when a white boys calls a nigger a nigger, every other white boy is terrified to step in.
Woooooooooow you're actually going to say that?
I bet you a white person made that chart
when you call someone a nigger you're instigating the violence
were not bill mahers personal army faggot
Yes I can.
Oh look I can say it.
When you call a nigger a nigger you are simply stating a fact.
>white boys actually believe this
so when a nigger calls me a cracker (dangerously close to kike btw), i should break out the rope or what?
I identify as a black person one nanosecond before, during and one nanosecond after I say "Nigger"
Spontaneous Trans-Racialism
none of you would dare to say the n-word in real life.
what a bunch of cowards you are.
suck my dick niggers
That's not how freedom of speech works you double nigger
You'd be surprised...times are changing
B- but the chart said you couldn't!!! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE
>cracker is dangerously close to kike btw
no it isn't. Also one dude tried the same shit you're talking about where he instigated violence by calling random black passerbys niggers and had a gun ready if and when they would attack him and had it on camera. Its very plain and simple instigating
Not true at all, doesn't apply when youre threatening someone or harassing someone
What kind of Swede cuck nigger logic is this?
But all of us come from mama africa, aren't we all mixed inside?
Hey look at that, I can!
Please tell me how "nigger" equates to threats and harassment?
Fuck off nigger
Actually it recently was found the original humans came from Europe. Out of Africa forever BTFO
Fat and smelly NIGGER
people always let out a nervous laugh when i say 'preto'
>translator note: preto means nigger
Of course, it's a chart.
>tell me how "nigger" equates to threats and harassment?
>tell me how the mind of the SJW kangz work
You ask the impossible
That sounds like something a nigger would say.
I always do. I actually prefer the term Negro
how about Monica??
I say it all the time.
But what if I hate niggers?
Mexican America here, stupid Niggers
Niggers call me shit all the time. Of course I keep quiet in front of them because I'm fucking 5'6''; but fuckers are hypocritical as fuck.
Niggers, even those who I think I've interacted enough with to warrant trust, freak out when I call them thus even though I put up with their own slurs without minding. "No, I don't care, man! You can't call me that!" "Fuck off fucking beaner, don't you call me a nigger! I'll fuck you up if you say it again!" They want their cake, but they want to eat it, too.
I really don't care about being able to say it or not, I just want to explain one of the fucking monkeys the blatant double standards; but trying to have such a talk with them would most certainly rile them up and have them attack me; so fuck that.
I say it all the time. Niggers have no power over me.
fucking TOP KEK
Couldn't, and shouldn't are two different things.
Imagine if you were electric wheelchair tier paralyzed from like the neck down or some shit and you had a one legged buddy that could hobble around half decent with some crutches. You calling him stumpy and shit is almost a compliment because you'd trade places in a heartbeat. Him complimenting your spotless three year old Nike's is just mean.
Now apply is logic to you and your associate's racial handicaps.
Wtf I love Bill Maher now?!
Say it around my black friends when they act up
Why they really hide who spreads AIDS ?
Why they open our borders and feminize our males?
Why they try to keep all of us blind?
Why do niggers commit 90% of the Crime?
Come the fuck on, man. Welfare? Affirmative Action? We wuz kangs? If you're black and you've got half decent manners and are able to work in an office environment without raping anyone, companies will fight for you and make you a manager just so they can show how progressive they are.
Me? If I'm lucky they'll hand me a broom and tell me to go clean shit for less than minimum wage. "And do a good job, José, or we call La Migra".
It's our power-trip, and we will defend it, do u understand white nigga?
We telling you what you can n cannot say reinforces our victim mentality, see?. It is symbiotic with white liberal guilt-trips, u see now nigga?
BLM-SJW win-win nigga.
It's OK, I'm white and racist so I can say nigger.
thats what im talking about, its not justice, its allowing niggers to be violent without consequence. white people are fucking retarded, you faggots deserve extinction.
Can I say it as a 1/16 abo who doesn't look it at all?
wait so can i say nigger or no
We're taking it back. If you call yourself a nigga, you're a god damn nigger. If you're black, you're a nigger. If you act black, you're a nigger. If you're OP, you're a fucking nigger faggot.
"Are you allowed to dictate my speech?"
-A Flowchart-
The N_Word
and anyone calling me racist is a spontaracialtransphobic and is triggering me, so back off!
>can you say the n word
Why is this so hard?
If you bring a conclusive dna test to your local government service centre you'll be able to pick up a niggering licence.
i despise how liberals talk. not only do they say so much without ever making something resembling a point, but they do it while being so obnoxiously smug you just want to start producing industrial pesticides.
Do you know how rare it is for a nigger to fit those qualifications? Average IQ of 70; borderline retarded as a race. To take advantage of those handouts you have to have below average white person intelligence, which is genious level relatively. The vast majority of blacks get bottom of the food chain handouts, like ebt cards and prison jumpsuits.
Your people have jobs and fathers. Well, at least here they do. Idk about on your side of the wall.
Or whatever I'm just an info graphic not a cop.
What kind of stupid are you?
You call others cowards for not daring to say nigger **AND YOU CAN NOT EVEN WRITE IT** You fucking cuck nigger
n-wordist fucking stupid moron
Can we make n-wordist a derogatory term?
An n-wordist is a fucking cuck who don't even dare even to write the word NIGGER.
Fucking n-wordists
This is such a fucking sophism that it makes me angry. Fuck you.
That fucking chart oozes with liberal smugness down to its very design. UGGGGGGGGHHH. Clearly made by a dumb nigger like Sydney G. desu
Ok, clearly I'm cursed so that whenever I deleted a post to fix a mistake, someone will reply to it.
Also don't forget redefining anything that's inconvenient and might ruin their point.
very nice but fixed it for you
if another user wants to find the font, change the title from n-word to nigger
So only niggers can say Norway? That's kinda racist.
Why are Africans so triggered by the word nigger? It's literally just two syllables, nig-ger, I don't understand why that triggers them so much. When people call me a shitskin, spic, and a dirty monkey I don't get offended, and that shit's much more offensive.
nigger, currynigger, sandnigger, house nigger, punkass nigger, nigger gumbo, nigger salad, nigger soup, nigger eyed peas, fried nigger, nigger cocktail. nigger nigger nigger.
This chart isn't about if you can say nigger though, it's about if the nigger will chimp out on you when you say it.
Of course everyone CAN say nigger, but saying nigger to a nigger is going to make that nigger mad.
I feel like this should be more of a condemnation of the nigger, though. Who do you feel sympathy for? The nigger who was called a nigger, or the guy that nigger killed for using his ability to speak to call him a nigger?
It's just a power trip. SJW's are the same but they have an arsenal of things that they will *crush you* if you dare say or do. Note: it works only with cuck withes. If you're coated in teflon as Trump is (ie you don't give a shit) it does not work and they get REALLY TRIGGERED
(((freedom of speech)))
Sup Forums needs to desacralize that word IRL
Pic is a lie! I'm pic related and I get hounded by people that I used to know in school for saying nigger.
Yes, checked. It is in the books, you're excepted. Move along.
Shit like this legitimately makes me want to start saying nigger just to trigger the niggers that make this sort of shit
>nigger nigger nigger
>nigger nigger nigger
>nigger nigger nigger
>nigger nigger nigger
A nigger talking about a chart about saying nigger referring to bill maher saying nigger which offended niggers.
That makes 4.
coming from a leaf, sort your shit out