Wow....why were we never told about this? Damn...
Wow....why were we never told about this? Damn
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Because no one cares.
Of course white people don't. They don't want to lose their privileged positions in society.
why did he stop at 15million ? shouldve exterminated them all and lions included to make africa habitable , also hippos and other dangerous shit.
a true hero in my book.
Would you say it's about keeping the upper ''hand''?
Aaaaaaaaand I have a brand new idol.
Fuck, Belgian in US so I have US flag.
Anyhow, Leopold did nothing wrong.
Listen to yourself. You're a monster. How deluded can people seriously be to get to this point. Please delete your post.
Which society? African society? Asian society? Arab society? Or do you mean the societies orginized by white people(you know, the ones everyone wants in on)?
This is illegal your hun
You are both so sick.
Every society. Places like Congo are still reeling from the effects of white supremacy and colonisation.
Media gives no fucks about Zaire. They spend all of their time on Holocaust movies, books, education, propaganda, and so on. Remember the Six Gorrillion, goyim.
List of genocides by death toll
Holodomor (Гoлoдoмop) (Ukrainian genocide) Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Cambodian genocide Democratic Kampuchea
Armenian genocide Մեծ Եղեռն (Medz Yeghern, "Great Crime") Ottoman Empire (territories of present-day Turkey, Syria and Iraq)
Rwandan genocide Rwanda
Dude! Delete this post man come on think of the children.
King Leopold II did nothing wrong.
They're not shitholes because whites where there, they're shitholes because whites left.
> throw some non-country under the bus to rile up blacks
> get them to support the removal of hitler from history books and replace him with king leopold
> use this as an opportunity to develop a mysterious and cool tone around hitler
> eventually get blacks to unironically support hitler
this is a gold mine you guys are sitting on, staring up at the sky instead
Shills on this thread from the start!
How easy it is to spot. Who gets offended at what they read on Sup Forums?
I never heard of him. It's like our schools just try to erase history.
Congo is reeling from the effects of black people. Haiti is a lot like Congo because it's people are from Congo.
blacks already dont give a shit about hitler
Geeze come on man
It's like...
Leopold man...
We were kings and shit
Leo was a good king, he didn't do anything wrong.
Joseph Conrads short story "Heart of Darkness" takes place during Leapold IIs control of the Congo.
No, Africa was always shit. Colonizastion was actually extremely beneficial to them.
The mistake they made was when they kicked the colonizers out.
Is Zimbabwe better now with no white people?
Nope, they were some of the most prosperous societies on earth before the arrival of the white man. Look at Mali. Look at Zanzibar. Look at Great Zimbabwe.
Whites fucked it all up because they were scared of the POWER of Africa, which if united, would have ended white supremacy for good.
Who the hell hasn't heard of Leopold II? I learned about him in normal public school.
It's not privilege, it's the natural order of things
Niggers can't run society
>Is Zimbabwe better now with no white people?
Absolutely. Thanks to Mugabe, the indigenous people now can control their own land and resources without being exploited for a quick dollar.
because jews didnt care about niggers until they realized they could cover up their control of society by advertising black men in everything.
None of those places were in the Congo.
What's the big deal OP? Just a few dead niggers. Not like they would not have killed each other off or starved eventually.
Influence from Medis and Bedouins
Influence from Bedouins
>Great Zimbabwe
Influence from Bedouins
Peoples of the north built Africa's best, you're a retard.
He killed far more than 10m Europeans in addition to jews
You the only one who don't know
Eleven million total, by (((all))) accounts.
Seven million at Auschwitz alone!
Hey hey read this Mr Call Center employee:
I want to ruin your personal life using nothing but truth :3
*9,000,000 "people"
There's a statue of him in brussels
>10 million europeans
Maybe this nigger needs to go back to school because she was taught about none?
>Whites aren't violent
>Have two world wars killing over 75 million people
The 20th century was a fine example of white people ruining the world for everyone once again.
The truth is simple. Even Jews are worth more than niggers.
The jews own the media. Why dont they talk about all the white christians killed by jewish bolsheviks? Way more than fucking Congo!! Why dont theu mention the 2+ million germans killed in the german civil war by bolshevik jews BEFORE ww2?
Did you know they had a human zoo?
My point is that Africa was prosperous before colonisation and the reason for colonising Africa was to eliminate the power of Africans, who were challenging white supremacy
Doesn't matter. Bedouins are still indigenous to Africa.
That's actually a good point...
Only 10 million?
The POWER of the most prosperous societies on earth but conquered in a manner of years while barely being capable of organizing resistance.
Man you're pretty nicely on the line of baiting without going overboard. But I'm tired now so I gotta stop funposting. Goodnight, Aussie.
anons I am on the verge of cracking the whole thing wide open, if Sup Forums can figure out the Zionists are always pushing for communism its game over. I believe it is biblical in nature but it has been a long time since I read the old testament get autistic as fuck and lets figure this out
I know you are just baiting, but whatever.
>Africa was prosperous before colonisation
Bedouins = Arabs, Shilly Dingo McShillington
(or poo in loo)
This was the asian exhibition.
What's with Euros making lions extinct?
Jews and Gypsies aren't European.
>colonized Africa because Africans were challenging white supremacy
>no sources cited
>ignores the profitability of African land
Sure. Colonization was definitely ideological (?) and not profit driven.
>White people chimp out
>80 million people die
>Black people chimp out
>Two grocery stores get looted in Atlanta
What did they mean by this?
We barely covered World War II when I was in school. And by barely, I mean we were taught basically nothing about the other two Axis powers (Japan and Italy) and the Soviet involvement was briefly mentioned. I don't ever remember being taught anything about European colonial history aside from the Scramble for Africa, and again, it was only briefly mentioned.
Then again, I went to public school in Texas, our only purpose was to learn what was on the TAAS (Texas Assessment of Academic Skills is what I think it stood for) test near the end of the year. It was TAAS when I was in school, I think it's called TAKS now.
But this all counter-balanced by the fact we had slavery taught to us since we were in third fucking grade, good lord, you knew NOTHING about history from grades from kindergarten to ninth grade aside from white people being evil to non-white people.
She can bitch about not being colonial African history, but there's absolutely no disputing the fact that we were taught far more about slave owners and Conquistadors than any other group of fucking people on the planet in our history education. "Evil whitey" was firmly stuck up our asses, so she should consider that a victory.
white people built the world so i'm pretty sure they can destroy it too you nigger
I knew about this. Man was a saint but an underachiever
more europeans died in battle though.
Nice fake news. The only reason why Zimbabwe is "poor" is because of the sanctions and embargoes placed on it by white nations. Like I said, white nations FEAR a untied, stable and strong Africa.
White people love playing divide and rule. I'm not going to play their game.
Because the Holocaust happened and the Congo "genocide" didn't.
Leopold civilized the Congo and made it valuable enough for the globalists to want to steal from him and those who'd invested their own money in the rubber industry.
The alleged atrocities were wildly exaggerated or just made up. Fake news is not a recent invention.
Many black people in Africa admire Hitler for being a great leader and killing lots of whites.
Because just like in the early Soviet Union, the communist goverment, commisar police and central bank will be majority jews.
Communism is the ultimate form of dictatorship of a ((small clique)) who owns everything while the other 99% own literally nothing.
King Leopold II did not murder 15 M Africans.
Actually now they call that autistic catastrophe of a test (which even Juan Pueblo fresh across the Rio Grande can pass) the STAAR.
>white nations FEAR a untied, stable and strong Africa
no one fears united chimpanzees
Do you have a single source to back that up?
t. shitfaced abbo
I wouldn't be so sure the holocaust happened user read this
>Zimbabwe can't even feed itself with super fertile land—among the best in the world
>This is clearly because foreigners refuse to export food to them.
u fuckin wot
Because all those tribes, let alone countries that had been warring with each other for eternity were going to forget everything just to stick it to the white man.
What's public opinion about Leopold like?
Has he been smeared through revisionist (((history)))?
Then start by moving to an African country, Jamal. Go be free with your proud people. You can go to Ethiopia which was never colonized and thus as prosperous as the rest of Africa would be without white oppression.
yah but the wealthiest people in society are already mainly jewish this makes no sense, they would have a net loss not gain
Leopold was a miserable failure.
This guy is right
Pic related
maybe it's natures course that africans keep getting BTFO by whites lmao. ever consider that?
How is going from owning a lot to literally owning everyhing and having power to kill anyone not the next step?
it has to be biblical the only way to get people to work for something generation after generation is for something idealistic not materialist
Yes. It's called reality.
Zimbabwe is feeding itself. Much more so when it was under white minority rule and all the produce was going into the fat mouths of the white masters.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
>You can go to Ethiopia which was never colonized and thus as prosperous as the rest of Africa would be without white oppression.
Fake news. Ethiopia was conquered and colonised by Italy before WW2. In any case, it has one of the fastest growing economies in the world right now.
He killed niggers he's a success in my book.
Arent niggers only 2/3 a human? No big deal.
>Zimbabwe is feeding itself.
Yeah on handouts from the 1st world ie white countries
It was also feeding itself fine before they drove out the white farmers as well
It's probably someone bored with being a straight Sup Forumsack, and turning to the dark side for lulz. It's ok - getting good at speaking the other side's language is a good skill to have when trolling them.
I really don't know why blacks continue to bitch about slavery in the US which ended 150 years ago when there are black people being bought and sold in slave markets in Libya today. Actually, that's not true, I do know: it's because slavery is only bad when Whitey does it.